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Pawsitively Happy This page is for the community of angels who provide homes to lost & abandoned animals - makings tai


Sweet L'il Pixie was abandoned at The Animal Hospital & Shelter, Noida, on 16/6/23. Tiny and introverted, she seemed such a misfit for the shelter environment.

We reached out to Anjali Sharma, a long-time volunteer and an ardent pom/spitz lover, and were delighted when Pixie went home almost immediately.

Knowing the Sharma-Vinaik household, there were no doubts about the outcomes for Pixie - happy, vocal, and a bully of all other four-legged members of the family❣️


Bruno, a young lab mix, was found abandoned for unknown reasons and joined the ranks of our many blacks labs.

However, to his good fortune, Sandeep Upadhyay, who had previously adopted an older black lab (Blacky) from us, reached out to adopt a needy dog.

When Pratima and Sandeep visited us to see the dogs, Bruno chose them and went home happily ❤️

The pictures speak for themselves ❣️

Happily adopted!

Happily adopted!


Goldilocks was thrown in front of The Animal Hospital and Shelter, Noida, from a car with a small family, including children. This was on Holi. 😢

A kind person saw Goldilocks chasing the car and took the initiative of chasing this family in his own car. On confronting them, they had the same old excuses, and we decided that Goldilocks was happier with us (she was chased too and got into our volunteers' car with almost a sigh of relief).

So Goldilocks, a small, Indie-mix girl, gentle and reserved, came to us. The Saturday following Holi, a young couple, referred to us by the awesome adopter of Brooke "Doggie" Shields, came visiting and fell headlong into love.

Goldilocks went home the next day, after Sukrati and Gaurav readied their home and families for her. She is so very much loved today that she was indeed lucky to have been abandoned by that heartless family. ☺️

Thank you to all those people who have the heart to adopt, especially those who do not have any preset notions of breed and age ❣️


Our Sandy went home, and what a glorious home it is 😍

Abandoned at The Animal Hospital & Shelter, Noida, at the beginning of the last winter, Sandy has been looking for a furever home for a long time.

He got lucky, or so we thought, when Priya Thapar connected us with someone who already had another Saint. The ever-generous Priya also arranged Sandy's transport to his new home. Unfortunately, his adopters did not give him the space and time required for him to make friends and really pushed their luck. They threw up their hands overnight and said they would be unable to keep him 😢

Priya, being her usual loving self, stepped in once again and sent her team ASAP. She said, and we quote "Maybe Sandy was always supposed to be mine" 🥰

So Sandy is now Priya's and is living life king-size - an AC cottage, a personal attendant to take him to play every two hours, plenty of people to hang with (turns out he's a peoples' dog at heart), and no anger issues - at all!!

What a difference a day makes - from unwanted (twice over) to much-loved. Thank you Team Pasha for letting us continue dreaming that things are good with the world ❤️


On April 20, 2022, we posted about a grievously injured Husky boy who was dumped at our shelter here ( 😢

After a few days of battling his injury, we are delighted to inform you that he went home, perhaps to the best home possible.

Abhinav Shrihan, known for his animal whisperer ways, adopted our boy on April 24, 2022.

Lucky (and he is indeed that) has joined Abhinav's pack and is now a joyous boy, happily trying to forget his past ❤️


Our Chitti went home 😍
.. to a wonderful 11-year-old boy, who was recommended to us by the super-generous Poonam Mittal.

This little boy put in the effort to come to the shelter 4-5 times, befriend Chiti, walk him, and prep him for family life. 💕

God bless children like Lavish who want a family member and not a stuffed toy, and we thank his family for inculcating the right values in him 🙏


Our Pepsi, one of the sweetest, friendliest, cutest dogs we've had, was overlooked by many - we still don't get why.

Until... Aditi and Rachit came along - determined to give a a home.

