Don’t miss a thing! ✉️
Just a reminder that by joining our email family, you won’t miss out on any kitty cuteness, new releases, and exclusive deals. 📫
As an old-timer who’s seen all of these platforms come and go (and algorithms constantly change 🙄), I urge you, especially in the light of recent events, to seek out email newsletters for the small businesses and social media voices you value. Our email lists are one of the few ways we can maintain our community while the world changes around us.
Moving to a better email list provider and leaning into the newsletter as a way to keep in touch with cat people 😻 had been a goal in 2024 and growing a community of cat joy is a primary goal for 2025. I want the newsletters I drop in your inbox a few times each month to be a spark of joy that you’ll be eager to open. I’ll still show up here, but will focus more on a lasting cat community. Please join us! (L1nk in pr0file, of course!)