Kansas City Pig Rescue Network- KCPRN

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Brrrrrrr, here we go! Into the bitter cold. Today and tomorrow should reach 20 degrees, but then we are headed into sing...

Brrrrrrr, here we go! Into the bitter cold. Today and tomorrow should reach 20 degrees, but then we are headed into single digits, temps well below 0 at night, and another few inches if not blizzard like snowfall. 😭 We have prepped shelters as best we can, and are grateful it is looking like one week from now... we will be welcoming the 50s. Everybody hang on to that burst of spring coming through next week. Please think of our team members working their tails off to keep our precious animals alive and as comfortable as possible through this vortex. These are dangerous conditions for our animals, but these are dangerous conditions for our people too. So many other animals and people as well. Please keep an eye out for those in need of help. Please check on your neighbors. Please please please be safe, stay warm and send all the love and warmth you can to those surviving the outdoors this week. Ellie and Peppa will be warm and cozy, thanks to your support (💲) and our volunteers (💪). Hang in these everybody, spring is just around this very sharp, awful cold corner!


HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY to the one who does it all. The one who busts her butt for the pigs. The one who makes it happen. No matter the challenge, the weather, the stress, the timing etc, Angela is gonna get it done. We celebrate this woman today and every day, as she is waking up on her birthday and heading outside into the Midwestern winter nonsense to feed, water and wellness check our dozens of foster pigs. Caring for outdoor animals over the winter months, here in the Midwest, is no joke - and there are no days off. Wake up feeling sick? Piggos still need breakfast. Wake up to a blizzard? Piggos still need breakfast. Wake up to personal, family or businesses needs? Piggos still need breakfast. The cold months caring for the pigs are long and daunting. Naturally Angela's birthday would fall in the middle of it every year. And year after year, her love, care and dedication to these animals remains the same. Angela is one to step up to the plate, regardless of the circumstances or how tired, stressed or gosh dang cold she is. THANK YOU ANGELA, for everything you do for our community, our team and of COURSE our piggies every single day. Including your birthday. You are one in a million and we would be so very lost without you hard work and commitment to those in your care (including us two legged weirdos who rely on you just as much as all these critters). We love you Ang, happy birthday!


Happy VALENSWINES!! 💕😍🥰💞

Patrick is sending kisses to each and every one of you on this day of love! He says you can send him or his friend's a Valentine today for $5 Friday! Click the link in our bio to donate and show your love to the pigs! Your $5 will help us prepare for the upcoming winter vortex so we can ensure everyone has lots of warm, fluffy straw. ❤️

💝 paypal.me/kcprn
💕 venmo -pigrescuenetwork
💖 cashapp $kcpigrescuenetwork


We feel the EXACT same way about the cold, Miss Ellie - BRRRRRRR! It was 1 degree this morning at breakfast, but at least the sun was shining which makes a HUGE difference in the moral of both the pigs and the breakfast ladies. Everyone is doing okay, albeit cold and ready for Spring. Ellie rarely comes out of her house on cold days because she knows we'll serve breakfast to her in bed. She's a smart girl and looking for someone to forever feed her breakfast in bed even when it's not cold, could it be you? If you'd like to meet Ellie, please reach out and arrange a visit and STAY WARM!

We woke up to snow again! Not a lot but still snow! Our team members were busy prepping the pigs houses with more straw ...

We woke up to snow again! Not a lot but still snow! Our team members were busy prepping the pigs houses with more straw to make sure everyone continues to stay nice and cozy. Sherlock here was particularly happy for new straw. He playfully threw it around and carried it all over his pen. A little about Sherlock or Mr. Lock as his foster momma calls him. After all he is quite a gentleman so we think he deserves a proper name lol.
Sherlock was born in 2015 and spent the first 3 years of his life in a home with a loving family. Unfortunately they were displaced in 2018 due to wildfires roaring through southern Colorado. Our friends at opened their sanctuary to Sherlock and his brother Onyx where they lived until 2022 when they came to us. Sherlock and Onyx were adopted in 2023. Unfortunately the following year Sherlock lost his best buddy Onyx when their barn caught fire in a tragic accident. Sherlock was later returned to us. He is such a sweet boy and he has been through so much. We would love to find him a home where he can live out his days in a peaceful and secure environment. He is very friendly and doesn’t seem to have a mean bone in his body. He is just happy to be around people and get pets. If you’re interested in meeting Sherlock or would like to learn more about him or any of our pigs, please send us a message. We’d love to introduce you to our sweet boy. At 10 years old, he deserves to live out the rest of his years as part of a family and we just know a family for him is out there somewhere.

Good afternoon! We have a new face to introduce you to today! Meet Odin! Odin came to us a couple weeks ago as an owner ...