Pepsi became Dolo and slid into his new home as if he was born there as if he was meant to be there... 🥰

Dolo is now a thoroughly spoiled little boy, getting a toy a day, with bedding we are almost envious off 😂

It's times like these that give adoption coordinators hope - even in the COVID age, when there are more people abandoning than adopting.


We spoke of our wonder boy, Doodle's adoption in a previous post ⬇️⬇️ and mentioned how his family had adopted a sibling for him 😊😊


So here's presenting Adrakh, adopted by the amazing Honey and family, who have left no stone unturned to ensure that Doodle and Adrakh have the greatest home ever ❣️❣️

Needless to say, Doodle and Adrakh make the best pair of siblings - cuddle-bunnies to the core ❤️‍🔥


A pair of miniature Pomeranians was abandoned at The Animal Hospital and Shelter, Noida, about 6 weeks ago.

Perceiving the immediate threat to their health, we immediately shifted them to a foster - our own Anuradha Dogra - who is always present for animals in distress. This was a boon since both (especially the male) were in very poor health already.

As soon as they stabilized, we started floating the word around for their adoption. Since the pair were so deeply bonded, we wanted an adopter who could give them a home together.

We'd like to thank Priya Thapar for connecting us with the absolutely amazing Kalpana Mehra, who took the Puff home asap (a Puff of poms is the correct term for a pair of poms is what she told us 😊).

The Puff join Kalpana's five other dogs and have successfully managed to terrorize their bigger siblings (they wouldn't be poms otherwise, would they?) 😂

Thank you, Universe, for connecting the dots so beautifully ❤️


Abbo, an 8-year-old, shy boy, lived at the shelter gates, friends with only a few humans and dogs. Due to his nature and seniority, he was overlooked by all potential adopters, until Pratap ji and Vasudha ji noticed him. With their immense love for senior doggos, they immediately decided to take him home to be a younger sibling to their even older Indie, Boxie.

Our hearts overflowed with joy when we saw how well Abbo settled in with first his parents and then with Boxie.

Barely had Abbo settled in that Pratap ji, who is a regular visitor to our OPD, spotted and befriended Tiger, our 10-year-old German Shepherd boy. We received a request to adopt Tiger too!

So here they are, Abbo, Tiger, and Boxie, a trio of Golden Oldies, living the perfect, retired life with their parents. 🥰🥰

We could not be more content that someone understands the phrase "there's something about Oldies." 🙏


In May of 2018, we received a call about a Mastiff who was in dire straits, left hungry and thirsty on a balcony in Ashok Nagar. Our stalwart volunteer, Nikhil Sahai, led the rescue effort and Gabbar was rescued from a dirty, filthy home where he received no love.

After a couple of weeks of rehabilitation, Gabbar was rehomed with Surbhi, who had already adopted a beautiful rottweiler (Tiger) from us.

Take a look at Gabbar, now Jack, almost three years later - and how love has transformed him ❤️


Our "boriya-bistar" dog went home!

We posted about this abandoned dog a few days ago - and named him Jeevan.

His owner came looking for him after that. His younger brother abandoned him mercilessly because he bit someone while the owner was away.

After reassuring us on all counts, including signing an undertaking that this will never happen again and that he will keep us updated, his owners took him back yesterday.

PS: The doggos original name is Bosco and there was no containing his happiness when he realized his parents came for him after all. 😍

Thank you all for your concern 🙏


Jerry (odd name considering she is a girl) was dropped off at the shelter by her callous human who said he could not take care of her any longer due to ill health 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, though she is a sweet (and verrry playful young dog), she found no takers due to her lack of a Made-in-Foreign tag. In fact, she faced one return from a home that claimed she was too playful for them. 😢

However, things looked up for Jerry when Chetan and his wife decided they wanted a dog, with no emphasis on age, breed, or label. They met, they fell in love, and they took Jerry home.

