Amarula Angoras and Mohair

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Amarula Angoras and Mohair Cedar Grange Angoras is run by Andrew,Ian and Heather Gossip at ‘Border Park’ Frances on the South Australian-Victorian border.

We aim to breed angoras which produce and reproduce in our environment. We strive for large open faced goats who walk wide, are economical to run and produce long, soft, super styled mohair which is free from impurities. This somewhat small and independent goat will raise one or two kids annually, produce 3 to 6 kilos of luxurious fibre, control many unwanted species of weeds on your farm, find ev

ery weak spot in your fences and at the end of its productive life provide a carcass of the world’s most widely eaten meat. Angoras will challenge your patience, your persistence and all the while be producing for you. It’s for these reasons that we believe that the Angora Goat has a place in Australian agriculture on both large and small holdings. We would encourage anyone to thoroughly investigate what is required to raise Angoras before you jump in head first. Farming Angora Goats can be a pastime that soon becomes a passion and ultimately an addiction. We highly recommend it and would love to introduce you to Angoras and Mohair.

These two young bucks breed by Lynne and Don Carter really caught my eye when I was up at Lynndon Grove last week. Both ...

These two young bucks breed by Lynne and Don Carter really caught my eye when I was up at Lynndon Grove last week. Both exhibit the traits we are after with purity, type, frame and fleece. Can't wait to give them both some does this season!

Lustre and purity

Lustre and purity

Kids being kids

Kids being kids

And we are done!! Finished up on this single buck whopper yesterday. 76 kids for the year. It was a full family effort w...

And we are done!! Finished up on this single buck whopper yesterday. 76 kids for the year. It was a full family effort with everyone getting in and doing their bit!! Huge thank you to Mum, Dad and Naomi for all you have done. Wendy and our kids got stuck in to kidding straight away and you wouldn't know it's there first year! Up and down that hill getting the mums and kids down, feeding and watering! All you guys are awesome love you!!

Kidding still going at Mount Compass, lovely big strong kids this year. These two were up and drinking in less than 5 mi...

Kidding still going at Mount Compass, lovely big strong kids this year. These two were up and drinking in less than 5 minutes!! Happy farmer here!!

Cedar Grange back at Adelaide Royal after 8 years! A bit of duc tape on the old banner and already to go. The three old ...

Cedar Grange back at Adelaide Royal after 8 years! A bit of duc tape on the old banner and already to go. The three old girls did us proud with first and third in their class. I reckon that those little ribbons mean more to me than all the other champions before. It's only the beginning (again)!!


While most of the country is still dealing with the crippling drought we at Mount Compass have water pouring out of the hills!! It reminds me of a line in Jean Eblings book about us angora farmers" even after the worst of droughts the first raindrops on your roof at night will have us bolt upright worrying about weather all the goats have shelter" I've had many a sleepless night this last month!!

Two more doe kids!! It's turning into our best year yet!!

Two more doe kids!! It's turning into our best year yet!!

The Amarula does are busy kidding at Lynndon Grove. Finally having a doe year 11 bucks and 20 does so far with more to c...

The Amarula does are busy kidding at Lynndon Grove. Finally having a doe year 11 bucks and 20 does so far with more to come!!


One more reason in this ever changing world to promote our industry to the public! And please check out Eureka Mohair Farm on Facebook these guys are doing some wonderful things in South California!!

Amarula Burger. By C.G Schalk Bruger (24) out of C.G Klipspringer 429 a C.G Buffel doe. African excellence!!

Amarula Burger. By C.G Schalk Bruger (24) out of C.G Klipspringer 429 a C.G Buffel doe. African excellence!!

The Amarula buck kids are growing well at Don and Lynne Carter's. We are excited about the potential of these guys.

The Amarula buck kids are growing well at Don and Lynne Carter's. We are excited about the potential of these guys.

Beautiful late afternoon winter's day at Mount Compass on Friday. Does on the hill with Amarula Lesotho our joining sire...

Beautiful late afternoon winter's day at Mount Compass on Friday. Does on the hill with Amarula Lesotho our joining sire for the year. Special mention to Dumbo one of my favourite does still going strong at 10 years!


