Kitten Associates

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Kitten Associates Kitten Associates is an award-winning, all-volunteer, home-foster-network, 501c3 non-profit cat rescue based in Sandy Hook, CT.

Kitten Associates is an award-winning, non-profit, home-foster based, cat rescue dedicated to the welfare of homeless cats and kittens. Founded in July 2010 by Robin AF Olson and Samuel Moore

Our mission:

Focusing on the large un-homed cat population, we rescue and place in our foster care network, as many cats and kittens from High-Kill Shelters as possible, to spare them from being euthanized.

This not only makes room for more animals at each shelter; it also reduces the stress on animal care workers who would have been charged to euthanize these cats. In addition, each foster cat or kitten in our program is available for adoption to carefully screened applicants to ensure these animals are never at risk for being in a shelter again. While adoptions are key part of our strategy, reduction of pet overpopulation, consulting on cat behavior issues and educating about species appropriate nutrition is the other side of the coin. There simply are not enough homes for all the un-homed cats and in the United States. In order to reduce euthanasia rates, we must act to curb overpopulation. Often, legislation is needed to enforce sustainable spay/neuter policies. We provide support for these policies and encourage legislative initiatives that help solve this worldwide problem: position papers, fund drives, polling, direct mail and email communications, case studies, etc. Kitten Associates is a non-profit animal rescue, 100% volunteer run with a network of foster homes. We rely on donations from the general public in order to support our rescue program efforts. To date we have helped save over 500 lives. AWARDS:
• Shelter of the
• Shelter of the Month-Jackson Galaxy
• 2013 Pets of the Year-CT Veterinary Medical Association
•2013 State of Connecticut Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Service awarded by U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal for our Kitties for Kids Program
• Dogtime Petties Award Grant winner directed by the Pettie winners: The Conscious Cat & Covered in Cat Hair.
• 2013 Dogtime Petties Award Finalist for Best Cause Blog

We never fully know our impact on others, but once in awhile we get a glimpse.Last night Jessica, a wonderful cat-rescue...

We never fully know our impact on others, but once in awhile we get a glimpse.

Last night Jessica, a wonderful cat-rescue friend, contacted me. She wanted me to know that because of my actions, lives have been saved-cats I’ve never even known about.

A few years ago, Jessica reached out to me. She’d been out of town for a few days and came home to find her foster kitten, Bella, laying on the floor, barely able to stand. Her abdomen was huge, she was having neurological issues, too. This came on so fast we both worried it was FIP, which if not treated is fatal. The treatment is considered black market (though now there is some access to the pill form).

She took Bella to the emergency vet and they agreed it was FIP, but had no course of action. I had the treatment. I had a small stash of it. It was midnight. I told Jessica to get to my house and I’d give her enough to cover a few days. At that time, we had no idea if we were right or if it was something else. Jessica decided to wait until morning when she could bring Bella to her regular vet.

By then Bella was near death. The vet said she could pass any time now. Jessica had to decide to try the injection or not. It was probably too late.

She tried anyway.

Bella did not die. Within a few hours she started to improve slowly but surely.

84 days of injections later Bella was considered fully treated and 84 days after that she was considered cured. (Bella is the siamese)

Then last night Jessica texted me with a photo of another kitten, another kitten near death from FIP. Jessica knew what to do because of me. She got the treatment going and in a few days the kitten is already sitting up and eating.

This is a reminder to all of us that we DO impact each other and can impact each other in magical, life-saving ways. I hope you’ll keep that in mind the next time you reach out to help someone else. Not only are you having a direct effect, but a cascading one—a wave of wonder!

Last November, Annie’s brother Andy died unexpectedly after getting a dental cleaning from a very rare genetic disorder ...

Last November, Annie’s brother Andy died unexpectedly after getting a dental cleaning from a very rare genetic disorder called Malignant Hyperthermia (basically overheated to the point of organ shutdown).

Annie hasn’t been the same since.

She’s depressed. Another one of our cats picks on her from time to time. She would rather spend the day alone in the primary bedroom than be with the rest of us. I’ve noticed this decline and have been trying to sort out what to do to help her manage her stress. She’s been wiping out when she runs hard or up stairs. Is it her back right hip bothering her?

I took her to the vet a few days ago to learn that Annie has been overgrooming her abdomen. This can be a sign of pain, or in her case, a sign of stress. I feel terrible about this.

Annie will get x-rays of her hip in a few weeks, but Dr Larry did a careful exam and didn’t find anything unusual. Annie lost a little bit of weight and we’ve been paying attention to her food intake and hope to see that improve.

