Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF

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  • Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF

Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF Tommy's Holiday Fund (THF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to assist families

Financial hardships can and usually do, come about quickly and unexpectedly. Families are often left unable to cover basic pet care needs or even worse, forced to make the decision to euthanize or allow a pet to suffer due to these financial hardships not allowing the funds for proper care. Our families should not have to suffer with a treatable health issue and euthanasia should only be a method

of compassion to end the suffering of a terminal illness. Please, help us, help the other animals and their families that deserve compassion and love like the rest of us.


To our amazing friends and supporters,

With heavy hearts, we share the sad news. After much thought, Tommy's Holiday Fund's Board of Directors has decided to close our nonprofit.

For the last 8 years, we've been dedicated to helping animals and families in need of emergency vet care. Our goal was to prevent loss and suffering, thanks to you. Right at 200 lives have been saved or assisted in a huge way.

But as many of our friends understand, being an all-volunteer organization in the type of work we do is amazing and emotionally draining at the same time.

Our family, friends, donors, and sponsors, you are incredible. You've made a huge impact on the lives of many. As we end this chapter, remember the difference you've made. Support similar causes and extend kindness.

Thank you, from our hearts, for being part of Tommy's Holiday Fund. Your compassion showed the world the power of empathy and goodwill.

The remaining funds we have will be donated to Tommy’s original veterinary clinic, Powder Springs Animal Clinic, in Tommy’s name. This will ensure that someone in need gets the help they deserve.

For anyone in need of help Please click the link in our bio for a list of organizations you can reach out to.

With love and gratitude,

Wes, Julie, and the THF team

Today is a day to remember and celebrate a man that worked hard to bring equal rights to so many. In the end, his life w...

Today is a day to remember and celebrate a man that worked hard to bring equal rights to so many. In the end, his life was taken for what he believed and fought for. That work must still go on today, while so many try to take back the inroads that were made by Mr. King, Mrs. King, Mr. Abernathy, Mr. Rustin, Mr. Lewis, and all of those brave souls that marched, stood their ground, loved when they were not loved back. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that" (Martin Luther King JR.).

This sweet little kitten was a stray. She showed showed up on our good Samaritan’s porch malnourished and urinating bloo...

This sweet little kitten was a stray. She showed showed up on our good Samaritan’s porch malnourished and urinating blood about a month ago. They took her in and got her to the vet right away.

The clinic diagnosed this little kitty with a respiratory and bacterial infection. Our good samaritan paid over $600 to get her treated for these issues, but after a month she still had symptoms that had not gone away after first round of shots and lumps under her armpits and belly, and her claws appeared brittle and misshapen.

The little kitty needed to go back quickly! But, because of a recent layoff our good samaritan was already struggling financially and had no idea how she could continue helping this sweet kitten. They reached out to us and we got them over to our friends at Animal Medical Clinic of Fairburn urgently!

Dr. Chris and the team there got to work right away. The good news is that her respiratory and bacterial infections were subsiding. What they found was that she had undiagnosed parasitic worms causing the coughing, loss of appetite, lethargy, and inflammation.

Because of all of you, our amazing support network, we were able to get the deworming treatment covered, as well as get all her vaccinations done.

By the way, this sweet little kitten needs a furever home!! Our good samaritan is taking care of her until she can find a permanent home for her. So if you or anyone you know is able to give this baby a forever home, you’d be her hero.

We cannot say thank you enough to all of you that donate, share our post, and support us in so many ways. Getting this kitty in so quickly and making sure she has proper follow up care would not be possible without you, our friends at Second Life Atlanta, Park Pet Supply , St. Nick's Closet and so many others.

If you are in a position to donate, please help us help this kitty and other animals to keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Everyone meet Oreo.This sweet puppy had a rough few days. Oreo is 14 years old, although you’d never know that by lookin...

Everyone meet Oreo.

This sweet puppy had a rough few days. Oreo is 14 years old, although you’d never know that by looking at him. With his age he suffers with vision problems, hearing loss, coordination issues, and stiffness in his joints already.

He was out playing and walked right off a balcony before anyone could stop him. When he landed he was struggling to walk and his family was worried about what he may have injured.

