Fostering is the only way to keep dogs from dying. YOU CAN FOSTER! If you need info on where to start, send me a message!
I'm not special, anyone can do this!
Have you ever lost your black dog in the dark? 🤣
We don't start with sit! In fact, it's the very last skill covered week 1 of Basic Obedience. We start with Engagement! This means your dog wants to pay attention to you and wants to work with you! Spin fundamentally teaches your dog to follow a treat, even in an unnatural pattern! (It also doubles as a fun party trick!). This makes the foundation of training fun for your dog instead, meaning they'll be excited to learn the next skill!
How you train is important. No one wants to work with a dictator. If training isn't fun, you're doing it wrong!
Register for our next group class at
When I try to take a week off over a Holiday....
Fireworks were the least exciting thing for us this week
So needless to say, I'm not super responsive on messages and emails right now
Sometimes you need your dog to just Stop where they are - don't continue on their path, but also no need to come back to you. WAIT means just that - WAIT - Freeze in place until I give further instruction.
How could you use a Pause Button for your dog?
If it's not fun, it's not right ♡
Unexpected Random Stranger Stopping while we were working on Banks' Calm Public Behavior! Just a couple weeks ago this unsuspecting lady would have been getting an Over Excited, