Gold Country English Creams

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Gold Country English Creams Gold Country English Creams is a small family kennel breeding high quality English Cream Golden Retriever puppies.


Cliff Smith in Oregon... if you are seeing this post... please call me ASAP....

Its vet visit day ..

Its vet visit day ..


OK... Litter update... I have a conflict with my photography business that forces me to make a change in the puppy go home dates... Payton's litter was scheduled to go home on Saturday Aug 21, 2021... Because I have to be out of town that weekend, I have to move the date to Saturday Aug 28, 2021.... Marleys Litter was scheduled to go home on Sunday Sept 5, 2021... My Vet has agreed to give her puppies their shots a few days sooner, so now they will go home ALSO on Saturday Aug 28, 2021.... I will be scheduling the litter pick order this week... I will schedule 1 make and 1 female pick to come for their picks at the same time.. so 2 people will be here at the same time... 1 to pick a male and 1 to pick a female... I hope this does not cause too much of a problem... but unfortunately I can NOT avoid this change... I hope you all understand...
I plane on micro chipping the puppies this weekend, giving them identifying color collars and posting head shots here on facebook...
thanks... Dave

Good evening everyone... I would like to introduce you to "Slim" ... Slim is a VERY special puppy for Kris and I.... Sli...

Good evening everyone... I would like to introduce you to "Slim" ... Slim is a VERY special puppy for Kris and I.... Slim is the runt from Paytons litter born 6-28-21... Slim was a failure to nurse puppy from the get go.... She was smaller than all her litter mates and therefore was pushed aside when it was time to feed on mom.... At one week old we almost lost her... she was barely hanging on when we took her to see our vet Dr Tom Sheriff. Dr Sheriff diagnosed her as a failure to nurse because of a couple factors.. she was the runt and she apparently wasn't sucking hard or long enough to get enough nutrients to survive. So Dr Sheriff taught us hot to tube feed her in an attempt to save her. So, for 4 weeks we tube fed her and then put her on Payton teet all by herself and held her so she could nurse... We tube fed her every 2 hours for 2 weeks and then every 4 hours after that....We eventually moved to a bottle and then having her nurse on Payton by herself 4 times per day... Well, "Slim" puled thru like a fighter and is VERY healthy and strong... She has a very loving personality and LOVES to be held and petted... Needless to say we have grown VERY CLOSE to "Slim".... With that said, I am going to be VERY particular when it comes to sending her home with the right family... IF.... IF I even let her go... I am leaning VERY hard on keeping her myself.... With that said, If you are AT ALL interested in selecting "Slim" please either drop me a PM or call me to discuss your interest... I am VERY interested in WHY and why your plans will be for her..... AGAIN, I may just end up keeping her for ourselves UNLESS someone has a pretty compelling reason WHY they should get her.... And PLEASE, if more than one person is interested and you are NOT chosen to have her as your pick... PLEASE do not be offended.... It's going to be a very tough decision for us to let her go.... In the meantime,,, hers a few pics of the little beauty... FYI, there is no telling at this point to know if "Slim" is going to remain a runt dog... or if she will grow to be huge.... However, I am VERY confident she is going to be a GREAT family companion... she Sooooooo loves attention ! ! !


A short video of Marley's pups...


Litter Update... Heres a short video of Paytons pups

Feeding time for Marleys pups...

Feeding time for Marleys pups...

Feeding time for Paytons pups...

Feeding time for Paytons pups...


Litter update 7-5-2021.... Marley delivered 7 puppies yesterday... yep Born on the 4th of July... 4 girls and 3 boys.... If you are interested in one of these puppies, I have just a few picks remaining... Please send me a PM with your contact info and I will call you back...


Payton had 4 huge girls and3 huge boys today... momma and babies are doing great....


Ok... I just left the Vet's office with Marley... Her X-rays indicate she has 8 puppies for sure... maybe 9.... If you are still on the fence or have not reserved a puppy pick from Paytons litter.... send me a PM asap... I am sure they will go pretty fast...


Payton had her x-rays today for a puppy count... My vet counted 8 for sure... however, her last litter we counted only 7 and she ultimately had 11 puppies... So, if you are still interested in having one of her puppies, contact me asap for deposit instructions...


