Rainbow Pets

Rainbow Pets Rainbow Pets is located in Copperas Cove, Texas. Rainbow Dogs was Rescue for 10 years. With 10 dogs stranded adoptable, Rainbow dogs shut down.

The products you now see on the page, bring a small commission if purchased, that help me keep up with these senior dog's needs and veterinary costs.

Warning. The following story is shocking but true.     “The rendering plant floor is piled high with ‘raw product’. Thou...

Warning. The following story is shocking but true.

“The rendering plant floor is piled high with ‘raw product’. Thousands of dead dogs and cats; heads and hooves from cattle, sheep, pigs and horses; whole skunks; rats and raccoons — all waiting to be processed.

“In the ninety degree heat, the piles of dead animals seem to have a life of their own as millions of maggots swarm over the carcasses.

“Two bandanna-masked men begin operating Bobcat mini-dozers, loading the ‘raw’ into a ten-foot deep stainless steel pit. They are undocumented workers from Mexico doing a dirty job.

“A giant auger at the bottom of the pit begins to turn. Popping bones and squeezing flesh are sounds from a nightmare you will never forget.

“Rendering is the process of cooking raw animal material to remove the moisture and fat. The rendering plant works like a giant kitchen.

“The cooker, or ‘chef’, blends the raw product in order to maintain a certain ratio between the carcasses of pets, livestock, poultry waste and supermarket rejects.

“Once the mass is cut into small pieces, it is transported to another auger for fine shredding. It is then cooked at 280 degrees for one hour.

“The continuous batch cooking process goes on non-stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week as meat is melted away from bones in the hot “soup”.

“During this cooking process, the “soup” produces a fat of yellow grease or tallow that rises to the top and is skimmed off.

“The cooked meat and bone are sent to a hammer-mill press, which squeezes out the remaining moisture and pulverizes the product into a gritty powder.

“Shaker screens sift out excess hair and large bone chips. Once the batch is finished, all that is left is yellow grease, meat and bone meal.”

Welcome to the
Dark Side of Recycling

So, what on earth could this unsavory concoction be legitimately used for?

Certainly not to make anything edible — right?

Unfortunately, as hard as it is to believe, the final product of this grisly process is sold as a source of protein and fat for making animal feeds.

That’s right, food made to be fed to chickens, pigs, cattle — and dogs.

Every day, hundreds of rendering plants across America ship thousands of pounds of this recycled rubbish to ranches, farms, feed lots — and pet food manufacturers.

Each batch of rendered product must be labeled according to its dominant animal source.

So, the ingredients most likely to be made in this same way tend to have vague names that fail to clearly identify the source animal.

For example:

Animal by-product meal
Meat by-product meal
Animal fat

All are products of similar rendering process.
Toxic Waste
and Euthanized Pets

However, this same system which converts waste into animal feed has also evolved into a recycling nightmare. That’s because many rendering plants are unavoidably processing toxic waste, too.

You see, dead animals are frequently accompanied by a host of unwanted contaminants. Pesticides enter the rendering process via tainted livestock.

Fish oil is commonly contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals.

Dead pets collected from shelters are frequently thrown into the grinder with their flea collars still attached. Insecticide-laced patches found on the skin of slaughtered cattle are also carelessly added to the mix.

Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals follow livestock directly into the soup. And drugs given to euthanize animals have been regularly found in the rendered product.

Unwanted metal contaminants can be traced to a variety of sources including pet collars, ID tags, surgical pins and needles.

Even plastics can sometimes end up in the process.
Even Spoiled Grocery Meats

Every day, out-of-date supermarket meats as well as spoiled fish and poultry arrive by the truckload, right in their original Styrofoam trays and shrink wrap.

There’s simply no time for the tedious task of unwrapping each individual package of the many thousands of rejected products.

Plastic cattle ID lags, pesticide patches and even the green waste disposal bags containing dead pets from veterinary clinics and shelters are tossed directly into the pit.

As difficult as it can be to imagine, literally all of it — plastic, paper, cardboard — goes right into the rendering machine.

