Placing this here since it is proving too difficult to delete just my business page:
Time for a sea change. Just sent this to all of my clients. Onward! 💜
After 23 years of caring for your equine friends, I am retiring as of June 1st.
I am excited to announce that Dr. Kris Anderson [https://www.facebook.com/EquineMobilevVet/; [email protected] ] has purchased my mobile dental practice, Complete Equine Dental Maintenance. Dr. Anderson was my first choice for succession and I am thrilled to pass the torch to her. A native Texan, currently based in Santa Fe, Dr. Anderson is an established mobile equine veterinarian and will continue to come to you!. Most importantly, Dr. Anderson and I agree on the fundamental approach to the mouth and its care. This was critical for me to feel comfortable to move on. The sale of my practice includes my portable stock, all of my dental records, and the same business phone [713.864.7353] so that continuity of care will be maximized. You will hear more from me as Dr. Anderson and I prepare for the final transition.
I, along with my various four legged companions, Houdi, Woody and most recently Hudson, have been honored to care for your horses’ mouths over the past two decades. You have welcomed us into your lives, a true gift that has made this journey so rich. Now is the right time for me to shift gears. Twelve years ago I developed chronic fatigue (CFS) after a routine viral infection. As I get older, and with longer and hotter summers, (heat exacerbates CFS), I am having a harder time recovering from my daily routine. I look forward to heading to cooler temperatures in the Northeast coast and spending more precious moments with my parents.
Thank you for your business and friendship, I will miss you!
Primarily equine veterinarian, with focus on equine dentistry and soft tissue surgery in the field.