Be a part of World Kindness Day 🥰
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. 🫂🫂
• Give someone a compliment – it can make their day, week or year!
• When making a tea or coffee, offer to make one for anyone else who would like one
• Surprise your colleagues with a kind post-it note on their desk
• Bring in treats for your colleagues
• Offer to buy a drink or some food for a homeless person
• Go through your possessions and donate items you no longer use to charity
• Buy music where the profit goes to charity
• Make yourself know to anyone elderly or vulnerable in your community so they have somewhere to turn if they need help
• Become a pen friend to someone less fortunate than you
• Provide a helping hand to those less able to cross a road
• Volunteer at a nursing or care home
• Spend time with someone who might be lonely
• Help an elderly person with their shopping