As shocking as it is to believe, much of what goes into some dog food is simply what’s left over after the processing of human food — what’s commonly classified as “unfit for human consumption”.
Unfit for Humans
Yet Legal for Dog Food

Here’s a short list of some of the unsavory raw materials already mentioned — plus a few others. And although each of the following ingredients are appalling, each can be lawfully used to make dog food:

Slaughterhouse waste (organs, heads, hooves, beaks, feet)
Bread and cereal rejects (cobs, stalks, mill sweepings)
Dying, diseased and disabled farm animals
Road kill (deer, skunks, and raccoons)
Contaminated grain middlings
Distiller fermentation waste
Spoiled supermarket food
Euthanized cats and dogs
Restaurant grease
Dead zoo animals

The Bottom Line

By now, it’s probably become obvious the pet food industry can be nothing more than a sinister waste disposal vehicle for human food manufacturers — and a way to profit from its own garbage.

That’s why it’s so important for every pet owner to be able to spot these dubious ingredients — and to avoid buying the products that have been made using these questionable materials.

Look for brands made by conscientious manufacturers who take pride in producing quality products — those designed to enhance and extend the life of your dog.

You’ll almost certainly be buying a better dog food.

The Dog Food Advisor's unbiased dog food reviews and ratings searchable by brand. Get help finding the best dry, wet or raw food for your dog.


copied and pasted from a post. If Kevin Kruse is your Vet, please read. Before going to Killeen emergency clinic when he is scheduled there, read this!

I want to share an experience that occurred today so that owners can be aware of what can possibly happen when seeking care at a local clinic. You are your pets advocate, inform yourself and never allow your beloved furry family members to suffer like mine did today.
Some of the facts I disclose here some people may find unusually cruel and upsetting, it is not meant for the faint of heart.
My pregnant dog (A female Chihuahua who weighed 10 lbs. at full term) who had been in unproductive labor for 23 hours was brought to Animal Emergency Care Center of Killeen, previously known as After Hours Vet Care, for evaluation and possible treatment today. Upon arriving the veterinary technician took my dam from the treatment room to elsewhere in the clinic where Kevin Kruse DVM, did unauthorized treatment on her. His care consisted of the following “reaching into the birth canal, trying to pull the stuck pup out and in the process ripped the pup to pieces and the parts he could not extract, he left inside of the mother, all of this without anesthesia, pain medication, or my prior knowledge and consent.” Now for those of you who have had children imagine having a doctor reaching inside your birth canal and tugging on your stuck child until he rips it apart and then giving up and just leaving the rest inside of you! BRUTAL, PAINFUL, AND INHUMANE! And for those of you who may question this, I will upload of copy of my pup’s treatment record that clearly states this.
I WILL NOT suggest that you not take your pet to this clinic for emergency treatment because options here in Central Texas are limited when it comes to pet care outside of normal office hours. But what I do suggest is that you inform yourself of your care options and never allow your pet out of your sight so that you can supervise the standard of care they are provided. What happens behind closed doors is often concealed and your beloved pet may suffer as mine did.
Now the back story! My pet was in unproductive labor for 23 hours and out of concern I took her to this clinic for evaluation. From experience I know that a first-time birth can often cause labor exhaustion where the mother stops the labor process entirely, which necessitates medical intervention to get the labor to restart and pups to be born. A combination of oxytocin, calcium and glucose are administered as the first step in this care option. If this treatment is unsuccessful then the next step is cesarean section. There is no treatment option that suggests that a veterinarian should attempt to forcefully pull a pup from the birth canal.
The care I expected my pup to get and what she actually received is very disturbing. After Kevin Kruse DVM’s failure to remove the pup, he and the vet tech returned to the room and advised me that Sugar would need an emergency C-section and the cost would be $2070. After questioning this and asking about alternative care, he said that she was toxic and would definitely die without the surgery. I asked if there was something we could do overnight, considering she was a healthy dog otherwise, until I could get her in to our regular vet who does charge exorbitantly, first thing in the morning. (I’m an educator, not a millionaire). Keep in mind I did not know about his failed attempt at this point. These were the options I was offered 1) surgery with costs outside of my financial means or 2) euthanasia.
I truly did not have the extra funds to pay $2000 without putting my family at financial risk so I chose the one thing I did not want to do. Based upon the less than truthful facts I was provided at the time by this veterinarian and my only feasible option that I felt was humanely necessary, we euthanized our Sugar and her unborn pups.
In tears, I came home and researched what other options should have been available for my pup and of course I found the regimen that my regular vet had used in the past as the first suggestion. I then found a case where Kevin Kruse DVM had been penalized by the Texas Veterinary Board of Medical Examiners in 2017 for almost the same exact treatment of a laboring dog. You can read it herehttp://texasveterinaryrecords.com/Kruse-2016-187.pdf
Armed with this knowledge, I immediately returned to the clinic and demanded my pet’s medical documentation in order to file a complaint. Upon the receipt of the documents, I discovered that he had committed this awful, failed treatment on my dog and subsequently removed any chance of her and her pups survival. The pain she must have suffered, and the very idea that he ripped one pup to pieces and that the other unborn pups suffered a slow death after the euthanasia is nauseating. Now my family is devastated with this knowledge, I still cannot wrap my mind around this bizarre treatment.
Kevin Kruse DVM once again violated TVBME Professional Standards and my dog and unborn pups paid the ultimate price for it. Be informed and hug your loved ones (furry and human) because life is just too short! RIP Sugar Bo**er and Pups!