Had to share this from my friends the Grant Giles Hillington ranch in Texas. A wonderful sight to see!!


There were very high expectations for the second last mohair sale of the 2019 summer selling season in Port Elizabeth. This, because traditionally most of the top mohair clips in South Africa is sold and displayed on this sale. According to Pierre van der Vyver (OVK Manager: Mohair), “It is astonishing how the individual farmers, most of them Angora stud farmers, manage to improve every year, especially as this year, in particular, was difficult because of the severe drought” Some of the top clips in the world were displayed. A new world record price was established by Ben van der Westhuyzen’s clip from the farm Leeuwdrift in the Adelaide district. This two-bale lot was of very high quality young goat mohair but presented as winter kid mohair. These bales come from individually selected young animals, picked by computer through the EGT process for fineness and quality, and shorn separately to produce this magnificent mohair. These two bales tested 24.8 micron on average with a clean yield of 89.1%. The length and style were excellent. The Italian client paid a R589.00/kg for this privilege!
The well-known father and son duo of Billy and Fred Colborne from the farm Kilborne in the Willowmore district fetched a seasonal record high price of R801.10/kg for there best bale of summer kids on the same sale. The whole industry is looking forward to the Ermenegildo Zegna trophy sale in June. Just the absolute best of best bales of summer kids that qualify is entered in this competition and sale. The winner gets worldwide recognition for having the best bale of mohair in the world!

Daar was met groot afwagting uitgesien na die tweede laaste sybokhaarveiling van die 2019 somer verkoopsseisoen. Dit, omrede die meeste van die beste skeersels in Suid-Afrika op die veiling verkoop word. Volgens Pierre van der Vyver, Bestuurder van OVK se sybokhaarafdeling, bly dit verstommend hoe die boere dit regkry om elke jaar net die kwaliteit skeersels verder te verbeter. Dit, onder baie moeilike omstandighede soos byvoorbeeld die huidige droogte. ‘n Nuwe wêreldrekordprys is onder andere op die veiling opgestel toe 2 bale jongbokhaar (aangebied as winter kleinbokkiehaar) van Ben van der Westhuyzen, van die plaas Leewdrift in die Adelaide distrik, verkoop het teen R589.00/kg! Die sybokhaar is geskeer van jong diere wat spesiaal deur middel van ‘n rekenaar en die EGT-proses vooraf geselekteer was vir fynheid, lengte en kwaliteit. Die 2 bale het 24.8 mikron getoets met ‘n skoonopbrengs van 89.1%. Die lengte en styl was besonders goed.
Die bekende pa/seun kombinasie van Billy en Fred Colborne van die plaas Kilborne in die Willowmore distrik het met die seisoensrekord weggestap op dieselfde veiling teen R801.10/kg vir hulle baal somer kleinbokkiehaar! Die hele bedryf sien egter nou uit met groot verwagting na die Ermenegildo Zegna kompetisie-veiling in Junie. Dan word net die beste bale somer kleinbokkiehaar beoordeel en verkoop. Die wenners kry wêreldwye erkenning as die beste baal sybokhaar ter wêreld.

PHOTO/FOTO: Matthew Fox (OVK afslaer/auctioneer); Ben van der Westhuyzen (verkoper/seller); Ilse van der Westhuyzen (verkoper/seller) and Pierre van der Vyver (OVK Manager/Bestuurder: Mohair)

We went back into our tank last year at Amarula for the first time. This not so little guy is by C.G Buffel (HLRS 10-58 ...

We went back into our tank last year at Amarula for the first time. This not so little guy is by C.G Buffel (HLRS 10-58 in Texas) a pure Martysford sire. Great to see the purity, size and open points of Buffel in his son. And as you can see from his photos on the shearing table his first fleece wasn't bad either😉

Mohair is still rocking!!!

Mohair is still rocking!!!


