Wagging Tail Ranch Pet boarding facility is a woman owned and operated business registered with the State of Wisconsin under A Place of Refuge LLC. A Place of Refuge LLC encompasses all our pursuits as we establish our dream of restoring this property to organic and healthy. Over our time of stewardship, we have planted over 40 trees [fruit and shade] and numerous berries and herbs as we establish a permaculture environment that will be a refuge for pollinators, animals, and people that we hope will be here for years to come.
We accomplish this by working with nature instead of against it. As we plant trees for shade and abundance, we add understory fruit bushes and herbs that will nourish the trees and attract pollinators. Our “retired” hens work the orchard while aerating and fertilizing the soil and eating not so good bugs. Their bedding is added to the soil for compost and to enrich the formerly depleted, dead soil that existed before.
Currently, we have over 60 fowl that range in age from young hatch to 8 years old. Our birds have large open areas in the run, the garden and the orchard where they are allowed to enjoy their lives while doing some of the work for us by rooting around the trees and depositing fertilizer. It’s good for them, good for us, and good for the environment unlike factory farming. Their eggs are given away to our clients, neighbors and anyone that needs or wants healthy, good food. We do not add artificial light to their coops to force them to produce year-round. Our hens are offered a well-deserved rest like God intended for them to have.
Our goal is to be a blessing to others by offering food security through free fruit, eggs, herbs and whatever else grows here to those that need or want it. We hope to be offering herbal teas, fresh herbs and other products in the future all free of charge.
When you are a client of Wagging Tail Ranch, you are supporting our efforts to grow organically, have a cleaner environment and help others have food security. When you see “free eggs” posted, it means FREE eggs and we are happy to give to you.
Growing organically is a labor of love but also a labor-intensive process that requires hours and hours of work including planting and researching plants with benefits. We ask that you excuse our weeds- they’re good for the bees, and we are a work in progress. Thank you for supporting our labor of love and our small business!
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