Like so many, Oreo’s family has been struggling financially and did not know how they were going to afford getting him checked out at the veterinarian, so they reached out to us.

We jumped in and got Oreo over to our friends at Town and Country Veterinary Clinic. They got to work giving Oreo an exam and X-rays so we all knew how to help Oreo.

Fortunately, the fall did not break anything and it seems he added a sprain to his already stiff joints making it harder to walk. The good news is that with some anti inflammatory meds and time his leg will heal.

We also went ahead and got Oreo’s vaccines updated and got him a heart-worm treatment for the next few months.

We cannot say thank you enough to all of you that donate, share our post, and support us in so many ways. Getting Oreo in so quickly and making sure he has proper follow up care would not be possible without you, our friends at Second Life Atlanta, Park Pet Supply and so many others.

If you are in a position to donate, please help us help Oreo and other animals to keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Come join us at Georgia Vegfest presented by Farm of the Free Animal Sanctuary ! Visit our booth and support our mission...

Come join us at Georgia Vegfest presented by Farm of the Free Animal Sanctuary !

Visit our booth and support our mission of providing financial assistance for emergency and specialty veterinary care to Metro Atlanta’s struggling families and their companion animals, so they don’t have to choose between paying rent and saving a pets life.

Donate and pick yourself or a friend up a charm, figurine, ornament, earrings, or bandanna for your furry friends. All handmade by THF’s very own !

This Sunday, 12/4! Get all your holiday shopping done!

*Food Trucks
*Family Fun Zone
*Free Face Painting
*Live Music
*Vegan Food
*VIP Bag Option

Get your tickets! Don't miss it! *Gas South Convention Center in Duluth, GA*

Everyone meet, Sasha. Sasha has been struggling lately with horribly itchy skin, blisters on her paws, dry patches, and ...

Everyone meet, Sasha.

Sasha has been struggling lately with horribly itchy skin, blisters on her paws, dry patches, and hot spots. The blisters on her paws have even made it difficult for her to walk normally.

All of this seems to be from skin problems but her mom has been recently unemployed and is struggling financially and could not afford to get Sasha to the clinic to find out what was going on.

Her mom reached out to us and we got her over to our awesome friends at who got to work helping Sasha.

Dr. Chris and the team did a full exam and infection screen on her skin. They determined that she had a significant skin infection and prescribed antibiotics, and an antihistamine/anti inflammatory medication, as well as medicated wipes specifically to help treat Sasha and get her comfortable as quick as possible!

She still taking meds and we will of course get her back for a follow up visit to make sure her treatments go well.

A huge thank you to , , and whose grants and fundraisers made this immediately possible. 🙌❤️

If you are in a position to donate, please help us help CC and other animals to keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Instagram - click donate button in profile
Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Story time.We were tagged in a post about this sweet kitty. An amazing good samaritan saw him limping around on what app...

Story time.

We were tagged in a post about this sweet kitty. An amazing good samaritan saw him limping around on what appeared to be a badly broken, limp and injured front leg. He had no collar, no one was looking for him, and he would not come to anyone. He seemed to be a feral outdoor cat, but needed help urgently.

They knew he needed to be helped ASAP, but did not have the funds to help him, plus where would he go after? We decided to jump in and help, because we couldn’t just let him be like like that if he was suffering.

Our good samaritan tried different ways to catch him so she could take him to the clinic. Treats, crates, traps, everything! 3 WEEKS of working with him and she finally gained his trust!

We got his appointment set and got him over to the amazing team at . They did a full exam, x-rays of his legs and chest (because he had a cough too). Turns out nothing was broken!! 🙌 That’s good news. Most likely nerve damage and he’s not in any pain, just really inconvenient for him. He has a touch of bronchitis and will take antibiotics for that. He got treatment for ear mites and and couple of other things.

The doctor said that amputation could be an option, but not needed, especially if he can become an inside cat.

So, our good samaritan stepped up again and her and her family are giving him a forever home as well. ❤️🐈❤️

The kids in family even named him. His name is High Five 🖐️😞😂

Thank you to all of you that donated, like and shares our posts, and cheer is on.

A huge thank you to and whose grants and fundraisers made this immediately possible. 🙌❤️

If you are in a position to donate, please help us help CC and other animals to keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Instagram - click donate button in profile
Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

The amazing zines from Leigh | Down Yonder Vegan]] have shipped! Once again, we cannot say thank you enough everyone tha...