The mohair sale of 16 April 2019 in Port Elizabeth will be remembered for a while as it had the biggest turnover ever at a single broker, in excess of R46 million! OVK Manger: Mohair, Pierre van der Vyver, reports that it was the biggest sale of the season, which also ranked as of the best quality. With a sale like that it was expected for some record prices to be made, with Jerry and Wayne Pienaar from Bokvlei Farming, Beaufort West who stole the limelight with a world record price for adults @ R420.00/kg! The same clip also set a new record for an average price for a total clip delivered at R416.84/kg! The Pienaar’s comment was: “We must say thank you to the terrible drought currently raging in our area. At least it is making mohair finer to get better prices. The better prices alleviate some of the financial pain by buying all feed to keep our animals going” Paul Broeksma from Teerputs Farming, Aberdeen equalled the current world record price for young goats at R490.00/kg and Paul Webber from Grahamstown set a new seasonal record for summer kids at R621.00/kg! Van der Vyver further reports: “This really say something special about the mohair industry. The farmers are facing the worst drought in 100 years and the buyers facing the closing of the borders of China, one of the important buyers of semi-processed mohair from South Africa, because of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in South Africa, and we still experienced a record sale”.

Die sybokhaarveiling van 16 April 2019 in Port Elizabeth sal vir ‘n rukkie onthou word. Volgens Pierre van der Vyver (OVK Bestuurder: Sybokhaar) was dit die sybokhaarveiling by een makelaar met die grootste omset nog ooit, naamlik R46 miljoen! Dit was nie net die grootste veiling van die seisoen in kg nie, maar ook die een met die beste kwaliteit. So ‘n veiling gaan natuurlik ook gepaard met rekord pryse. Jerry en Wayne Pienaar van Bokvlei Farming, Beaufort Wes het hier die kollig gesteel. Hulle het die nuwe wêreldrekordprys van grootbokhaar behaal @ R420.00/kg en sommer ook die rekordboeke herskryf om die hoogste gemiddeld ooit vir hulle totale skeersel te behaal teen R416.84/kg gemiddeld! Die Pienaars se reaksie was: “Ons moet dankie sê vir die huidige droogte wat die haar fyn gemaak het en dus die haar duurder gemaak het. Die beter pryse verlig darem die finansiële pyn wat die droogte veroorsaak, want alle kos vir ons diere moet op die stadium aangekoop word” Paul Broeksma van Teerputs Farming, Aberdeen het die huidige wêreld rekordprys vir jongbokhaar ge-ewenaar @ R490.00/kg en Paul Webber van Grahamstad het ‘n seisoensrekord vir somer kleinbokkiehaar behaal teen R621.00/kg! Van der Vyver sê verder: “Die sybokhaarbedryf bly ‘n baie spesiale bedryf. Die boere beveg ‘n droogte wat eenmaal in ‘n 100 jaar voorkom, terwyl die kopers die sluiting van Sjina se grense beveg as gevolg van die uitbraak van bek-en-klouseer in Suid-Afrika. Sjina is een van die hoof invoerders van semi-verwerkte sybokhaar vanaf Suid-Afrika. Dat die bedryf onder hierdie omstandighede nog steeds so ‘n rekord veiling kan hou soos die afgelope een, spreek boekdele!”

A great story about where our African goats come from. Sean Hobson tells what makes Martysford so unique. So honoured to...

A great story about where our African goats come from. Sean Hobson tells what makes Martysford so unique. So honoured to have their genetics as the foundation of Amarula.

Sean Hobson is the sixth generation of Hobson to farm on Martyrsford in the Jansenville district of the Eastern Cape. He farms with sheep, cattle and Angoras.

I want that leaf!! Photos taken less than a second's hard getting good shots🙄

I want that leaf!! Photos taken less than a second's hard getting good shots🙄


This Adelaide Cup day ( a long weekend in South Oz) we were all out there doing some fencing. The result the kids now have their little bit of goat paradise. These kids have never seen grass before but didn't need any help getting stuck into all on offer!! Good day had!!