I’m torn. Do I find a new home for Annie? Would she be happier? The weather is so nice that I put Annie in our small catio with another cat she likes. She seems to enjoy it, but only for a time. We just had a play session she enjoyed, and she’s not in the bedroom. I want her to know I’ve got her back, as I always have. I want her to know she is loved and that I understand her mourning.

Things don’t feel good here with Andy gone. I feel his absence. When I saw Annie, Andy would be nearby-always. He died at 7 years of age. It’s so unfair. It hit me so hard I wouldn’t even let myself think about it, but I can’t keep feelings at bay forever.

Thanks for listening. I’m doing the best I can for Annie. I hope I can come up with a solution. She needs to be here. Moving her to a new home would be so much more stress. I love her so much. I’ll find a way for her to be happy here.


Even when we can't take kitties into our program, we find ways to help. This is Bella. She and her 8 kittens were in dire need of a rescue so we offered a stipend for care to a legit rescue to take them on. Yesterday we got the good news that our friends at the Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition had provided a rescue placement. Good luck to this sweet mama and her kittens. If you want to provide a gift towards their care please visit their page for more info. Yay!!!!


Pom Pom has been upgraded to Driver's Ed classes now that she's got wheels!

Physical therapy ramped up to twice a week with Aunt Gail and every day, a few times a day, with our super-awesome Rei. It's helped a lot but not enough to remove our concerns that Pom's left back leg, which is in the most severe condition, can't support her with a twisted paw. To help her body learn the proper position she needs to be in, and to correct her hip position, she'll be in her cart for short periods every day.

In the meantime, Pom Pom and her sister, Dot Dot Dot, need some goodies. Can you lend a helping paw? You can visit their list at

Please keep Pom in your thoughts. She's such a darling girl. Also, stay off the streets. We have a feeling she's going to get the zoomies and be out of control once she adjusts to being at the wheel.

Kitten Associates is an award-winning, all-volunteer, home-foster-network, 501c3 non-profit cat resc

Our sweet Pom Pom's foster, Flap and Friends, is asking for goodies and special bandage wraps to help with Pom's physica...

Our sweet Pom Pom's foster, Flap and Friends, is asking for goodies and special bandage wraps to help with Pom's physical therapy. Just follow the amazon link below and you'll have lots of options to choose from. Thank you for caring about our sweet swimmer's syndrome cutie!

PomPom is asking for a little support this Saturday. Could you help her? We have an Amazon Wishlist just for her and Dot - many of the things we need are unique to PomPom's therapy ❤️

Congratulations to Sherman (and Earl Grey from Flap and Friends ) for being adopted together by one of our esteemed vete...

Congratulations to Sherman (and Earl Grey from Flap and Friends ) for being adopted together by one of our esteemed veterinarians and her hubby yesterday! We couldn’t be happier and wish both boys a wonderful life with their new doggie friend.

did you ever feel like you got stinkeye from your cat? I think Boom Boom is trying to tell me something. Do you know wha...

did you ever feel like you got stinkeye from your cat? I think Boom Boom is trying to tell me something. Do you know what it is?


Will someone please explain to Catshew that she needs to have her teeth cleaned and I’m not being mean to her?

Kitten Associates is an award-winning, all-volunteer, home-foster-network, 501c3 non-profit cat resc


Update on Pom Pom, our sweet girl with "swimmers syndrome." Pom Pom is feeling well and getting stronger every day. Flap and Friends, our rescue partner, is in charge of Pom's PT, and leg wraps to encourage Pom's back legs to go into the correct position. It's a lot of work, it's a lot of trial and error. Pom is a great patient, too. Sadly, her back left leg isn't progressing and her back right paw is not flexing outward yet. We're hoping that with more time she will improve but we may have gotten to her too late or more likely, her condition is more severe than we expected. Either way, we will never give up on Pom Pom and always do our best for her. Can we get a little love for our cutie? Doesn't she live up to her name? :-D

Imagine you just adopted your first cat. The shelter told you she was okay but they lied about her health. After you get...

Imagine you just adopted your first cat. The shelter told you she was okay but they lied about her health. After you get her home you realize something is wrong. She can't eat well. She's in pain. You never expected your newly adopted cat to need medical care that you can't afford. What do you do? That's what happened to Matcha's mom. It's not fair. It's not right. Let's lend a helping paw to this trusted source and make some magic happen for a cat who has already suffered so much.

This angelic little cat urgently needs your help! Matcha… Lauren Sturges needs your support for Support Matcha's Journey to Health and Freedom from Pain

Local friends make sure you head over to SCP’s adoption event if you’re looking to add a furry friend to your family!

Local friends make sure you head over to SCP’s adoption event if you’re looking to add a furry friend to your family!

