I dedicate these words to this precious kitty. Upon spay surgery it was discovered she was born with her organs constructing her heart. As her heart and organs grow the heart will eventually have no room to pump. It is expected she will pass suddenly without warning. She is now part of our family and my son’s friend and emotional therapy cat. She watches over him like an angel sent from heaven. I hope my son will process her passing whenever that comes, with strength. They are both in need of each other as each gains love and peace within each others company. #ragdollkitten
Will be spayed Dec 05. Will be ready soon after they heal from surgery. Visit website at MyChampionHeartRagdolls.com for details. Text message or email for voice call requests or communication can be done via text. Contact info listed on website. . What they have while with me: * vaccines*rabies vaccine (upon request if age appropriate)*microchipped*routine deworming *and will have started Nexguad Comb to help protect against intestinal parasites, heart warms, and fleas. For personal pickups I meet family in Escondido (SD), Menifee, or occasionally Corona if time permits for me to travel up in that direction. For families flying into SD for personal pick up, I meet at the San Diego airport (LAX IS TOO HECTIC!! PLEASE AVOID).If you’re flying in to pick up your new furry family member in San Diego, it’s a smooth and comfortable process. I meet you at the airport. I avoid the hectic LAX, book to meet at the San Diego airport.For those residing out of state, worry not 😊. I arrange safe and comfortable ☺️ in-cabin travel with a personal pet travel nanny, ensuring your precious ragdoll’s well being throughout the journey. Cargo shipping is not an option. Note fees are pairs directly to the pet nanny and is 100% a separate fee. To learn more about this precious Ragdoll or others explore further details at MyChampionHeartRagdolls.com. For any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected] or simply send a text to 310-733-0404 – our best point of contact. #喵星人 #cat #cats #catlover #catlover #catlife #cats_of_world#cats_of_instagram #猫奴日常 #instacat #catoftheday #catloversclub#catphoto #猫咪日记 #catphoto #catsofinstagram #cats🐱 #猫咪日记#ragdoll#ragdollsofinstagram #ragdollkitten #ragdolls #kitty #kitten#kitties #小猫萌萌哒
I lost my ig (years of content and my supporters). Be aware of fake trolls or real troll mentality individuals! Report of possible!!
I ask anyone gracious to share a shout out of who I am and my available kittens. Worst time to lose my account and have trolls.
Regardless I have faith through this process I will come back better than before with the grace and favor of God 🙏🏼💕
Thank you to family, friends, and my supportive followers! Can’t do it without you all!
#ragdollkitten #ragdollcats #trolls
This is Rey (female) DOB 1/25/22
We currently have 2 kittens available. 1 female , 1 male pets all blue bicolor lynx.
Delivery with travel pet nanny service. Or meet in person from San Diego to Orange County (depending on your location).
#blueragdoll #ragdollcats #sandiego #socalcats #ragdollkittens #bluelyxbicolor #bluebicolor #whitekitten #riverside #ragdollsofinsta #kittenlife #dailykitten #bicolorlynxragdoll #2022cats #babykitten #fluffykitty #fluffycats #adorableanimals #adorables #blueeyedcat #ucsd2022 #catstagram #布偶 #cat_features #catoftheday #meowbox #ucla2022 #mychampionheartragdolls #mch #mcheart
Name BB-8
Blue bicolor lynx
#socal #beautifulragdolls
#beautifulragdollkitty #布偶貓咪 #bluebicolorcats
#ragdolllife #ragdolladdicted #ragdoll_world #riverside #ragdollbreed #ragdollsincalifornia
#ragdolllover #sandiegoragdolls #sandiego #mychampionheartragdolls #mcheart #mychampionheart #bluebicolorragdoll #kittendaily #kittensdaily #bluebicolorkitten
#ragdollclub #fluffykitten #mychampion
#inlovee #布娃娃猫 #布偶 #ragdollkitty #ragdollkitten
Blaze Boy going home today!
Blue bicolor lynx
Have two kittens available. A seal Mitted female and a blue bicolor.
Delivery with travel pet nanny service. Meet San Diego up to OC. Or San Diego Airport.
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 :
𝐈𝐆 /𝐓𝐢𝐤-𝐓𝐨𝐤 @ MyChampionHeartRagdolls
𝐅𝐁: @ MCHRagdolls
YOUTUBE @ MyChampion Heart
Thank you all for your support in following, liking, and sharing my post =) Thanks a million for your time!!