The amazing zines from Leigh | Down Yonder Vegan]] have shipped! Once again, we cannot say thank you enough everyone that contributed, and bought one! Because of all of you, Leigh | Down Yonder Vegan]] raised $544 for in October!! 🙌

While there won’t be another preorder, you can still order a print-on-demand from the link in Leigh | Down Yonder Vegan]] bio.

You’re all awesome, this means so much to us! ❤️❤️ We love and appreciate all of you!

Hi Everyone. This is Mikey and sadly this will be a tribute post. Mikey was a good boy, found abandoned when he was 12 y...

Hi Everyone. This is Mikey and sadly this will be a tribute post.

Mikey was a good boy, found abandoned when he was 12 years old and taken in by a wonderful woman so he could know care, attention, and love.

Recently, Mikey started having trouble breathing but no one knew why and his new mom could not afford the extensive test needed to find out why.

She reached out to THF and we jumped in to get him over to the amazing team who took delicate care in treating Mikey. Unfortunately when they ran tests, they found that Mikey had an alarming amount of fluid around his organs, an enlarged heart and his system was failing.

Our mission at Tommy’s Holiday Fund is always to save companion animals when they have a life threatening but treatable condition. Heartbreakingly, sometimes the condition just is not treatable or would not be fair to the quality of their life.

For Mikey the doctors recommended the most compassionate thing, which was to let him cross the rainbow bridge and be at peace, surrounded by the woman who had shown him love in his old age.

Rest easy Mikey. ❤️🐕❤️

Thank you to all of you that donate, share, and support us. While this was not the outcome any of us wanted and hurts, we know this was right.

We love you all.❤️

The zine pre-order ships out today! We cannot say thank you enough everyone that contributed, and bought one! You’re all...

The zine pre-order ships out today!

We cannot say thank you enough everyone that contributed, and bought one! You’re all amazing, this means so much for us! 🙌❤️🙌

You still have a chance to order your copy if you haven’t yet or give one as gift. Folly the link in DownYondervegan’s bio!!! 🐾🐈🐕❤️

From Leigh Because of everyone who participated in this project, either by contributing a recipe or by purchasing a zine, I was able to donate $419 to Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF ! Thank you so much!! 🐈‍🐾

I'll print a second round of zines if anyone else would like a copy. The next round will ship on 10/29. Click the link below for details.

Everyone meet HellBoy! Hellboy has not been himself lately. He’s been very lethargic, having trouble using the litter bo...

Everyone meet HellBoy! Hellboy has not been himself lately. He’s been very lethargic, having trouble using the litter box, and seems to be in pain.

HellBoy’s mom knew something wasn’t right, as he had a Perineal Urethrostomy or blockage a few years back that seemed just like this. Unfortunately, mom is struggling right now like so many and just didn’t have the money for the tests, labs, and treatments to get HellBoy well again, so she reached out to

Fortunately, we were able to get HellBoy into his regular clinic, Dearborn Animal Clinic. They did an exam, urinalysis, and blood work and determined that HellBoy has a urinary track infection. They’ve put him on antibiotics, pain meds, and special diet for a while and will be doing another urinalysis and blood work to check everything again soon.

We cannot say thank you enough to all of you that donate, share our post, and support us in so many ways. Getting HellBoy in so quickly and making sure he has proper follow up care would not be possible without you, our friends at so many others.

If you are in a position to donate, please help us help HellBoy and other animals to keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

We’re so excited and humbled to have such amazing friends and supporters!Our awesome board chair, and friend Leigh who r...

We’re so excited and humbled to have such amazing friends and supporters!

Our awesome board chair, and friend Leigh who runs Leigh | Down Yonder Vegan] is working on a fundraiser for , with some crazy cool collabs!

It's a recipe zine filled with vegan recipes from me and some of my awesome friends that I'm so grateful to be able to include in this project. Recipes donated by .therapy and more!

Head on over to Leigh | Down Yonder Vegan] follow and **Pre-order now! Zines will ship on October 1st. Click the link in their bio for details🌱❤️🐈‍⬛🐕

Many people enjoy the booming sounds and flashing colors of fireworks, but they can be terrifying, overwhelming⁠ and haz...