Adoption Roundup. We would like to ask all of our adopters, supporters to please share our Adoption Flyer with all your friends and groups that you post in. We still have over 60 cats in our foster care and we need help. We have some wonderful kitties looking for their forever homes.

Sherman wishes everyone a good night. He’s glad to be safe inside, making new friends like The DOOD 💖

Sherman wishes everyone a good night. He’s glad to be safe inside, making new friends like The DOOD 💖

Pom Pom started physical therapy with “Aunt Gail” and Rei. She’s being a very good girl and doesn’t get (too) cranky fro...

Pom Pom started physical therapy with “Aunt Gail” and Rei. She’s being a very good girl and doesn’t get (too) cranky from having her paws and legs gently stretched into a more appropriate position.

This week Rei began splinting Pom’s back legs. The splints are only worn for a short time, many times a day. We don’t want to impede Pom’s ability to move, but we’ve got to get those legs improving. We’re very concerned about her back left leg, which is in the worst condition and badly twisted.

Please think good thoughts for Pom Pom and Rei and Aunt Gail. If there’s no improvement over the next month, we will have to amputate Pom Pom’s leg. We’re doing everything we can to prevent that from happening. Every decision we make will always be in her best interest.

We’re still working towards our fundraising goal. If you’d like to help Pom Pom walk, gifts of any size are greatly appreciated. You can take part in our fundraiser, which is pinned to the top of our page or see below.

Main fundraiser:

More ways to give: Venmo:
Checks made out to: “Kitten Associates” P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06470-0354 note: “Pom Pom” on your check.

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. It means the world to us!

Happy National Kitten Day from Suddenly Sherman!

Happy National Kitten Day from Suddenly Sherman!

Saturday vibes with Sherman. (who is doing great after a health scare, fever, and not eating!).

Saturday vibes with Sherman. (who is doing great after a health scare, fever, and not eating!).

Coming soon! Our newest rescues will be here this afternoon. Get ready to meet them! From a high-kill shelter to safe ha...

Coming soon! Our newest rescues will be here this afternoon. Get ready to meet them! From a high-kill shelter to safe harbor! 💖💖💖

CRAZY STUFF GOING ON HERE, FRIENDS! We were asked to help out a dire situation, and while we didn't think we could do it...

CRAZY STUFF GOING ON HERE, FRIENDS! We were asked to help out a dire situation, and while we didn't think we could do it, we DID! Get ready for the start of another epic rescue adventure! I will give you the details soon. Don't want to jinx it just yet but here is a sneak peek... I'm so happy right now!


Don’t let Sherman go near the tv remote! He keeps changing the channel to Animal Planet!

Don’t let Sherman go near the tv remote! He keeps changing the channel to Animal Planet!

I think Sherman likes his new pen but   and Blitzen aren’t so certain.

I think Sherman likes his new pen but and Blitzen aren’t so certain.

Remember George? He’s doing great in his forever home! So thrilled for him and his loving family.

Remember George? He’s doing great in his forever home! So thrilled for him and his loving family.

This little guy is about 8 weeks old. He just got his first vaccination, tested negative for FIV/FeLv, got dewormed and ...

This little guy is about 8 weeks old. He just got his first vaccination, tested negative for FIV/FeLv, got dewormed and got a clean bill of health. He’s a sweetheart with a mysterious background. He was found down the street from us by a good neighbor. We’re on the alert for more kittens ! In the meantime who’d like to adopt? He’s not ready for another month but we’ll start taking applications soon.

Stay tuned!

Stay tuned!

This morning we were contacted by our neighbor who found this kitten in the street. I visited with them, brought food an...

This morning we were contacted by our neighbor who found this kitten in the street. I visited with them, brought food and litter pan and did a quick exam. The kitten is too clean to have been living outside. She is very fearful but can be handled. Someone dumped her. The good news is she started eating and we have a foster home getting ready for her. She sees our vet on Monday. She had a bit of issue with possible constipation but that’s improving too. We got your back, cutie!

Newtown friends keep an eye out.

Newtown friends keep an eye out.

Missing cat from the area of Bennetts Bridge Rd, last seen on Clapboard Ridge. “Leo’s” collar was found, but unfortunately he was not. Any info please call Nicolette at (203)837-0797 or Newtown Animal Control at (203)426-6900

The mustache-gang had their booster shot this afternoon. They’re all at a great weight, are healthy and thriving thanks ...

The mustache-gang had their booster shot this afternoon. They’re all at a great weight, are healthy and thriving thanks to their exquisite foster family. Next month these cuties should be ready for adoption! Until then, which one is your favorite?


Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 18:00
Thursday 12:00 - 18:00
Friday 12:00 - 18:00
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00




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