Well, there we are, back again with a long overdue update about Anais. I was just quite busy and was ill for a few weeks myself in the meantime, for which I didn't quite get around to post new updates.
I was more or less just recovering from my summer cold, when Anais fell ill with a fluish cold. She had to sneeze quite a bit and the slime stuck in her nose was already waiting at the front of her nostrils to shoot out at any moment anywhere. There was pretty little anything one could do but to consult her vet. Luckily, her vet knows her and I hoped when I called her directly on a Monday morning, that I could just collect some meds for her and spare Anais the stress of having to be caught and brought to the vet again. I had no one at my disposal anyway who could have given me a hand. Fortunately, it worked out and I was also smart enough to give the vet a ring before informing Anais' rescue in order to get the OK to bring her to the vet or collect meds, since her rescue tends to not to reply even in cases of emergency within a due time. I received the OK faster than I expected and could collect the meds in the evening and start with her treatment right away. It was only some pills I had to smuggle into her, which is a lot easier when I dissolve it in some snack creams and I do not have to touch her. It was fine for a few days, she did apparently feel much better and even felt communicative again. Every now and then she shyly meowed, signalising she had her food finished or tried to connect with my Emily. But as good as it looked like in the first place, didn't last very long. About 6 days passed without any problems before she suddenly brought up her meds. I could try whatever I wanted, she didn't want to take anything with the meds and hardly any food at all either. So the vet suggested we leave her be for the time being and focus on the food before she starts to get the impression all food is compounded with the nasty meds. Anais received a 'free ticket' by her vet to eat anything she liked to, no matter if it was according to her dietary plan or not, as long she eats, starts to feel hungry and keeps the food down. In the meantime I was supposed to try to collect some of her gorgeous slime in order to send it to the lab to find out which particular bacteria has made her ill and which particular medication would work on it. It took me seven days to finally catch a slime sample. Funny thing though, the morning before she sneezed well enough and have the slime land anywhere else than on her incontinence sheets I had to lay out pretty much everywhere she likes to lay down, I dreamt that I told her to sneeze heavily because I had to get a sample. Like in my dream it worked out almost the same in reality then. A few days later the results were in: she caught a multi-resistant bacteria, but one medication would work. The antibiotics she received before were useless against that particular bacteria, therefore it not too bad that she brought those up. I received initially meds to last for 14 days but the vet as well as I already expected we would have to extend the medication period to 21 days just to be really sure it's gone. I picked up the additional meds for further seven days and Anais has started to feel better.
She is not too well yet again, she prefers to stay under the bed, where I already had to put her loo before she just uses the floor under my bed on a daily basis to relieve herself. A nice lady from a cat flea market on Facebook donated a self-sewn cushion to Anais, which she has started to enjoy under the bed. I do hear her purring gently every now and then. I guess, that's at least something and if cats purr, they are ok. So basically, Anais is doing fine according to her circumstances.
As it just got cold outside and it was time to put on the heating, I had to notice that the heating in my bedroom is not working. Well, Anais lives in the bedroom. My landlord couldn't send a handyman earlier than today after two weeks of a cold bedroom. I put on the heating in the living room, which is connected to the bedroom, at its highest, hoping some of the warmth might get through to the bedroom. I didn't feel like it was enough, especially since Anais has a very weak immune system. I prepared her a hottie and put it into her new cushion at any time she let me. At least that one she has seemed to enjoy as well. Every now and then I can also lure her with some snacks, but she doesn't dare to come out under the bed further than up to her shoulders. However, I could check with this technique if she has new allergic reactions somewhere - there are currently none.