They've had a bit of a rough ride since Jerry is indeed up to mischief at all times and is a "mouther" but they stuck to their guns and are training Jerry to play gentle 😍

Jerry is home, we are happy, and more power to people like the Bharadwaj's - who take a decision and stick to it ❤️


Dazzle, part of a litter of 3 pups, who came with their injured mother to the shelter, was adopted by Upasana and her family as soon as he could be separated from his mother!

Upasana, referred by the ever-helpful Aditi Kakkar, is a super-amazing mom, with tons of experience with fostering young pups. She has ensured the utmost degree of care to young Dazzle and he is thriving in her care. His elder four-legged sibling, Bubu, takes an active interest in nurturing him too! 😍


Ms. Muffin was dumped at the shelter at 4 months old, with parvo. For two weeks, she struggled hard with bloody diarrhea, dehydration, and extreme weakness. However, she, along with our staff, fought desperately for survival, and survive she did. 😎

The day she was declared parvo -ve, she was whipped off to foster with our Aparna BD as she had very low platelets and congestion for which Aparna took her for daily injections to the vet.

After many bucket-loads of p*e and poo being cleaned by an over-wrought foster, as lead after lead dropped out, she finally got adopted about three weeks ago by the awesome Ishani and her family. 😍

We are grateful to Shruti Jangid for this wonderful lead 💙💙


Olive came to us about a month ago, in a miserable condition, scrawny, pressure wounds, and overgrown nails. We were fortunate that one of our regular visitors decided to foster her immediately!

We were even happier when the foster failed within a day and Neeru decided to adopt "Olive."

Pictures speak a 1000 words and each days' pictorial update of Olive's improvement gladdens our hearts 😍


Raghu went home after spending around 9 months at the shelter, after being brought in as an orphan, with her siblings.

We'd like to thank Reeti Sahai for pointing Drs Vinita and Vimeesh in our direction. The family, along with their two kids, are just awesome with our beloved Raghu. ❤️

A huge shout-out goes out to Sonia Chaudhary who puts her heart and soul into trying to save every little motherless pup that comes in. Sonia gets deeply emotionally involved with each one of her wards, and it is traumatic for her when one gets adopted. However, she knows and accepts that the shelter is not a permanent residence, and each child deserves a home of its own - which is what our adoption coordinators strive for 😍


Socks, our sweet, old (9 years), greedy Labrador boy waited it out at the shelter for almost 2 years before being picked by the best home ever!

Ajaydeep reached out to us to adopt a senior doggo, and who better than Socks?!

After umpteen treats and buckets of food, Socks has decided that he really loves his new hoomans (perhaps Samita more than Ajaydeep 🤪)!

We cannot tell you what a joy it is to see a dog, especially a senior, who has perhaps never had any love or a comfortable place to sit evolve from a suspicious, aloof stranger to a dog who smiles, sits on beds and sofas, and knows he is home. 💕

This is what we hope for all babies and what we work towards🙏 And when we hit a jackpot, its a feeling like never before 😍


Both G.D. and Scooby came to The Animal Hospital and Shelter, Noida, in a near-death condition. Both were rescued by kind people from the roads of Noida - at different points in time. Both were malnutritioned and full of maggot wounds.

Both were extremely sweet and loving and were lovingly nurtured back to health by our then caretakers. Then, tragedy hit and along with all the other animals, G.D. and Scooby also suffered in the absence of their caretakers. However, due to their already weakened constitution and the delicacy of their breed, they suffered even more. 😢

While we couldn't do much inside, we did scramble around to get them out.

We are ever-grateful to the wonderful Anjali Gopalan for graciously agreeing to adopt these two. Just "Thanks" is not enough. 🙏

Here, they are today, healthier, happier, and just a bit fatter. 🥰

PS: Note that they are chained as it was feeding time.


Chutki was found roaming as a wee, tiny baby, all by herself, on the roads of Greater Noida, with a huge wound in her a**l area. After being unable to find any help for her there, her rescuer brought her in to the Animal Hospital and Shelter, Nodia.