Good afternoon! We have a new face to introduce you to today! Meet Odin! Odin came to us a couple weeks ago as an owner surrender. While we typically do not take owner surrenders but do provide resources to assist we knew we had to say yes to taking Odin. Odin’s owner has reached out to us in the past and we’ve always helped as it was so clear she loved him and truly was doing her best for him. Recently, his owner had some very significant life changes and had to make the selfless and hard decision to surrender Odin to us. Odin is surprisingly adjusting very well at his foster home. He is a very friendly and social guy who loves attention. He also loves snacks. He is five years old and neutered. While we are not in a rush to adopt Odin out as we want him to decompress and get used to his new foster home. He would make an excellent addition to a patient and active family. If you are interested in meeting Odin or any of the other pigs up for adoption, please reach out to us.

Lilly is another one of our permanent resident piggies, due to her specialized care needs. Lilly came to us many years a...

Lilly is another one of our permanent resident piggies, due to her specialized care needs. Lilly came to us many years ago barely able to walk. Her legs were buckled and she is permanently impaired due to prolonged confinement. Her tendons are far too short to allow her to straighten her legs and walk like a normal pig. She has her own way of doing things though, and nobody could hold this girl back! Lilly is just as active as the rest of the piggies and LOVES basking in the sun. She is an independent sassy girl who is every bit deserving of a full life. She receives professional massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments regularly, to keep her as mobile and comfortable as possible. You support is what allows us to provide the opportunity for a full life to special pigs like Lilly.

If you can, please join us for a $5 Friday today. We'll make sure Lilly knows you think she's fabulous. 💖💅💃🏼🐷

- paypal.me/kcprn
- venmo -pigrescuenetwork
- cashapp $kcpigrescuenetwork
- donorbox.com/5-friyay


Please say hello to our newest intake - Rose. This absolutely darling sweetiehead was brought into Kansas City Pet Project by animal control, after being found and contained by a kind citizen. She had been wandering as a stray near the KCMO/Grandview city line. She is the most social, adorable, outgoing, friendly lady. It's tough to imagine she doesn't have a family who is as obsessed with her as we have become so quickly. She was a staff favorite at KCPP over her 5 day stray hold, before being released to us. She went right to Dr. Koch for her spay and is now settled back in for her first full day at the farm. Rose is sharing the indoor with our 5 young gottingen boy piggies, and hopefully will lots of friends soon. Now that she has been spayed, she will no longer be interested in wandering (searching for a mate) while in heat, and will make an INCREDBILE companion for a very lucky family. Please let us know if you would like to meet Rose or any of our dozens of (fully vetted) adoptable pigs.

Elvis found this very peculiar hole in his yard... He's not sure how it got there, but he's committed to figuring it out...

Elvis found this very peculiar hole in his yard... He's not sure how it got there, but he's committed to figuring it out and catching the culprit...

Did you know that your support provides us the ability to care for a handful of special needs pigs, as well as our many dozens of foster piggies? Elvis is one of those pigs. When we met Elvis in February of 2019, his hind leg lad been severely broken. He was removed from a terrible situation by animal control and staying at a shelter. The vet on staff tried the best they could, but with little pig experience and such a severe injury, we were forced to have Elvis' hind leg amputated soon after. He has lived a wonderful life despite this very rough start and that is thanks to you! Thank you for keeping us stable and supporting our mission. 💕 Pigs are every bit as deserving as other companion animals and we are so grateful to be able to provide specialized care to pigs like Elvis.

We have 5 sweet gottingen boys ready to find their forever homes. Gottingens are a type of piggy only bred in a handful ...

We have 5 sweet gottingen boys ready to find their forever homes. Gottingens are a type of piggy only bred in a handful of places worldwide. They are then shipped all over, to research facilities. The breed is small, docile, and easily handled - which is why they are used for human pharmaceutical trials. We have been fortunate to develop a relationship with a bio-med lab, resulting in the release of dozen of gottingens at the end of their trials.

The life of a gottingen pig, post lab, comes with many considerations. We are not provided much information about the individual studies, but only receive pigs who appear healthy after their trials. While in their trials, they cannot be altered in any way. This means they cannot be spayed or neutered, wormed or vaccinated. As you can imagine, this leaves them with weak immune systems. Their transition into the "real world" can be very overwhelming, for both their bodies and their minds. Their life in the lab is all indoors, in a sterile environment. Their trip from the lab to the farm is the first time they see the sun. Arriving from the lab to the farm is the first time they feel the breeze. Settling in for the first night is confusing, as they have never seen straw before and the weather is less consistent than the indoor lab. It can be quite a lot for these little dudes, but they are adjusting very well.

