EquiLibrium Microcurrent

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EquiLibrium Microcurrent Microcurrent support for the animal athlete

Case  #4: (Ongoing) Patient: Saraveaux, 20 year old Oldenberg geldingCondition: Various, whole body ailmentsThe Problem’...

Case #4: (Ongoing)
Patient: Saraveaux, 20 year old Oldenberg gelding
Condition: Various, whole body ailments

The Problem’s Background:
Saraveux is a long term care client at our facility. His owner is rarely out to see him due to her own declining health and he has effectively been retired for the past 3 years. Saraveux has always had poor confirmation and been difficult to keep up. He has a very distinct roached back. His topline, hind quarter, and shoulder muscles have atrophied due to his early retirement. His feet are square shaped with thin heels, and he is frequently prone to abscesses. Saraveux also does not lay down in his stall at night, and it is believed by his vet to be due to pain. Instead, he will fall asleep standing up and fall over in his stall with tell-tale signs of this struggle in the morning, such as knocked over water buckets, a pushed-out stall door, and bruises and cuts on his head. More recently, the farrier has noticed that Saraveux has had more difficulty maintaining balance in his hind end while receiving farrier work, and the vet was called out to assess for neurological problems. Neurological problems were ruled out, however the vet prescribed a double dose equioxx for pain relief and I was given free reign in experimenting with microcurrent for pain relief for this horse.

(Microcurrent) Saraveux has received over 30 microcurrent sessions to date; most have been a whole body setup with silver knit pads or electrodes placed on the fetlocks or knees for approximately 1 hour each, and the other three have been small area sessions on his back, hindquarters, and shoulders using the silver knit gloves for 30 minutes at a time. He will continue receiving 1-2 sessions per week through the end of quarter 2, 2024.

This case study is very much still ongoing. Saraveaux appears to be getting some pain relief from the microcurrent, as evidenced by his licking, chewing, slow blinks, and calm demeanor when connected to the device. 1-3 days after receiving microcurrent treatments, there is no evidence that he is falling over at night and he may instead be laying down in his stall. There is a very long way to go with this horse and he will likely be receiving microcurrent treatments weekly for several months before we notice any significant improvement.

It's tool Tuesday! Today's tool is the comb! This is attached directly to the microcurrent device. It's great for any ar...

It's tool Tuesday!

Today's tool is the comb! This is attached directly to the microcurrent device. It's great for any area of the horse, especially for spooky or long-haired horses. It's used as a standalone tool.

See you there!

See you there!

Case Study  #3: Ty,  17 year old Friesian GeldingCondition: Eye ulcer (2023)The Problem’s Background: On 8/21 Ty was bro...

Case Study #3: Ty, 17 year old Friesian Gelding
Condition: Eye ulcer (2023)

The Problem’s Background:
On 8/21 Ty was brought in from pasture with a small, cloudy obstruction in his right eye. The vet was called out the following day and it was determined to be a fairly deep ulcer. The vet prescribed atropine once daily to dilate the pupil, triple antibiotic ointment 3-4 times a day, oral banamine or equioxx once per day, and to cover the eye with a converted fly mask. These instructions were followed, and a follow up visit was performed on 8/25. During this visit, the ulcer was debrided with a blade and was determined to not be healing. The same regimen of medical care was prescribed until the next follow up appointment 9/1. During this appointment, the eye was again determined to not be healing, and was debrided and abraded this time with a diamond dremel bit. The same instructions were prescribed. Another follow up appointment was performed on 9/22, another round of debriding and abrading with the dremel bit was performed, and this time a serum was prescribed in addition to the other medications. The serum was picked up 10 days after the appointment and was administered twice daily until it was gone. A final recheck was performed on October 23rd.

(Microcurrent): After multiple failed debridings, I spoke with the owners about trying experimental microcurrent treatments around the eye and they agreed to allow me to try. Conductive gel was applied around the outside of the eye, and on top of the eyelid, and the entire area was treated using the pen electrode. This treatment was performed 5 times per week for 3 weeks, and 3 times per week for the final week. Each treatment was approximately 10 minutes, and the 4 pre-set settings on the Best Vet III were cycled through at about 2 and a half minutes each.

After just 3 days of microcurrent treatments, the swelling and discharge around Ty’s eye receded and he was willing to let me touch it. During the treatments themself, the horse would lean into me and the pen, and was frequently observed licking and chewing. After the final veterinary recheck on October 23rd, It was determined that the ulcer had completely healed, leaving behind only a small scar from the many debridings.

Another installment of tool Tuesday! Today's tools are the rubberized carbon electrodes. Gel is applied to the electrode...

Another installment of tool Tuesday!