Puppy Litter Update 4-27-21...

Payton came into heat 2 weeks ago... We bred her on 4-20-21 and 4-23-21.. we are anticipating the puppies to be born between June 20 - 26th, 2021.... with the puppies going to their forever homes between August 20 - 26th 2021.

I will be contacting everyone that is on my current waiting list ( I currently have 17 people on that list) sometime during the middle of May.... so please stand by... If you are NOT currently on my waiting list and would like to be, please contact me via Facebook Messenger with your contact phone number so I can call you...

thank you... Dave


FYI... I just sent out a group e-mail to everyone with reminders and details of the pick up times next weekend... Please let me know if you DID NOT get the email....Dave

Good Morning folks.... Hope you all had a GREAT Christmas...heres a few picks and videos of the puppies ... Its 1 week t...

Good Morning folks.... Hope you all had a GREAT Christmas...heres a few picks and videos of the puppies ... Its 1 week to you all come to get your fur babies.... see ya next week... Thanks again... Dave


Good Afternoon Folks.... Sorry for the delay, I thought I would have these done and posted on Monday... however, Christmas stuff got in the way a bit.... But anyways...

On Sunday, we micro-chipped all the puppies and took these head-shots.... I made the mistake of taking the pictures shortly after feeding time, so some of the puppies have some kibble residue on their paws and faces...

In an effort to make them easily identifiable, we have places colored string (cross stitch thread) on their necks and the colors are documented to match their micro-chip numbers....

If you like, you can make your own "wish list" of puppies based on the color coded strings. While you might not get your 1st choice, it will give you an idea of which puppy you may prefer based on the "look". I ALWAYS recommend you visit with the puppies before making a final choice.

so.... the litters are identified as follows.... Payton's litter has only ONE string on their neck (red, blue, green etc...) Marley's litter has TWO strings on their necks... One color (red, blue, green etc...) AND a BLACK string.... The photos are CLEARLY marked with the string colors for you to identify....

I will see you all on the 2nd and 3rd.... until then have a safe and Merry Christmas and a safe New Year...

Thanks again.... Dave


I'm taking a shot in the dark here.... The person at overall pick #6 has pick #3 of the boys has decided she would rather have a girl now..... Since all the picks of s*x have been made, I wont just allow a change UNLESS someone with a female pick would like to have a boy instead.... It would not be fair at all to just allow the change at this point... so, if someone with a female pick would rather have a male, you would simply just trade places with this person... YOU would assume the 6th overall pick and 3rd pick of males and she would assume your pick.... I told her I would ask... so I am asking.... no pressure... no worries.... she will understand if she gets no takers... thanks...Dave


Puppy updates.... Paytons Litter is 4 weeks old tomorrow... and Marleys pups will be 4 weeks old Thursday.... I moved them from their whelping boxes inside the house to their growing pens in the garage yesterday.... Both moms are starting to nurse them less and less each day... those little claws are tearing up the mommas bellies pretty bad.... Both litters were introduced to puppy mush today... its a puppy supplement mixture with just a tad of hard food all blended up in a blender to the consistency of tomato soup.... The first couple of feedings they get more ON them than they do IN them.... its a mess... but they get used to it fairly quickly... As expected, Marleys puppies are HUGE and Paytons are just a tad bit smaller than Marleys... but that is to be expected up to this point because Payton has 10 and only 8 t***s... so 3 or 4 usually get a little less than the others during feeding times.... But, now that they are on mush, they will start putting on the weight a little bit faster... in the meantime, heres a few pics and videos of chow time.... as you can see, its a free for all.....

The puppies eyes are open... they are starting to walk... still a little wobbly ... they are getting big fast ...

The puppies eyes are open... they are starting to walk... still a little wobbly ... they are getting big fast ...


