We produce organic pet wellness remedies from the richest biosperes on earth-the Amazon rain forests, Andean mountains and Humboldt Current. Our pet supplement and lifestyle line may help your furry family members maintain a happy, healthy life as well as to address disease prevention in our beloved dogs and cats. We are a serious research company, seriously devoted to animal wellness. Here's what
you need to know! :)
Our Vision for Animal Health & Wellness
http://naturapetz.com/pages/the-natura-petz-advantageNatura Petz proudly manufactures all-natural, organic pet health and wellness supplements. We hold the highest certifications in the industry, ensuring our pet products are safe and effective for your dogs and cats:
We are committed to informing our consumers regarding the health benefits and value of natural pet remedies over synthetic options. Natural pet supplements have few, if any, side effects! We proudly offer novel product ingredients that are ONLY available from Natura Petz that may help to address specific diseases and conditions in your dogs and cats. We manufacture veterinarian formulated pet supplements and remedies to address the chronic diseases and conditions that plague our fur babies. Our pet supplements satisfy the biological health and wellness needs of your dog and cat, which makes everyone happier and healthier. We are committed to sustainable harvesting and manufacturing techniques that do not harm the environment nor reduce or diminish the raw, organic power of plants, created perfectly in nature. We promote the importance of holistic veterinarian care and traditional medical systems and how they combine to support prime animal health. Follow Natura Petz on Pinterest! http://www.pinterest.com/naturapetz/
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