Fair prices, in home pet boarding. Limited to no more than 5 dogs/cats at any time. Safe, fun, and experienced care.www....

Fair prices, in home pet boarding. Limited to no more than 5 dogs/cats at any time. Safe, fun, and experienced care.

Chance, my boy!Almost 11 years ago, my son brought home this tiny pit bull puppy.His head was so big, his body so small ...

Chance, my boy!

Almost 11 years ago, my son brought home this tiny pit bull puppy.
His head was so big, his body so small when he tried to walk, he would fall forward.

He was of course much too young to be separated from his mother and siblings, but people just wanted those
messy puppies gone.
Because of Chance, I learned about the breed, learned that no rescue I contacted about taking him, would even answer me.
And there were few rescues, just 11 years ago. Fewer yet willing to take Pit Bulls.

So Pits'n'Pups began, rescuing pit bulls, and nearly 140 dogs later, Pits'n'Pups, aka Rainbow Dogs, came slowly to an end.

Today, my boy Chance will go to the Rainbow Bridge. Cancer has eaten away at him for 3 years. He's been a trooper and
many prayers allowed me to have him a full 3 years without pain or decline.
His last 3 years he got to spend without having to share my attention with dozens of dogs that come and go.
But now, cancer is taking his life. The tire he so loves to chase,
it rolls by him and he cannot hold it. His cancer is everywhere, including his liver and spleen. His spleen will rapture, any given time,
and while he may just walk and fall over and be dead, he may also experience pain in his last minute or two that I want to spare him.

So as I sit and write to calm my soul, we are getting ready for his final walk. It is just right, that the rescue that began with him,
Ends with him as well. It is a chapter in my life, he will take with him.

God's sp*ed, beautiful, handsome, funny, loving friend. I am glad your life turned out well and happy.
I am glad you get to go without pain.

To the very few people still seeing any updates here....Thank you for sticking around. This will be my last post.


MICRO CHIP your pets if you love them!!!


Best Trick-or-Treaters!

RIP sweet baby. I fought hard for you...I did....

RIP sweet baby. I fought hard for you...I did....


Please go visit this lady's page (and sanctuary in Killeen) She is doing great work and can use lots of supporters! Reminds me of what it used to look like around here :-)

A place where cats and dogs can live safely and happily the rest of their lives! Sanctuary is small

Please, Kala needs your help...Kayla has been at the vet for 3 days now with internal bleeding. Just spoke with the vet....

Please, Kala needs your help...
Kayla has been at the vet for 3 days now with internal bleeding. Just spoke with the vet. Currently it looks like Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia may be the culprit. If you can help with any amount, please use this link


Update (6/2) , Kayla's bill as of today is $1400 She has an autoimmune condition. She will need further checks and medication. She received $400 in donations. My credit is maxed out.

This rescue turned into a sanctuary...
Many of you have not been around this page when it first began, or even know that, or when, it ended, nor why....

This is a sanctuary now, to a bunch of dogs and cats.
It once was a fast moving rescue... It started 9 years ago, when my son brought a tiny pit bull puppy home from school, 4 weeks old and no matter how hard I tried, no rescue even answered my e-mails...
I had 5 little dogs and really didn't want a "pit bull". I was forced to learn a lot about the breed and by the time he was 12 weeks old gave up on trying to find him (Chance) a home.
He had hip and knee problems and was a pit bull. It was hopeless.

Because of everything I learned due to him, I could not help myself but become the kind of rescue that will answer their e-mails and help where they can. About a year later, I cared for as many as 38 dogs at the time, most of them pit bulls.....
Over the years, more than 100 dogs came through here and were adopted. Some, especially those 22 puppies the one year distemper hit, didn't make it.

There were hard, hard times...