Puppy updates....
I feel I need to clarify a few things.... I have been getting messages and calls from a few indicating I said this or I said that when we first spoke and / or on the day I started taking deposits.... Please be aware, I have NEVER taken deposits for any puppies in the past... I have ALWAYS done everything on a first come first serve basis when the puppies were 8 weeks old and ready to go to their new forever homes.... The ONLY reason I took deposits with this litter is because of the literally 100's of calls and messages I have been receiving for the past 8 months ! ! ! Most have those have come thru Facebook and many have come from friends or family of past litter puppies... I tried my best to juggle the huge amount of calls and messages as best I could.... and then with the car crash fiasco that took out my internet and subsequently jammed all the cell service on the day I started taking deposits I did the best I could to chat with people on the fly and mostly without the ability to take notes on who called first ... I relied on my memory for most of those calls.... That said, If I told you you were getting pick A... and the final list indicates you are getting pick B... well I am sorry if I missed .... MOST of the discrepancy is because my daughter decided to take the pick of the litter instead of a stud fee she originally was going to take....Technically she was entitled to TWO picks because of the 2 litter her male sired.... However, i was able to convince her to take just one.... SO, that subsequently moved EVERYONE up one spot....However, in the end,, I think I was pretty successful getting everyone the s*x of puppy the primarily wanted... not everyone... but by far the majority... with all that said... I want to apologize for any sim-communications on my part on that first day pf puppy picks... it was NOT my intention... and again, with that said, If ANYONE is NOT 100% satisfied with the s*x of their pick OR the pick number, I will gladly refund you your deposit and move on to one of the MANY people I have on yet my second back up list... I will say this... I will probably never take deposits again... and If I do, they will ONLY be as I have the person here in person ! ! ! there are just WAY too many variable that make this way too involved than I want it to be...
Sorry again for any confusion... it was NO my intention.... and just another reminder, I will be in Louisville Kentucky from Tuesday the 17th thru Friday the 20th... so I will NOT be available to return calls or messages... I will get to them when I get home...
Have a great week.... Puppy pics will probably be posted next weekend...


Hello everyone... I have emailed out to everyone their deposit receipts and a letter explaining puppy picks... I did my best to make sure I proof read the documents before sending them out, but unfortunately I had a few typos in a few and maybe had some info slightly off in regards to pricing options you chose... I am fixing them now and emailing out corrected pick letters .. thank you for your patience and understanding... It been a little challenging juggling all these puppies... keeping up on my photography business and everyday stuff... just an FYI... I will be going to Louisville Kentucky for 4 days for several photoshoots... i will NOT be answering Facebook messages or emails until AFTER i return home on Friday the 20th... My wife will be home taking care of all the puppies while I ma gone... talk to you soon... Dave

Litter update 11-6-2020Ok... Marley had 7 puppies total... 4 boys and 3 girls....that brings the grand total of both lit...

Litter update 11-6-2020

Ok... Marley had 7 puppies total... 4 boys and 3 girls....
that brings the grand total of both litters to 17 puppies.... 9 girls and 8 boys...

As of today, I have taken a total of 14 deposits and have a back up list started that has 4 names... the ONLY bad news is that ONE person on the list will not get a puppy from either of these 2 litters.... Which is why I did NOT take deposits from those on the back up list... with that said, the last person still MAY get a puppy if someone above them does not get a pick of the s*x of their choice.... so, to keep everyone up to date, here is the puppy pick list in order of picks / s*x desired...

I will post another update soon to show the puppy pick list s*x choices..

All 10 lined up gettin some grub for the night ... obviously 2 are scramblin waitin for another to come off a teet...

All 10 lined up gettin some grub for the night ... obviously 2 are scramblin waitin for another to come off a teet...

Litter update 2 11-04-2020Well... just when you think you have seen it all.... so much for getting accurate puppy counts...

Litter update 2 11-04-2020
Well... just when you think you have seen it all.... so much for getting accurate puppy counts with x-rays....
Payton just dropped her 10th puppy.... ya... TEN ! ! ! !
unfortunately 1 of the early puppies was still born, but we have 9 healthy strong and thriving puppies in the box right now.... 5 girls and 4 boys.... almost a perfect split ! ! ! We thought we were done at 5:30 tonight with 7 total ... and then bam.... 2 hours later 2 more fell out.... but ... oh wait... while I was typing this... ANOTHER girl was born.... OMG.... that brings us to a total of 10 live puppies right now.... 6 girls and 4 boys... I really hope she is now DONE ! ! ! but I am not holding my breath.... I NEVER would have expected this ! ! !