#beautifulragdoll #ucb #beautifulragdollkitty #布偶貓咪 #ragdollgirl
#ragdolllife #ragdolladdicted #ragdoll_world #ragdoll_cat #ragdollbreed #orangecounty
#ragdolllover #riverside #sandiego #mychampionheartragdolls #mcheart #mychampionheart #animals #kittendaily #mcheart #kittensforsale
#ragdollclub #fluffykitten #ucsd2022
#ragdoll #布娃娃猫 #布偶 #ragdollkitty #ragdollkitten
Link One - Went home Friday 💕
#socali #beautifulragdolls #beautifulragdollkitty #布偶貓咪 #ucb2022
#ragdolllife #ragdolladdicted #ragdoll_world #ucla2022 #ragdollbreed #ragdollsincalifornia
#ragdolllover #sandiegoragdolls #ucsd2022 #mychampionheartragdolls #mcheart #mychampionheart #bluebicolorragdoll #kittendaily #kittensdaily #kittensforsale
#ragdollclub #fluffykitten #mychampion
#inlovee #布娃娃猫 #布偶 #ragdollkitty #ragdollkitten
Tigger went home
What a good baby!!
#beautifulragdoll #mch #beautifulragdollkitty #布偶貓咪 #ragdollgirl
#ragdolllife #ragdolladdicted #ragdoll_world #ragdoll_cat #ragdollbreed #orangecounty
#ragdolllover #riverside #sandiego #mychampionheartragdolls #mcheart #mychampionheart #animals #kittendaily #mcheart #kittensforsale
#ragdollclub #fluffykitten #mychampion
#ragdoll #布娃娃猫 #布偶 #ragdollkitty #ragdollkitten
White Tiger 🐅
My Champion Heart Candy
Ch Diamond Dolls Alexander the Great
Pick up location can be from San Diego to Orange County. Or San Diego Airport if flying in. Also can us travel nanny service (not affiliated or associate with travel services).
#bluebicolorragdoll #bluelynxbicolorragdoll #sandiego #socalcats #catterycat #bicolorragdolls #kittenseason #whitekitten #riverside #ragdollsofinsta #kittenlife #dailykitten #kittenstagram #2022cats #babykitten #fluffykitty #fluffycats #adorableanimals #adorables #blueeyedcat #ucsd2022 #catstagram #布偶 #cat_features #catoftheday #meowbox #ucla2022 #mychampionheartragdolls #mch #mcheart
Blaze-boy Male
Blue lynx bicolor
Ch My Champion Heart Anastasia
Ch Diamond Dolls Alexander the Great
Pick up location can be from San Diego to Orange County. Or San Diego Airport if flying in. Also can us travel nanny service (not affiliated or associate with travel services).
#bluebicolorragdoll #bluelynxbicolorragdoll #sandiego #socalcats #catterycat #bicolorragdolls #kittenseason #whitekitten #riverside #ragdollsofinsta #kittenlife #dailykitten #kittenstagram #2022cats #babykitten #fluffykitty #fluffycats #adorableanimals #adorables #blueeyedcat #ucsd2022 #catstagram #布偶 #cat_features #catoftheday #meowbox #ucla2022 #mychampionheartragdolls #mch #mcheart
Rajah- Male
Seal bicolor lynx
Ch My Champion Heart Anastasia
Ch Diamond Dolls Alexander the Great
Pick up location can be from San Diego to Orange County. Or San Diego Airport if flying in. Also can us travel nanny service (not affiliated or associate with travel services).
#sealbicolorragdoll #sealbicolorragdollkitten #sandiego #socalcats #catterycat #sealbicolorkitten #kittenseason #whitekitten #riverside #ragdollsofinsta #kittenlife #dailykitten #kittenstagram #2022cats #babykitten #fluffykitty #fluffycats #adorableanimals #adorables #blueeyedcat #ucsd2022 #catstagram #布偶 #cat_features #catoftheday #meowbox #ucla2022 #mychampionheartragdolls #mch #mcheart
Red/cream bicolor
Ch My Champion Heart Anastasia
Ch Diamond Dolls Alexander the Great
Pick up location can be from San Diego to Orange County. Or San Diego Airport if flying in. Also can us travel nanny service (not affiliated or associate with travel services).
#redbicolorragdoll #creambicolorragdoll #sandiego #socalcats #catterycat #flameragdolls #kittenseason #whitekitten #riverside #ragdollsofinsta #kittenlife #dailykitten #kittenstagram #2022cats #babykitten #fluffykitty #fluffycats #adorableanimals #adorables #blueeyedcat #ucsd2022 #catstagram #布偶 #cat_features #catoftheday #meowbox #ucla2022 #mychampionheartragdolls #mch #mcheart