Lazy Sunday morning with the does. They are very content 😊

Lazy Sunday morning with the does. They are very content 😊


The 2nd mohair sale of the 2019 summer selling season excelled when all types of mohair increased in price, helped along by the 2.7% decrease in value of the Rand. Needless to say, that all buyers competed strongly with each other to maintain their market share. The offering was smaller than usual, but was of surprisingly good quality, taking into consideration the very dry conditions in which this mohair was grown. The demand from Europe is very strong and fineness sensitive. The East, with all the import embargo’s, is still very quiet. That is expected to change later in the season. The best price of the day went to Weeber Truter from Oudtshoorn at R549.00/kg! This for a B-length, 25.9-micron, 90.5% clean yield, bale of winter kid. However, Willem Wagener from Willowmore, stole the limelight with a world record price for young goats at R530.00/kg! This for a C-length, 25.4-micron, 81.4% clean yield, bale of young goats, offered as winter kids.
Today's sales analysis is as follows:
The price of kids increased by 8.4% with a market indicator of R415.57/kg and a 100% sale clearance; young goat hair increased by 10.1% with a market indicator of R324.09/kg and a sale clearance of 100%. Adult mohair increased by 2.8% with a market indicator of R248.33/kg and 100% sold. This brought the overall sale clearance to 100% and the overall market indicator to R296.40/kg which is an overall increase of 5.8%.
The only type of mohair that did not increase in price today was strong adults. This was due to a low demand on the strong mohair, especially from China. The price gap between the different microns is on a continuous incline. This demands special attention to your clip, making a difference between fineness in the clip, even if it means dividing a full bale. The embargo on all wool and mohair by China should be solved soon and did not have a direct influence on the sale today. Sustainability certification played a bigger role. Please make sure that all farms are visited, inspected and the paper trail completed right up to the broker. The next sale will be far bigger, but with excellent quality on offer. The quality that the mohair farmers produce under these worst drought conditions in a 100 years, stays a miracle. The next sale will be offered in Port Elizabeth on the 19th of March 2019. So reported by Pierre van der Vyver, Manager : Mohair.


The day was come!! Welcome to the new Cedar Grange 2.0!! The start of something new with the foundation of old C.G does. Goats have settled in well to their new surroundings at Mount Compass 😊. This would not have been possible without the huge support and help of Lynne and Don Carter I can't thank you enough!! Looking forward to some wonderful times with my goats and family, feeling blessed😃


FarmBiz spoke to industry role-players to find out more about how mohair is processed, and traced the process from shearing shed to sweaters.

Had to share this post , where Amarula all started, top South African angora bucks!!

Had to share this post , where Amarula all started, top South African angora bucks!!

Top Rams standing proud


Interesting about the buck test in Texas

A few photos of some Amarula kids at Lynndon Grove. A special mention to C.G Eland 48 one of our original 2010 embryos f...

A few photos of some Amarula kids at Lynndon Grove. A special mention to C.G Eland 48 one of our original 2010 embryos from South Africa, she was Champion Doe Kid at Sydney 2011 in Cedar Grange's last big showing. Longevity of fleece is not a trait many find in African goats but as you can see from the first photo she is still holding it together! And one of her buck kids is looking very promising 😀




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Our Story

Cedar Grange Angoras commenced in 1988 when we bought 10 Angora does in Goulburn NSW. In 2000 we moved to a larger property in Crookwell and this was followed by the move to Border Park 1500 acres on the SA/Vic border at Frances. After Andrew left to live in South Africa most of the stud was dispersed and the farm sold. However the South Africa genetics became Amarula Angoras and are being run and managed cooperatively with Lynne and Don Carter of Moonta SA. In 2017 Andrew returned to Australia with his wife and family and is managing an Angora farm in Cowra. So he is back in the business.

We aim to breed angoras which produce and reproduce in our environment. We strive for large open faced goats who walk wide, are economical to run and produce long, soft, super styled mohair which is free from impurities. This somewhat small and independent goat will raise one or two kids annually, produce 3 to 6 kilos of luxurious fibre, control many unwanted species of weeds on your farm, find every weak spot in your fences and at the end of its productive life provide a carcass of the world’s most widely eaten meat. Angoras will challenge your patience, your persistence and all the while be producing for you. It’s for these reasons that we believe that the Angora Goat has a place in Australian agriculture on both large and small holdings. We would encourage anyone to thoroughly investigate what is required to raise Angoras before you jump in head first. Farming Angora Goats can be a pastime that soon becomes a passion and ultimately an addiction. We highly recommend it and would love to introduce you to Angoras and Mohair.