Violet Crown Yoga

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Violet Crown Yoga Strengthen your body. Brighten your soul. Explore yoga. Offering Yoga, Sound Therapy, & Energy Work. She is currently enrolled in the 500 hour training program.

Contact Jessica for private lessons and sessions with sound therapy & energy work. Jessica is a 500E-RYT, RPYT, Sound Therapist, & Reiki Practitioner. Violet Crown Yoga was founded by Jessica Stephens in December of 2010. She is a 200 hour registered yoga teacher and member of the Yoga Alliance. Her training was completed in August 2010 at Yoga Yoga in Austin, Texas. Jessica grew up in the Southea

st Texas swamps, and she moved to Austin in 2002, where she resides with her husband and two cats, Pokey and Marcellus. She has been practicing yoga since 2007, when she was drawn to the intense styles of Hatha Flow and Vinyasa at her gym. She loved the way it made her body feel, but it was not until she began the 200 hour Hatha teacher training course that she realized how good yoga is for the mind. Yoga made everything in life better - relationships with family and friends, waiting in line at the grocery store, even sitting in traffic. Peace of mind was found on the yoga mat, and it extended into the rest of life. Yoga was very grounding, but it also made life a lot more fun. It is the peace and joy of yoga that Jessica loves to share with her students. While she was initially attracted to more intensive styles of yoga, she loves exploring new styles, including Kundalini, Viniyoga, Anusara, Yoga Nidra, and Bhakti Yoga. You can find elements of all these styles in her classes, and she will tailor the level of the class to the needs and interests of the students. As Jessica delved more deeply into the practice of yoga, she felt like it had been with her all of her life, though it had only been a few years. It wasn't until her mother asked her if she thought she was drawn to it because she practiced it while she was in the womb (something previously unknown to her) that it all made sense. Yoga was something she was born to do. Contact Jessica for pricing and availability:

Jessica Stephens, RYT
p: 512.966.4272
e: [email protected]

NEW OFFERINGS to help find clarity in your life! Hey there - For those of you who don’t know me personally, I’m Jessica,...

NEW OFFERINGS to help find clarity in your life! 

Hey there - For those of you who don’t know me personally, I’m Jessica, the owner and founder of Violet Crown Yoga in Austin, Texas. I’ve been teaching yoga for 13 years, which has been quite an evolutionary journey. I don’t own a public studio, but I offer private yoga lessons, sound healing, and energy work, and you’ll find me teaching public classes at different studios around town. 

You may or may not know that, since the pandemic, I’ve slowed down a bit in my yoga offerings and embarked on a new line of work doing personal organizing in homes and businesses. I found a love of this satisfying work, as it aligns with my education in library science. I also recognize how much it aligns with my work as a yoga teacher and energy worker. Through our yoga practice we can find a sense of energetic awareness and clarity in our minds and bodies, which allows for more effective communication and enlightened living. Similarly, organization of your physical space also makes space for clarity in your mind, leading to more effective communication and an enlightened lifestyle. 
Do I live a perfectly organized life? Not at all! It’s a constant work in progress, and I live in a too small house, with too many children (both of which I love very much!). I’ve learned that you can make small changes to create sacred space in your home, which can lead to a dramatic energetic shift in your life. 

So my offer to you is to help you with small organization projects and/or creating areas of sacred space in your home or business to help you find clarity in life. I also provide home blessings with a singing bowl ceremony and energy work, and of course, I will always be here to help you find clarity in your mind and body through the practice of yoga. If any of this resonates with you, send me a message to find out details, or share with your friends and family members.  (Read more in comments!)

Summertime schedule update: New Friday class starting today! Hit me up on your lunch break for a Slow Flow at . It will ...

Summertime schedule update:

New Friday class starting today! Hit me up on your lunch break for a Slow Flow at . It will be in person and live-streamed at noon.

You can also find me Thursday evenings at Studio Satya for a Yin Flow at 6pm.

All of my classes end with a magical singing bowl sound bath. 🎶 ✨💕

Stay tuned for special events throughout the summer.

Singing bowl ceremony for a gathering of amazing women this weekend. 💕A singing bowl ceremony can make your event extra ...

Singing bowl ceremony for a gathering of amazing women this weekend. 💕A singing bowl ceremony can make your event extra special. Send me a message if you have a special event upcoming!

Happy solstice, friends! The shortest and darkest day of the year is a time to get cozy and nourish yourself. Join me fo...

