Meet our newest singleton kitten Dylan! She’s an adorable little 10 day old orange kitten and complete rockstar!
We were contacted by a family that had taken in a kitten last week. They told us that the momma cat was poisoned and all of her litter passed away except for one orange kitten. They knew the best chance for survival for the kitten was a rescue. Their 12 year old daughter took on the responsibility and googled all the resources she could and fed and cared for the kitten until we were able to meet and pick up the Dylan.
We noticed that the kitten had some stomach issues and was vomiting occasionally. She also seemed to twitch more than usual kittens when she slept. We worked fast to assess and treat her. She also had a significant flea infestation, and they present their own set of problems like anemia and internal parasites.
Dylan had to have a tube feeding and was given antibiotics. She will spend a few nights with one of our medical officers for close observation and feedings before we will move her to her foster home.
We are super appreciative to the family that reached out to us for help and a big shout out to their daughter for doing a good job caring for the kitten until they found our rescue. Kindness and caring goes a long way and makes all the difference in the welfare of stray cats and kittens. 🐾