This pup continues to impress me!! ALMOST 11 months old, so we have only just begun this fun game!
First day of BarnHunt, and I think he likes it…. 🤗😍😭 #proudmamabrag #dogmom #CedarBorderTerrier
Socializing puppies are soooooooo important! Sweet Cedar broke his femur over 2weeks and is on recovery for another 3 to make sure everything heals well. So I adjusted my plan for socializing and got a front backpack to continue exposing him to all the things in the human world. We have to show the “scary” things of the world are not anything for puppy and dogs to be unsure of and that we, as their humans, will handle any situation to help them out if they are unsure. It’s all comes down to relationship and how our dogs look to us.
This is years in the making! I stress this with each and every puppy to do training with!
Mess with your puppies toes and feet! Your groomers and vets will thank you for it!!
You teach them you are in charge of what happens with their feet and this is the result; trust!!! Mr Tucker trusts me when I’m touching his feet due to the 13 years of practicing touching and messing with his toes... he knows that I will dremel his toes whether he likes it or not (it’s not his first choice to be completely honest with everyone).
He chooses to accept the action as the sooner he chills out, the quicker we get the nails done! Major life skill::: Humans can do whatever they need to on a dogs body without any fuss from the dog... we teach to them to be respectful and build a relationship of trust (don’t get me started about dogs having kids climb all over them—- that is not respectful—- whole other topic!)
The winter months are coming..... so you have a Treadmill that YOUR not using,right? (hehe) Well great news! Your dogs can!! Treadmill training is great for those days that walks just ain’t gonna happen.... it’s a great mental workout more than a physical workout. Think think, think, is what we want our dogs to do. This is Savannah. I did training with her when she was a 6 month pup. Now in her glory years, still in the groove of walking on the treadmill. Let us know if you want some help in teaching your dogs how to walk on the treadmill!!
Tucker and I are doing the Happy "Nay-Nay" dance because our page just hit 400 Likes!!! Thank you all for sharing, likes, and posting successes with your pups! Keep up the great work! ❤️❤️❤️
Fun video of Doc enjoying Social time at k9 lifeline
First morning walk.... Doing awesome Doc!