She was quickly taken into foster care, where it was discovered that her a**l area was blocked and she had two openings on the sides of her a**s. Emergency surgery was conducted by the awesome Dr. Pandey; however, she had no control over her motions even after that. Another surgery is due in a couple of months.

Its been a while coming, but we are happy to report yet another foster fail, as she is the apple of the eyes of her wonderful foster parents, Vidhi Shukla and Emmanual Reddy 😍

Chutki is now a beautiful, confident teenager, bringing hours of endless joy to her human parents and sibling. ♥️


We had posted for fosters for our baby Friday here, after he was dumped at The Animal Hospital and Shelter, Noida:
We found a great one in Megha Vij. So great that she failed the foster test and adopted little Friday herself. 😍
Friday is now called Ivar, The Boneless, and here's what Megha had to say:
"Meet Ivar, The Boneless. He was thrown out at less than 5 weeks old by his breeder because his hind legs are paralyzed. When I got him, moving even a little was painfully difficult for him. After just 2 weeks of care and loads and loads of love, he has become completely independent. Request you all to share his story, so more of these babies with special needs can get loving homes. Thank you Nitin Prasana for this beautiful video.


# Sheep

Four of our babies have got a wonderful home with the very kind Anuradha Modi 🥰

Peelu, Shola, Diva, and Bob have happily settled into their new home at The Barnyard, where they interact with animal lovers every day, roll in the mud, and have a rollicking good time in general!

While Peelu hangs out with his feathered friends, Bob, Diva, and Shola have formed their own clique and meander around the place in tandem ♥️


Gurung (part of the same litter of five as Magic, Masala, and Bulbul) forced his foster into a major foster fail (don't we all love them?!)!

This little boy is now chilling amongst 16 dogs and is a capable sous chef too! 🍴🤤 🥰


Bulbul (part of the same litter of five as Magic & Masala) was adopted on June 17, 2020, by the wonderful Kumars.

He is now a wonderful, satisfied little boy with lots of playthings and doting parents 🥰


Jimmy was abandoned at two years ago. His hair was matted, nails overgrown, and he had a couple of wounds.

He was whisked into foster care by the amazing Aditi Kakkar Kohli and was quickly adopted by Diviani Khanna thereafter. He is a pampered little doggo, with hair like silk, a mom to call his own, and all the luxuries we could dream of for him. 🥰

“A dog has one aim in life…to bestow his heart.”―J.R. Ackerley


Lucy, a young-ish German Shepherd girl, was very shy and an introvert - until she went home with the Patwals in April 2017.

She is now the rockstar/superstar of her locality and the local park, where she jogs, runs, and plays football with her father, two young brothers, and the general public. 🥰

Thank you Bosky Jai Raj for making Lucy your daughter and giving her such a vibrant, fulfilled life


A tiny little doggo, called Boxer, was abandoned at The Animal Shelter, Noida, in the most appalling of conditions, with major skin issues.

As usual, savior of many of our littlest dogs, Aditi Kakkar, came quickly to the rescue and whisked him away.

We are deeply grateful to Aditi and Malvika & Anand (Boxer's two great fosters) for all they have done for him.

Deviyani (his furever mom) now calls him Jimmy, and we must say - "Jimmy, Jimmy, hum sab ka dil tumpe aaya Jimmy" 😍


After TWO years of being locked up in a vacant house, with just dry food and stale water provided once a day, a difficult pregnancy, premature birth with no survivors, kidney troubles, spaying at 4 years of age, and FIFTEEN months of foster homes, our Cat Lady Karishma Gaur's rescue, Kittu, has finally found a forever home through our page. 😍

This is an uncommon and heartening success.


Our gorgeous duo, Magic & Masala, have been lovingly adopted by a great family with a farmhouse.

The two of them have the run of the place and spend their time lazing indoors and sunbathing outdoors.

Thank you Arzoo Bhatia for being an awesome foster, Jashomati for looking out for them on the roads, and Karishma Gaur for being our go-to cat person. 💕

PS: They were de-sexed pre-adoption.




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