Many people enjoy the booming sounds and flashing colors of fireworks, but they can be terrifying, overwhelming⁠ and hazardous for wild and domestic animals, as well as insects and humans.

Just as many people hate fireworks for how they make their human and animal companions feel and react. We are terribly sorry you and your family have to endure this.

Short of an outright ban, there are a few things you can do to help your furry friends through this.

Update on Jaba.Jaba went in for treatment last week. We decided to go ahead with getting him neutered while he was there...

Update on Jaba.

Jaba went in for treatment last week. We decided to go ahead with getting him neutered while he was there to help prevent other health issues Long term. While the doctor was there preparing to remove the tumor the realized this was not a tumor at all but a perineal hernia.

This is good news as it is not a tumor and will not grow and create issue or become cancerous. The issue for Jaba is because of where it was located and his age and overall health. Surgery can be performed to fix the hernia but that can cause potentially more problems, or place the hernia into place and show the family how to manage it and hope that it will stay. The latter is what the doctor recommends currently.

Jaba’s quality of life is the most important factor to all of us. We will stay in touch with his family and monitor and if this plan does not seem to work or quality of life changes, we will proceed to a specialist for the surgery, despite the risk at that time.

We love and appreciate all of you for all you do to help us help these animals and their families. We hope no one ever needs us, but we will be here if they do.

Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there!, we love you!  ❤️

Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there!, we love you! ❤️

Meet Jaba everyone. This sweet puppy is a 13 year old ShiTzu-Pomeranian mix. Jaba’s mom reached out a few days ago after...

Meet Jaba everyone. This sweet puppy is a 13 year old ShiTzu-Pomeranian mix.

Jaba’s mom reached out a few days ago after noticing a growth on Jaba and taking him for an exam. It turns out Jaba has an a**l gland tumor. They were referred out to a specialist and given two different diagnosis. One that it was benign and the other that it was cancer. Both requiring surgery and possibly fire therapy treatments, neither of which Jaba’s mom could afford.

When she reached out to we jumped and set up appointments with our friends at to get an exam and another opinion.

They were able to confirm the tumor is benign, is operable, and Jaba will have quality of life restored afterwards.

The low estimate for this surgery is $750. We have the funds to cover this thanks to all of you, our amazing partners like Second Life Atlanta and Stephan Curcio of St. Nick's Closet

While we have the funds to help Jaba, we ask for your help and donations to help us be prepared for whoever may need our help next.

If you are in a position to donate, please help us continue our mission to help other animals and keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you super moms out there holding things together. We love you all ❤️❤️❤️ # happymothersday ...

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you super moms out there holding things together.

We love you all ❤️❤️❤️

# happymothersday

Happy Earth day!Earth day is a day to show our collective support for protecting our environment. It is a day of action....

Happy Earth day!

Earth day is a day to show our collective support for protecting our environment. It is a day of action. There are a lot of things you can do. Plant a tree, organize a community clean up, start composting, etc.

But, what is the most impactful thing you as an individual can do to help the earth and all living things on it? GO VEGAN!

Going vegan reduces your carbon footprint more than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car combined, plus it’s the compassionate choice.

Supporters of THF have compassion for cats and dogs. Extend that compassion to all animals by going vegan.

Learn more on our website under the section “how to help animals”

Update on Nikki: Thank you to everyone that donated and shared her story. Nikki had the surgery to remove the growths on...

Update on Nikki: Thank you to everyone that donated and shared her story. Nikki had the surgery to remove the growths on her mammary gland a couple of weeks ago at

We’ve been waiting for the pathology results and follow up before we posted and update, sorry to keep you all waiting.

We were hoping beyond hope, to get some good news, but the pathologists confirmed the mass they removed is osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is a rare and aggressive bone cancer. Normally it would be found is the bones, so it is even more rare to be found in the mammary gland as it was for Nikki.

Nikki’s doctors double checked this with the pathologists and spoke with oncologists to confirm the results and next steps. The doctors state that chemo and radiation may cause Nikki more suffering than healing at this time. Nikki is receiving steroids to manage the cancer now and we are staying in close contact with her family.