Happy solstice, friends! The shortest and darkest day of the year is a time to get cozy and nourish yourself. Join me for a solstice sound bath tonight at 6. We will be inside, upstairs at Westover Hills Club.

This is a fundraiser for The Retreat, the new home for Mantra Yoga Collective. Link to sign up in bio.


I had a synchronous moment in my yoga class last Saturday. It was my last Saturday class for a while because life is too busy lately. I had a brand new student who drove all the way in from Spicewood! She was there early and was so sweet helping me set up.

After class we talked about the singing bowls, and she said the vibrations reminded her of her bees. 🐝 She is a bee keeper. What I haven’t shared yet is that we had bees take over our owl house recently, and we had been trying to find the best way to have them safely moved. She immediately said she’d come get them, and she gave me and the two remaining students a beautiful lesson on bees and showed us National Geographic worthy pictures and videos of her bees. The very next day, she and her son drove all the way to my house and very quickly got the owl house filled with bees and honeycomb removed. We all got to watch, and it was so incredible.

It was a sweet reminder that we are all made of vibrations, and there is a lot we can learn when we take time to listen. 🐝❤️🐝

I’m back to teaching in-person classes starting today! I have two regular classes in my schedule:🧘‍♀️Thursday 6pm Yin Fl...

I’m back to teaching in-person classes starting today! I have two regular classes in my schedule:

🧘‍♀️Thursday 6pm Yin Flow at

🧘Saturday 10:30am Gentle Flow with

👆🏼Both classes are hybrid, so you can join me in person or from afar.

I’m also teaching a bonus 15 minute meditation online Saturday at 8:30 with MYC!

Check out the links for Studio Satya and Mantra Yoga Collective (in my bio) to sign up. I’m really excited to see humans in my classes! ☮️❤️🧘‍♂️


Hi! It’s been a minute since I posted a yoga video, so here’s a sweet 55 minute yin yoga treat for you. This includes yin yoga for hips and low back, with some self-massage included.

Grab these props if you’ve got em: blocks or toilet paper rolls, blankets or towels, 2 massage balls or tennis balls in a sock. If you don’t have props, no worries, I’ll offer modifications for poses without them.

Let me know what you think! ❤️


A sweet full moon yoga event tonight. Connecting with nature. Can you see the moon peeking through the trees?           ...

A sweet full moon yoga event tonight. Connecting with nature. Can you see the moon peeking through the trees?

Join me in a journey of yin yoga & sound to celebrate the Hunter's Moon THIS Wednesday evening, October 20th, at 7:30pm....

Join me in a journey of yin yoga & sound to celebrate the Hunter's Moon THIS Wednesday evening, October 20th, at 7:30pm. Practice will begin with gentle flowing movements, and I will guide you through a yin practice with deep stretches, accompanied by singing bowls. We will end with a luxurious savasana and singing bowl sound bath.

We will practice at Westover Hills Club outside, under the sky, as the full moon rises.

These sweet practices remind us to be mindful and aware of nature’s beauty that exists around us.

Mantra Yoga Collective offers sliding scale rates and two no-cost scholarships for folks from marginalized communities. Link to sign up in bio. Send me a message with any questions.

Join Janice and me for a full moon yoga and sound bath treat tonight! This will be outdoors at Westover Hills Club this ...

Join Janice and me for a full moon yoga and sound bath treat tonight! This will be outdoors at Westover Hills Club this evening at 7:30. We will practice some gentle flowing movement with Janice, move through a juicy yin practice with me, and end with a powerful sound bath. We will ground and honor the rhythms of nature by celebrating the full Harvest or Corn Moon and the upcoming Fall Equinox.

Join me Saturdays at 10:30am for a Gentle Flow LIVE in person. Space is limited, so sign up ahead of time with  (link to...

Join me Saturdays at 10:30am for a Gentle Flow LIVE in person. Space is limited, so sign up ahead of time with (link to sign up in bio). We will be indoors with doors propped open and fans blowing. Masks are optional, but I recommend them off the mat.

I’m excited to join  to teach a Yin class. My class is currently virtual, so you can practice from anywhere, and you can...

I’m excited to join to teach a Yin class. My class is currently virtual, so you can practice from anywhere, and you can join for a donation rate. Join me Thursdays (starting tomorrow) at 10:30am for a 75 minute sweet, juicy yin class. Link to sign up in bio.


It’s been too long since I’ve taught a class IN PERSON! I’ll be subbing a few, starting tomorrow, with a vinyasa class at 9:30 am. I’ll be at Westover Hills club in a beautiful indoor space that has doors we can leave open. Join me via . You can pay a drop-in rate, and we offer sliding scale rates! Link to sign up in bio.

