At a lovely family party, in a side conversation, I'm hearing the story of my niece's boyfriend's family flatcoat. Leg cancer, passed away at 7. If your dog has an intermittent limp, please ask your vet to arrang x-rays. Better to be safe! Video is of our half flatcoat Roo playing with a neighbour's new puppy Zizou.
I have reached 600 followers! Thank you for your continued support. 🙏🤗🎉 and I love that you still follow SUPER Cooper!
Hello to Super Cooper's new followers! I'm intrigued... How did you find his page and what made you follow it? Video of half-flatcoat Roo and my daughter's spaniel puppy's tail!
Friday September 11th 2015, a bowl of ice cream followed by plenty of milk.
Meeting Penny on the beach. We always attract a lot of attention with the buggy and our hopping dog; Penny's owner came over to chat xx
And this is how we travel... #maddogsandenglishmen #supercooperonholiday
Daughter no.1 and bf ran off down the beach so Cooper followed, with his towel on. #supercooperonholiday
I love it but I fall down a lot #supercooperonholiday
After bath grooming - geroff me