Today's tools are the rubberized carbon electrodes. Gel is applied to the electrode and then they are placed anywhere on the horse and secured with tape (minimum of 2, maximum of 6). These are great for any area of the horse!
These are also great in winter, since they require gel instead of water. These are very flexible in terms of body position, and can easily be washed afterwards. They can be used in conjunction with other electrodes or the roller.


It's Tuesday! You know what that means! Time for Tool Tuesday!

This week's featured tool is the microcurrent roller! This can be used in combination with the microcurrent backpad. A second electrode is placed somewhere on the horse, and then the area is wetted or gelled.

The roller is great for any area of the horse, but it is great for large areas of muscle, and the legs.

Happy Tool Tuesday! Today's tool is the microcurrent pen. This is attached directly to the device, and the area is wette...

Happy Tool Tuesday!

Today's tool is the microcurrent pen. This is attached directly to the device, and the area is wetted or gelled and then worked on. This is typically used on small areas, around lacerations, and/or sarcoids.

The pen also be used for electro-acupoint-stimulation. There are also two pen-specific techniques called the barber’s pole and circling the dragon for reducing localized swelling.

Case study  #2 Patient: Ellie, 5 year old female black Labrador retrieverCondition: ACL tear, old injury (2023) The Prob...

Case study #2

Patient: Ellie, 5 year old female black Labrador retriever
Condition: ACL tear, old injury (2023)

The Problem’s Background:
Ellie’s owner came home one day and noticed that she was carrying her left hind leg oddly, but the issue was intermittent. They bred the dog in February of 2021 and she had her litter in April. After the puppies arrived she seemed better, but was still limping intermittently. Over the course of the year, the owner began to notice muscle atrophy in the left hind leg and foot. She took Ellie to the vet in April of 2022 to have her examined and it was determined to be an ACL tear. The vet did not believe she would be a good candidate for surgery but also did not offer any alternative therapies.

Microcurrent: On September 30th, and October 1st, 2023, I was doing a popup promotion at a ACK recognized dock diving event. The owner brought Ellie on both days to see me. The first day, I proceeded to use the pen electrode for approximately 10 minutes on the dog’s leg as she was very excited and fidgety due to the event. It was clear that her left hind leg and paw were significantly smaller than the other three, and she did not want to put much weight on it to move around. The second day I set up two electrode pads, one towards the top of the leg, and one on the bottom of the paw, and cycled through the 3 primary microcurrent pre-set settings on the Best Vet III for 15 minutes.
Over the course of the next few months, I was able to see Ellie 8 times. During these sessions, I used a pair of silver knit gloves, primarily focusing on the left hind leg, but also the front right shoulder, low back, and other areas possibly affected by compensatory walking.

We have observed that Ellie is starting to walk better and is putting more weight on the left hind foot. Ellie’s trainer is also noting that she is building back muscle in that leg as well. From my own visual observations it is clear that the dog is walking better now than the very first day that I met her.

It's time for another tool Tuesday! Today's tool is the Silverknit backpad! The backpad is great for the back, shoulders...

It's time for another tool Tuesday! Today's tool is the Silverknit backpad!
The backpad is great for the back, shoulders, or flank of the horse. Dual zones can be done on just these areas. The area is wetted and then the tool is placed on the back, shoulders, and flank.
This tool can be used in conjunction with silver knit leg wraps, hock socks for a whole horse effect, or can be used with a roller to work on the flank.

Want to learn more about how microcurrent can help on a case-by-case basis? Read our case studies in the next coming wee...

Want to learn more about how microcurrent can help on a case-by-case basis? Read our case studies in the next coming weeks to see how microcurrent can be used in multiple different ways!

Case Study #1: Mickey's Ear

Patient: Mickey, 11 year old Friesian Sport Horse Gelding
Condition: Sarcoid (2021)

Background: In the spring of 2021, Mickey started to develop a large sarcoid on the inside of his right ear. The horse began to exhibit signs of discomfort via head shaking, especially while being bridled. The owner (myself) opted to have the veterinarian attempt to remove the sarcoid surgically. Several months later, the sarcoid returned and appeared to be increasing in size and was now the size of half a shelled walnut. The veterarinian follows up injecting five rounds of chemotherapy drugs directly into the ear. This appeared to have no effect. The next course of treatment was to put caustic imiquimod cream on the sarcoid daily, which caused the sarcoid to become pink and inflmmed, and made the horse head shy. An appointment was made to surgically remove the sarcoid and part of the ear cartilage to prevent further growth.

Treatment: (Arc Equine Microcurrent) On a last-minute recommendation, the horse was given daily treatments with the Arc Equine Microcurrent attached to his leg. The device was rotated among his four legs and treatment was conducted almost daily for two weeks.

