I do not breed frog faced extreme Mountain Ponies! Pretty faces: Yes. Deformed. No. This is not as big of a problem here in the U.S. But there are ponies here with this tendency. Beware. Not only is their likelihood of performance success lower because of breathing issues, but apparently severe dental issues are also a concern. Scary stuff.
Today I am feeling very angry at breeders, specifically those breeding for extreme ‘designer’ features.
Today I saw a young Welsh Section A. I treated her 6 months ago for an impacted cap. The cap was stuck because the adult tooth couldn’t push it out. The adult tooth couldn’t fit in her mouth, as you can see from the photo the adult tooth has erupted into her palate and the root is sticking out of the side of her face.
6 months ago I noted she was missing 4 of her very back teeth. I commented on how it’s a good job she hadn’t got them as there was no room for them in her mouth. Unfortunately today, 6 months later, and 2 years later than she was suppose to, she has erupted one of these very back teeth. But as I said, there is no room, meaning the tooth has ripped and torn it’s way into her mouth, the tooth is sitting in a pocket behind the back of her mouth making it impossible to access. As this tooth erupts further, it will end up in the opposite jaw and there is no way of reducing it or removing it via the oral cavity.
So back to my original statement, why am I angry at breeders? Why has this pony ended up with this problem?
The answer is simply because humans have decided that this breed look ‘pretty’ with short, tiny noses, extreme dishing and big poppy out eyes. Without considering the resulting ponies ability to breathe or how their teeth are going to fit in their mouths.
I am seeing this more and more, especially with Welsh As, Arabs and Miniatures. The human race has already destroyed the health of pugs, bull dogs, German Shepard’s and so many other breeds of dogs. Can we please not do the same to our horses!!