First time seeing the musical dancing crab
First ponying session with Moses
Just a little snow... Today's run consisted of some serious trail breaking, snow drifts, white out conditions at times thanks to some high winds, and some good dogs!
Prepping for some more below zero nights with our Hay Chix nets!
Do yourself a favor and get the child's crab toy that moves and plays music. Then turn it on and set it down as you go about your normal grooming/ tacking/ and unpacking routine.
Quiet people make spooky horses.
Moses and Coyote are over my shenanigans. This is the second time they've ever seen it. Unfortunately it gets caught up in a few of the cracks between the mats and needs occasional resetting but it's still doing it's job!
Mount Jasper October 2024.
Moses, Phoenix, and Shadowfax.
A very chilly day with some snow flurries, but it was still a great day to get out! It may be past peak leef peeping season but it's still a wonderful view!
Extreme trail challenge at the Orleans County fair with Moses. Had a blast getting out with him for this!
#morgan #TrailChallenge #theadventuresofmoses
Lots of mutual grooming going on while a 🦌 watches wishing they could join 🌄
Don't forget the groundwork!
It's important to start a solid foundation from the ground up.
Always work on the basics.
#CleverCoyote #OTTB #lunging #groundwork #walktrotcanter #bottomupapproach #horses
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We will be announcing some weekend camp dates soon! These camps fill up FAST so don't forget to sign up to be the first to hear about them by email!