It is always distressing when dogs are abandoned. It is even more distressing when a breed not meant for India is found abandoned.
Our boy Raja, came to us in a sad state - emaciated, with overgrown nails and a hopeless look in his eyes. We put the word out for an immediate adoption but did not receive much response.
About 3 weeks after Raja came in, we had a walk-in. Kabir Handa and his father came to have a look at our dogs, looking mostly for a German Shepherd to replace one who had passed. Kabir, however, took a look at Raja and decided he needed the most help.
And so, Raja became Yoda, taking to his new family like a duck to water - settling in before we could blink! After spending a few days in his grandparents' Noida home, Yoda is now happily settled in Dehradun with his parents - living the life he is entitled to.
Thank you, Kabir and family, for being so pro-adoption and opening your homes and hearts to this giant baby boy ❤️