Discussion/Results: After the first treatment, it was noted that the sarcoid had completely dried out. After the third treatment, the sarcoid began to crumble and fall off the ear. As of today, the sarcoid is completely gone and has not returned.

Here is our July schedule! Hope you see you at Silverwood!

Here is our July schedule! Hope you see you at Silverwood!

It's time for another installment of Tool Tuesday! Today's tool is the Silverknit glove! This tool is great for any part...

It's time for another installment of Tool Tuesday! Today's tool is the Silverknit glove!

This tool is great for any part of the body, especially for spooky/sensitive horses. It is used as a standalone tool, and the tech wears them and can work on specific body parts. Both the gloves and the horse are wetted, which makes these great after a bath!

It's time for Tool Tuesday! There are many various tools that are used in microcurrent sessions, sometimes more than one...

It's time for Tool Tuesday! There are many various tools that are used in microcurrent sessions, sometimes more than one at a time.

Today is the first tool in the series: the Silverknit Leg Wraps!

This tool is used mainly on legs, knees, and hocks. The horse and/or the wraps are wetted, and then they are placed on the horse! They can be used with the silver knit back pad for a "whole horse effect", as seen in the photo below!


With horses we have to take the good with the bad. Mickey lives outside 24/7 now, but with all of the rain, we've been fighting this abscess in his front right hoof for about two weeks now and it just won't resolve. So, while his foot is soaking with Epsom salt, I threw the microcurrent leads in on either side. Here's hoping the added microcurrent will draw it out a little faster.

What a great weekend to be at Silverwood! A special shout out to the Paradigm Farm family. You guys were amazing and I r...

What a great weekend to be at Silverwood! A special shout out to the Paradigm Farm family. You guys were amazing and I really enjoyed meeting everyone and working on your lovely horses!

Had a great time at the Need 4 Speed Barrel Race in Elkhorn this past weekend. I got to learn all about barrel racing an...

Had a great time at the Need 4 Speed Barrel Race in Elkhorn this past weekend. I got to learn all about barrel racing and meet some new friends and clients while avoiding the showers on Saturday. I hope to see everyone again soon!

We'll be visiting the following venues this month. Hope to see you there!

We'll be visiting the following venues this month. Hope to see you there!

Wishing everyone a happy, relaxing Sunday!

Wishing everyone a happy, relaxing Sunday!

Yesterday was a first for me. I got a chance to work on my first ever bovine client, Dr. Pepper! He had quite the knot i...

Yesterday was a first for me. I got a chance to work on my first ever bovine client, Dr. Pepper! He had quite the knot in his back, complete with heat and swelling, but received relief from his microcurrent session. I wish him luck in his show this weekend, and hope to continue working on him moving forward.

Also, for you canine and equine people wondering, I don't usually restrain animals when I work on them, but we opted to place him in the chute for everyone's safety. Cattle are usually worked on in the chute for foot care, clipping, and veterinary work, and Dr. Pepper showed no signs of struggle or discomfort during his session.

Want to win a free 60 minute equine microcurrent session? Post a picture or video of your horse yawning during a microcu...

Want to win a free 60 minute equine microcurrent session? Post a picture or video of your horse yawning during a microcurrent session this summer on this post with the hashtag Winner will be selected October 1st!

Come say hi at HAWSfest today from 10-4!

Come say hi at HAWSfest today from 10-4!

Wishing you all a relaxing transition into the weekend! Pride shown here enjoying his session with all 4 canine cuffs.

Wishing you all a relaxing transition into the weekend! Pride shown here enjoying his session with all 4 canine cuffs.

Life has been a bit lemony 🍋 lately, and I haven't been very active on social media, but that doesn't mean that I haven'...

Life has been a bit lemony 🍋 lately, and I haven't been very active on social media, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been doing microcurrent sessions! 🐴 🐶

Sometimes you do house calls, other times you do crate-in-the-car calls! Lily is pictured here, relaxing with the canine...

Sometimes you do house calls, other times you do crate-in-the-car calls! Lily is pictured here, relaxing with the canine cuffs.

I've really been enjoying the versatility I have with my microcurrent set up! While both dogs pictued are wearing the ca...

I've really been enjoying the versatility I have with my microcurrent set up! While both dogs pictued are wearing the canine cuffs, Lily on the left is receiving a session to target a shoulder injury, while Bear on the right is getting a session for hind end arthritis.

Good morning Lily! We wish you a quick recovery from your shoulder injury.

Good morning Lily! We wish you a quick recovery from your shoulder injury.

Come check out my booth during the Sweetheart Splash qualifier event at Three Hounds Training Ground. I'll be here all w...

Come check out my booth during the Sweetheart Splash qualifier event at Three Hounds Training Ground. I'll be here all weekend!




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