Litter Update 11-4-2020 @ 3:50 pm PST...
Payton had a total of 8 puppies.... The 8th was not expected... she had 5 girls and 3 boys total... Unfortunately 1 of the girls was still born and never had a chance... so the final count for this litter is 4 girls and 3 boys..... Now I'm on standby for the 2nd litter... which she may start tonight... or ? ? ? stand by...


Hello all.... Well I am back up and running with the internet and my phone.... What a CRAZY cl*******ck day its been.... 1st and foremost, I have collected 8 deposits for puppies.... I am very sorry if you were not able to reach me by phone or Facebook due to the car crash causing the outages in my area... This was the first time I have ever excepted deposits BEFORE a litter was born, and I have to say I have learned a valuable lesson with this process. That said, I am again sorry if you did not make this list.... That was not my intention, but as Forrest Gump says..... s**t happens... Anyways, If you would like to be notified if an opening opens up once the litter is born and I have an actual count of males and females, please let me know.... I will put you on the "back up" list as I talk to you on the phone or I get a message from you here on Facebook.... I am sure I will have at least one person decide for some reason not to take a puppy.... that decision might be made after the puppy count is done... or not come until it's their time to pick.... But at least you will be on a back up list... if you're interested... no pressure... no worries... and on another note.... I learned my lesson with this litter for sure... SO... I will probably take deposits EARLY for my next anticipated litter around June 2021... so if anyone is interested in that litter, let me know.... anyways, I will post on here the puppy counts (males / female) the day after she whelps the puppies... Right now the window for birth is Oct 28th thru Nov 4th... Until then.... have a great day ! ! ! Thanks... Dave...


Sorry folks... my internet and cell service has been down all day due to a car crash into a pole... im hoping this post gets posted... my 3rd try now... ill update you alm as soon as the internet comes back online at my house


Sorry to anyone trying to get a hold of me this morning ... huge crash near me... took out a power pole... mybinternet is still down... cell service is intermittent with all circuts are busy message... probably due to all the cars stuck in town due to I 80 being totally closed in both direction ... I am hoping this message gets posted ... I will update as soon as internet is restored at my house ... could not have been a worse day for this crash to happen .... frustrated for sure...

And here is the Dam GCEC Our Sweetness Miss Payton (AKC # SS07208911) Same as with Gunners... go to the OFA page and typ...

And here is the Dam GCEC Our Sweetness Miss Payton (AKC # SS07208911) Same as with Gunners... go to the OFA page and type in her AKC # to see her hips and elbows clearances...

OK... here are a few pics of the stud for this litter... GCEC Top Gun Gunner (AKC # SS05211801) If you would like to see...

OK... here are a few pics of the stud for this litter... GCEC Top Gun Gunner (AKC # SS05211801) If you would like to see his Hips and Elbow clearances on the OFA website... here is their link... type his AKC # in the box at the top right hand corner of the page... you can see his clearances there...


PUPPY UPDATE 10-21-2020....
Payton's X-rays indicate 6 puppies for sure and very possibly 7.... I will start taking deposits tomorrow at 8am.... I will start taking calls at 8am also for those out of towners..... If I don't answer, it because I am on another call and I will call you back in the order I get your call... Thanks... Dave


I'm sorry, but I mis-typed yesterday... Payton goes to the vet for x-rays on WEDNESDAY .... NOT Tuesday ! ! ! SO, I will post her puppy count here on WEDNESDAY around noon PST.... I will start taking deposits as planned on THURSDAY at 8am... Sorry for any confusion ! ! ! Dave


My phone and FB PM's are blowing up right now... so, I need to make a couple clarifications.... sorry, but I will NOT discuss pricing via FB..... I offer several options based on YOUR wants and desires.... you should ALL have my phone number by now, CALL me if you have any more questions... I am 100% committed to giving everyone that has sent me interest requests an equal and fair opportunity to get on my deposit list... I live in Auburn and will offer to meet you somewhere in the Roseville area if that helps you....WATCH this page... my Vet appointment is at 9:30... I will post the puppy count AS SOON AS I GET BACK HOME ! ! ! Thank you for your understanding... I realize there are NOT a lot of English Creams out there right now and I want to be fair.... I am NOT going to take advantage of anyone nor will I allow anyone an unfair advantage.... thank you...




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