Still basking in the glow of the pink moon yin yoga and sound bath celebration with . Stay tuned for more full moon cere...

Still basking in the glow of the pink moon yin yoga and sound bath celebration with . Stay tuned for more full moon ceremonies!

Join me Sunday evening at 6pm for full moon yoga. The Pink Moon in April corresponds with the springtime bloom of flower...

Join me Sunday evening at 6pm for full moon yoga. The Pink Moon in April corresponds with the springtime bloom of flowers and specifically pink phlox.

Join and as we take you through a journey of yin yoga and sound to celebrate the sweet springtime gifts from Mother Earth. Janice will lead us through gentle flowing movements, and Jessica will guide us through a yin practice with deep stretches, accompanied by singing bowls. The practice will end with a luxurious sound bath, including bowls, gongs, and flutes. The practice will remind us to be mindful and aware of nature’s beauty that exists around us.

This will be an outdoor practice hosted by at Westover Hills Club. There are two no-cost scholarships for marginalized folk and sliding scale rates. Link to sign up in bio.

I’m visiting with these guys over spring break, so no yoga today, but I’ll be back next week!

I’m visiting with these guys over spring break, so no yoga today, but I’ll be back next week!

Join me for a virtual 45 minute gentle yoga break on Thursday via . Link to sign up in bio. MYC offers sliding scale rat...

Join me for a virtual 45 minute gentle yoga break on Thursday via . Link to sign up in bio.
MYC offers sliding scale rates and scholarships for marginalized folx for workshops and special events.


Make a donation and join me for yoga. Links to donate are in the event, and I'll post them on the page after class.

I’m offering a virtual Social Justice class on Sunday at noon, benefitting Austin Mutual Aid, which is an amazing group ...

I’m offering a virtual Social Justice class on Sunday at noon, benefitting Austin Mutual Aid, which is an amazing group that raised funds for people without homes during the brutal winter storms. They provide direct assistance to people in need, including warm meals, water, transportation, help with home damage, and more. Many people in Austin are still suffering without water and food after the double whammy of a winter storm on top of Covid, and Austin Mutual Aid is doing noble work to provide aid to the most vulnerable.
Join me in my Zoom room at noon tomorrow, or watch for a live feed here on Instagram. To learn more and see the two ways to donate to Austin Mutual Aid, check the link in bio, or DM me with any questions.

My attention span has been about three seconds over the past week. After talking to friends and family members, I realiz...

My attention span has been about three seconds over the past week. After talking to friends and family members, I realize I’m not alone. Our nervous systems are still recovering from the trauma of last week’s winter storm. There are different ways to process trauma, but the first time I started feeling safe, present, and at home in my body again was after taking a yoga class with a beloved teacher this weekend. If you think yoga could help, I’d love for you to join me on Thursday. I’m offering a gentle class that I hope will be soothing for your nervous system. Swipe for details.

Many of you know and have experienced the brutal winter storm that hit Texas this week. Some of you from afar may not kn...

Many of you know and have experienced the brutal winter storm that hit Texas this week. Some of you from afar may not know the magnitude of the storm. In my house we lost power for almost 60 hours in the coldest days of the storm that dipped into windchills of negative 10 (F) or lower. I have never personally experienced weather that cold. We were very lucky to have running water and gas and unlimited firewood, thanks to a neighbor. I think the coldest our home got was 50 indoors, but I know people whose interior home temperatures dipped into the 40s and 30s even. At least two hospitals were without power and water, and Dell Children’s Hospital resorted to using cat litter for human waste. We never lost our water, but much of the city of Austin was without and is still currently without water. This extends, remarkably, across the entire state, unlike any natural disaster our state has previously faced. It was a true situation of survival with moments of concern for the lives of my children and my elderly neighbors.

I’m also devastated to hear stories of children and elderly people who froze to death in their homes, of the unhoused people who froze to death outside, and I anticipate, with dread, these types of stories growing. We are so very lucky for what we did have, but it takes time to process the trauma of life and death situations. Be tender with yourself over the coming days and weeks. Allow space to process trauma.

Currently, there is a grocery shortage and a need for water. People’s homes and apartments have been destroyed due to flooding from burst pipes, and they have nowhere to stay. Swipe to see organizations you can donate to if you want to help.

If you are in Austin, how are you? Do you have needs? Share your stories, and feel free to add any organizations that may benefit from donations.