Our 5 boys from this most recent trial are Rudolph, Dasher, Blitzen, Comet and Cupid. They are looking for homes that understand their weaker systems and who can provide them the love and support they need to thrive out here in the big wide world. They are supremely well socialized and do stay on the small side. Please let us know if you would like to meet them!

WE LOVE PROGRESS!  Jasper was part of the biggest abuse/neglect case KCPRN has ever taken on. Many may remember the vide...


Jasper was part of the biggest abuse/neglect case KCPRN has ever taken on. Many may remember the video of him shaking uncontrollably after rescue, not realizing the better life he was soon to have. A life with clean water, fresh food, solid ground, soft straw and a warm bed. He used to run in total fear any time a human came within 20 feet of him, today I sat within a few feet and he even let me touch his nose. Pigs are resilient and we can learn so much from their forgiveness. Have a wonderful Sunday, friends. ❤️

Good morning! We hope you wake up with a smile as big as Sherlock’s! This handsome boy has been with us since 2018. He c...

Good morning! We hope you wake up with a smile as big as Sherlock’s! This handsome boy has been with us since 2018. He came into our program with his best bud Ethel who we unfortunately lost last year. After Ethel passed away Sherlock has kind of struggled making a new buddies. We would love to find him a patient, calm home where he can enjoy the rest of his days. Maybe you could be Sherlock’s new bestie? Message us to meet Sherlock!


Lewis singing you the song of his people!

This guy is so funny, he ALWAYS has something to say. He came to us as a stray with his pal, Clark, and makes us laugh every single day. We are not sure if he's complaining, thanking us, talking to himself or just telling us how handsome he is. What do you think? Regardless, we love his goofy sounds and funny personality. Reach out if you'd like to meet our resident stand up comedian!


I think out of the 500 plus pigs we've taken in over the years, Phoebe wants a family the most. Her previous 'family' was evicted and instead of reaching out for help, they set her loose to fend for herself. Pigs are highly intelligent and very loyal so Phoebe was very confused and grieving. With the help of so many, she was caught and brought to Willeyville. She is doing well with her friend Daphne, but clearly craves human love as you can tell by the video 🤣 we were just trying to get a good shot of her beautiful face but she only wanted to sit in a lap. Our wish for Phoebe is that there is someone out there who wants a sweet girl that they can pamper and love on. All our pigs want and deserve that but, right now, Phoebe wants it the very most. Please reach out if you'd like to meet this angel or any of the pigs in our program. ❤️

Transformation Tuesday!! Holy cow it’s hard to believe this is even the same piggy! Berfa came to us in 2023 through kc ...

Transformation Tuesday!! Holy cow it’s hard to believe this is even the same piggy! Berfa came to us in 2023 through kc animal control. She was severely overweight to the point where she could not see and was hardly mobile. Even getting up to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water was a huge obstacle for her. Being morbidly overweight is severely detrimental to a pigs health. It puts great strain on their organs and joints. And when it gets to the point that it impacts their vision, it causes them to be on edge and very anxious as they cannot see their surroundings. So they will sometimes stay in a state of fight or flight when being moved to new environments. With a lot of time, patience, love and a strict die0,t Bertha has lost the weight and is doing fantastic. She has lost over 100 pounds! She is an older gal, probably around 8+ years old and a very gentle girl. She would do well in a home with another gentle piggy or even with children. She would love nothing more than to spend her days soaking up the sun and getting her belly scratched. If you would like to meet our beautiful Berfa please message us!

Good morning! We hope everyone is having a great day so far and had an awesome weekend! Ziggy here is resting up after a...

Good morning! We hope everyone is having a great day so far and had an awesome weekend! Ziggy here is resting up after all the excitement last night around the Chiefs win!! It is also finally starting to warm up this weekend and we are so grateful for that! We look forward to the weather warming up a bit, so we can welcome you all back out to the farm soon!


Bella ❤️Do you remember they shy girl in class or were you that girl? That's our Bella! Bella does not know how beautiful she is and often observes from the back but loves human pets and whispers of sweet nothings in her ear when the farm is quiet. Bella is an old soul, just look at those eyes. Bella and her siblings arrived in 2023 and have been patiently awaiting the arrival of their person ever since. If you think you may be interested is a shy beauty queen to add to your family, please reach out and we can schedule a visit to meet sweet Bella. Happy Sunday, friends ☀️

Piggy spotlight! Meet Opie!                                          Opie has been with us since he was born in 2017. He...

Piggy spotlight! Meet Opie! Opie has been with us since he was born in 2017. He was adopted at 5 months old but unfortunately surrendered back due to life changes that his family was going through. Opie is a sweet pig. He’s a gentle boy who would make a great addition to a family. We would love to find him a home where he can be loved and appreciated. He loves nothing more than to lounge and get belly scratches. Maybe he could be your new best buddy? If you are interested in meeting Opie please message us!



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