Catmint pawtrol
Purrrrrrs dear furriends, I am feeling much better today! I had a good breakfast and Mum and I are inspecting my catmint plantation. Thank you to each and every one of you for your love, care and suppawt, I love you. 🖤❤️
Pawtrol and garden work is never done…
Yoga time!
Time for some yoga!
We have had a very sad day yesterday: firstly honouring the third Bridge Anniversary of one of my dearest furriends Boo Boo Moriarty, and then hearing that our most beloved Grandpa Buster had passed away. Mum has also been doing a deep dive into chronic kidney disease research, following my latest blood results which showed I am in early CKD.
In times like these, it is very impawtant to focus on our mental health and making sure we ourselves are OK.
So join me in some simple yoga moves!
(And join Mum in some soothing songs as Meta deleted her first post and her blood pressure is rising as she tries to stay calm, rewriting all of this!) 😹
I am investigating a repawt of bustling in the hedgerow. All clear…
Stealth Pawtrol Lesson
I’m giving Mum a lesson in Stealth Pawtrol - you can judge how successful Mum was by my expression at the end!
My twin and I crossing the grasslands on pawtrol…
Nurse Kitty repawting for duty - I got Mum rugged up in warm clothes and we went for a brief pawtrol. She’s still feeling unwell and I’ve prescribed lots of rest, therapurry, fluids, and a brief walk to get fresh air.
Pawtrolling the south-western territory…. This is a sheltered patio that is purrfect to inspect on a winter’s day.
Yesterday was a warm day (we’ve had really cold weather at the tail end of autumn) so I went on pawtrol with Mum in the late afternoon. You can see a couple of my garden residents enjoying the afternoon too, and I helped Mum water our new winter pansy plantings.
Pawtrol today: it’s a cold but sunbeaming day after sleety rain last night. A crisp winter’s day. You can see the pawparrazzi is slow off the mark to track me, I have learned evasive moves!
At the end of a good pawtrol, and I’m ready for lunch. Hurry up, Mum!
Mum is back! I’m so happy! We’re doing a pawtrol together.