PRAYERS NEEDED for CORA, the Therapy Dog!!!--- Hi, Facebook friends! I haven't updated everyone on CORA, the Therapy Dog lately, because things have just been plugging along, basically status quo. However, Cora could really use some extra prayer, positive vibes, good juju, or whatever you can spare this morning. This afternoon (Friday), Cora will be having surgery at MedVet Akron, to remove some lymph node tissue that has not responded well to her chemotherapy. Although the procedure is straightforward, the location of the lymph nodes makes the possibilities of complications MUCH higher, and therefore more risky. However, there really isn't much choice. Without it, her cancer will spread and the long-term prognosis sucks! So, Dr. Callard (who is amazing, by the way) will be operating on her early this afternoon. Everyone always asks about Cora and how she is doing, so I figured I would ask for any prayers or good thoughts you can spare today! I will keep everyone posted on the outcome!!! ~Chip