There were always insane vet, medicine, food, treat, toy and bedding bills, but I was blessed enough that there was no worry for the first few years. I had it covered, even though support from others was limited, income was good.
Throughout the years, dogs got stranded here like Chance did. About 7 years ago, I got 3 puppies in from a shelter. One died without that the vet ever knew why, Sarah, my pot belly, she had issues. She was snappy, shy and fearful.....I never felt save adopting her out. Her brother, Mojave, had hip displasya. He was never adopted, he was listed for 5 years.
Also around that time, someone brought me 2 Dogo/Greyhound mix puppies, about 3 months old. They were completely wild. It took more than a year before they would take food from my hand.
Now, at 8 years old, they are still shy and fearful and 95lbs each. They could never be adopted. Apple, a 90lbs pit bull, has pretty severe hip displasya. She was never adopted, though she was listed for years.
Indy came here about 4 years ago with her puppies. She too, was never adopted, though she is listed to this day. No reason really, just not catching any interest. She is a bit fearful and shy...
Pako, my nurse..is a little pug chihuahua that has only one eye and crippled back legs. He has been here about 6 years. Myla, a pit bull, was born here 6 years ago. She was adopted at 5 months old, returned 4 years later because the new roomate's dog and her wouldn't get along. Adopted again about a year later and dumped in a shelter in Austin 10 months later, because she took a sandwich out of their sons hand....
I am fearful to list her again. She is 6 years old now and had her heart broken twice. Sammie, the Bull Terrier, was suppose to be euthanized by the shelter for being aggressive. She sure had some issues.
She has been here about 2 years now and yes, she has bitten me, so she will stay.
Then there was Kayla the Bull Terrier that needs help now. . She was left behind in a back yard. I suspect she spend most of her first 5 years or so of life, locked in a crate, without bedding. Her skin was so raw and infected. She has the most horrible flea allergy. She would p*e in her bed for almost 2 years and sleep in it. Every day again. She still does it now, sometimes. It's been a constant battle with her skin and her sensitivities. The last dog I accepted was Lucy, the obese Min Pin. They thought she was pregnant at the shelter, but she was trying to bite everyone that wanted to touch her. After I got her, I found out she was just extremely obese. She has been here about 1.5 years now. She is not house broken. She refuses to go outside most of the time. There seems to be no fixing it. She is still obese and hawks food all the time.....She quickly rolls over and shows her teeth. She as well, wont be able to find a home.

So all these dogs shut me down. One cannot keep taking in dogs with a house full of dogs. I work a full time job to support them and pay their bills. Most of the time I don't ask for help.
I have also taken in 14 cats that were dumped where I work. They live in my garage and a cat run I build for them to go outside. 5 of them are getting vetted on the 2nd. It will be around $400 again....

Only when I get desperate, I ask you all to remember them, after we are out of the spot light. They are all getting older now and their vet bills will increase. It has become overwhelming to keep up.

I need help. There are still 13 dogs here I care for without help. Kayla has been at the vet 3 days now. The bell is alr...

I need help. There are still 13 dogs here I care for without help. Kayla has been at the vet 3 days now. The bell is already over $1000 And climbing. She now has internal bleeding...won't eat....she is at Coryell Veterenary ary. If you can help at all with any amount .... paypal.me/PleaseHelpKayla Thank you!

Why are people still donating to PETA!!!

Why are people still donating to PETA!!!

Several years ago, PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk wrote an OpEd piece in newspapers across the country calling on all shelters in all American cities to kill all dogs who looked like “pit bulls.” “Most people have no idea that at many animal shelters across the country, any pit bull that comes th...



You cannot, I repeat, you CANNOT get corona virus from your pets. People are dumping their animals at shelters out of ignorance and fear.

ANIMAL SHELTER ARE CLOSING ... to protect their employees, which means, logically, that any owner surrenders will be walked straight into the death room.

There is no room, many are not open for adoption, so the animals have to die. That is the HORRIBLE nature of shelters. Employees are stressing, because they have to kill so many viable animals. Stress lowers the immune system ... shelter care takers get sick ... more animals have to die to maintain the operation.

Sad thing having to say this...

Sad thing having to say this...

This time of year, open all the plastic bags, insulated cardboard boxes met. When you see on the road a bag with the impression that it contains something, don't ride on it but stop by to check the content.
Open your ears and eyes on the edge of the ditches, waste, collective garbage, whether in town or in the countryside.


a Very good boy :-)




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Our Story

There are currently 21 Dogs and Cats living here, many permanently, because for one reason or another they are not adoptable. Not accepting pets at this time .