We love all of you. We hope no one ever needs us, but will do all we can to help if you do.

Thank you again to everyone. ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️

This sweet puppy is Nikki. Nikki’s parents came to us desperately looking for help.Recently they noticed a growth on her...

This sweet puppy is Nikki. Nikki’s parents came to us desperately looking for help.

Recently they noticed a growth on her mammary gland and took her for an exam. The doctors at our partner clinic at recommend surgery to remove the growth and testing which we hope will say is not cancerous.

We are jumping in to help Nikki with the help of the amazing team at .

But, we need your help to help Nikki! Her surgery is going to cost approximately $1,130.00.

If you are in a position to donate, please help us help Nikki and other animals to keep them together with their families.

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Paypal -
Venmo - Tommy's Holiday Fund - THF
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Update on Watson: Thank you to everyone that donated and shared his story. Because of you, Watson  was able get a cardio...

Update on Watson: Thank you to everyone that donated and shared his story. Because of you, Watson was able get a cardiology work up, blood work, and an ultrasound done so the doctors could determine what was causing him to not eat and be so lethargic, with the hopes it would be treatable.

Sadly the results were not what the family nor any of us wanted to hear. The doctors said he has a tumor in his liver and one in his kidney. Unfortunately, due to his heart condition surgery is not an option at this point.

Watson is home with his family, on medication to try and control his symptoms, keep him comfortable, and give them some time with him.

Our heart breaks with them and we wish Watson and his family the best. We are checking in with them regularly.

We cannot thank all of you enough. Your donations, sharing, and support mean the world to these animals, their families, and us. You’re the reason we are able to continue helping them.

We love you. All of you.❤️💙❤️🐈‍⬛

URGENT! This sweet kitty is Watson. Watson will be going into Blue Pearl tomorrow for a barrage of exams. Cardiology, ul...

URGENT! This sweet kitty is Watson. Watson will be going into Blue Pearl tomorrow for a barrage of exams. Cardiology, ultrasound, and blood work. Recently, Watson was diagnosed with asthma and upon X-ray the doctors have noticed nodules in his lungs. Shortly after he began coughing more , became lethargic, and is not eating well. The doctors are concerned that the nodules could be caused by cancer somewhere in Watson’s body and will be looking for this and developing a treatment plan.

Watson’s family adopted him in 2014 when he was just a kitten. In 2015 the vet diagnosed him with a heart murmur. He has been in cardiological treatment ever since. At least twice a year he sees his cardiologist due to congenital heart disease and he has developed an AV block. These visits are costly and on top of the most recent visits Watson’s family reached out to Tommy’s Holiday Fund for help.

We need your help getting the exams and treatments to save Watson and keep him at home with his family. Between the cardiology workup, ultrasound, blood work, and exam, we expect the costs to be somewhere between $1500 and $2000. Watson’s family started a fundraiser and have already raised $755. We’re going to cover these costs, but we need to make sure we can not only cover these costs but anything else Watson may need and continuing care.

If you are in a position to donate, please do so at one of the following, and please share. Note “Watson” in your donation.

Facebook - Donate button in profile or on post

We receive your donation faster through the below options:

Paypal -
Venmo -
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Today is a day to celebrate a wonderful man and his legacy. We should all remember what he fought for and recognize that...

Today is a day to celebrate a wonderful man and his legacy. We should all remember what he fought for and recognize that the fight must continue.

Dr. King planned for the “Poor People’s Campaign”, a march on Washington of around 2,000 people, speaking out against income inequity, lack of opportunity, and insufficient wages. The March was planned for May of 1968. Tragically, Dr. King would be assassinated for his views and success in bringing people together. The March went on as planned with Coretta Scott King at the lead.

Dr. King believed in a guaranteed minimum livable wage, stable housing, and basic needs for all.

His legacy and his mission continue on today. Support organizations that fight for racial justice. Support organizations that fight against poverty and against inequity.

“The curse of poverty has no justification in our age.” (Dr. Martin Luther King JR.)

Taking a moment for gratitude. Thanks to all of you, our friends at , , as well as a special anonymous donor and our par...

Taking a moment for gratitude. Thanks to all of you, our friends at , , as well as a special anonymous donor and our partner clinics, was able to provide financial support for life saving emergency and specialty veterinary care for 14 animals their families this year!