I’ll also add that the connection of community and seeing humans help other humans has been beautiful.

I’m am wrapping up 40 Days of Rest with a Yoga Nidra session on Sunday at 1PM. It’s also the first Sunday of the month, ...

I’m am wrapping up 40 Days of Rest with a Yoga Nidra session on Sunday at 1PM. It’s also the first Sunday of the month, so my class will be dedicated to a social justice cause. To join us, please make a donation to Birth Wild Awake, a fund that benefits education for BIPOC doulas. For more details and to donate, view the link in my bio.

This week!Join me TODAY for my Gentle Yoga class! THU, 2/4 @ 1 pm via  ('s the final week of...

This week!

Join me TODAY for my Gentle Yoga class! THU, 2/4 @ 1 pm via (

It's the final week of 40 Days of Rest. Check out the latest video, Singing Bowls for Rest, on my YouTube channel ( and stay tuned for my final video this Sunday. I plan to offer a longer Yoga Nidra session and will suggest donations be made for a social justice cause (since it's the first Sunday of the month!).


Join me at 1! Find the link to sign up in bio.

It's the final stretch of my 40 Days of Rest! Whether you've participated since day one or can join me for the final pus...

It's the final stretch of my 40 Days of Rest! Whether you've participated since day one or can join me for the final push, it's not too late to take a little time each day to rest, even if it's five minutes. Check out my YouTube channel for my latest rest video, Resting Meditation to Surrender to Earth (

And I hope you’ll join me this week for my Gentle Yoga class! THU, 1/28 @ 1 pm via (

What is rest looking like in your life? For me, I try to set a time aside each afternoon, whether to nap, read, take a t...

What is rest looking like in your life? For me, I try to set a time aside each afternoon, whether to nap, read, take a tea or water break, or just sit, acknowledging whatever space I take as rest. This week, I uploaded a 30-minute Rainy Day Restorative Yoga session to my YouTube channel (

And, of course, I make time for yoga, and I hope you’ll join me this week! Gentle Yoga THU, 1/21 @ 1 pm via (

I’m embarrassed to tell you how many hours I spent trying to upload a restorative video I recorded for you this morning....

I’m embarrassed to tell you how many hours I spent trying to upload a restorative video I recorded for you this morning. Technology is not my friend today. I lost it on my kids. It was hard. But now I’m going to listen to MLK’s I Have a Dream speech to remind myself of true suffering and hope. Swipe for some great quotes by Dr. King and a lovely restorative pose that may benefit you. Maybe get comfy in the pose and listen to his speech too?

I went on a longer than expected hike today and got to see this view! But now it’s time for a little siesta. I apologize...

I went on a longer than expected hike today and got to see this view! But now it’s time for a little siesta. I apologize that it cuts into the time for me to provide a resting video for you. Stay tuned tomorrow for a restorative yoga practice. Hope you’re getting your rest. These are hard days.



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Our Story

My roots are in the swamps of the Texas Gulf Coast, and I moved to Austin in 2002, where I currently reside with my husband and three children. The yoga practice attracted me in 2007, when I was drawn to more intense styles of Hatha Flow and Vinyasa at my gym. The physical transformation in my body was amazing, but it was not until I began yoga teacher training in 2010 that I realized how much yoga eased my mind. Yoga made everything in my life better – relationships with family and friends, my corporate job in which I was struggling, waiting in line at the grocery store, and even sitting in miserable Austin traffic – seriously, the views in this town are not bad if you’re going to be stuck in traffic, and the local radio stations are great! I found my bit of peace on the yoga mat, and it extended into the rest of my life. As I delved deeper into the practice, I felt like it had been with me all of my life. I had awoken to my inner wisdom. While the practice was extremely grounding, it also helped me find a richness in all the joys and disappointments of life. My journey into motherhood pushed me to explore more how yoga moves off the mat into life, and my current practice involves more meditation and simple acts of self-care, like drinking a warm glass of lemon water at the start of each day.

I push my students to practice radical self-acceptance, including all of the beauty and darkness within each of us. I personally work on recognizing that we are all sharing an experience on this planet as humans, all doing the best we can.

My educational background includes a BA in Communication from Southwestern University and an MS in Information Studies from the University of Texas. I completed my 200 hours of yoga training in 2010 and my 500 hours in 2017 through Yoga Yoga in Austin. I love combining my expertise in communication skills with my yogic practice, and I offer a series of workshops on yoga and communication.