We know it is mentally draining and scary time right now. With many more people than normal are out of work or under waged and worried about health, how to pay their bills, and how they’re going to take care of their pets if something happens.

We love you Atlanta and we’re here for you. We hope you never need us, but if you do, we’ll be here to do whatever we can.

If you or someone you know is struggling financially and any of you’re companion animals needs emergency veterinary care you cannot afford, please reach out. We will help you figure it out. One way or another.

Stay safe, stay healthy. Happy New Year!

On this ThanksLiving day, Tommy’s Holiday Fund wanted to take a moment to give thanks to everyone that has made helping ...

On this ThanksLiving day, Tommy’s Holiday Fund wanted to take a moment to give thanks to everyone that has made helping Atlanta’s animals and families possible.

First and foremost to an anonymous donor that made our largest single donation to date last night 🙌❤️ This donation will do so much to help us in our mission, we cannot say thank you enough.

To for their grant earlier this year that helped us save PB & Jelly. Thank you are loved and appreciated .

To for their grant earlier this year that helped us save morti, and your guidance. Thank you! We love and appreciate you!

To our friends at , and who we look to for inspiration. To our partner clinics all over the state.
Thank you ALL! We love you💕💕

To our donors and our families for always supporting and keeping us going, you’re our heros❤️ we would not be able to do this without. We love you all!

We hope no one ever needs us, but we will be here if you do.

Today is 103rd anniversary of the end of WWI. Armistice Day, now Veterans Day. Thank you to ALL veterans.

Today is 103rd anniversary of the end of WWI. Armistice Day, now Veterans Day. Thank you to ALL veterans.

Come see us this Saturday at  where you can buy some of the amazing hand made charms, and paintings from our very own  a...

Come see us this Saturday at where you can buy some of the amazing hand made charms, and paintings from our very own and help us continue our mission of providing financial assistance for emergency veterinary care.

There will be awesome food and lots of vegan vendors.

UPDATE: George is doing good and gaining weight now that he’s able to eat. He’s still got the bigger procedure to go, bu...

UPDATE: George is doing good and gaining weight now that he’s able to eat. He’s still got the bigger procedure to go, but we’re happy to hear he’s on his way, thanks to all of you and the amazing people that donated to the direct fundraiser. Y’all are amazing and we love you! ❤️❤️

This sweet kitty is George. George was recently hit by a car and suffered such severe dental damage he is a lot of pain, not eating, and losing weight. As you can see, George has an amazing spirit and still seeks love and attention from everyone around him.

Some amazing people at the office he was found at, have now adopted him and he has a permanent home but his veterinary costs are extremely high. They have already paid $600 and George’s doctor is recommending to extract the rest of the teeth causing all the problems. The estimate is $635 -$1042 and they are trying to stay on the low side.

One of the awesome people helping George has stepped in and has already started trying to raise funds to cover George’s costs. So far they have raised $340 and the clinic will go ahead and start, but we need to get the rest covered as soon as we can.

You can donate direct to that fundraiser or THF at our normal links all noted below.

For the fundraiser already setup copy and this link in your browser

If you can, please do so at one of the following, and please share.

Instagram - Donate button in profile

We receive your donation faster through the below options:

Paypal -
Venmo -
CashApp - $TommysHF

Thank you! We can’t do this without you. We love you ALL!

Come see us today at  from noon until 4 next to ! We’ll have Halloween and pet themed items for sale. All proceeds go di...

Come see us today at from noon until 4 next to !

We’ll have Halloween and pet themed items for sale. All proceeds go directly towards helping companion animals emergency veterinary care. 🐕 🐈 🦜 🐇 🐢 🐁

Come see us this Sunday at We’ll have Halloween and pet themed items for sale. All proceeds go directly towards helping ...

Come see us this Sunday at

We’ll have Halloween and pet themed items for sale. All proceeds go directly towards helping companion animals emergency veterinary care. 🐕 🐈 🦜 🐇 🐢 🐁

Happy Pride Atlanta!We love you allCheck out  for all celebration plans this year.    🌈

Happy Pride Atlanta!

We love you all

Check out for all celebration plans this year.





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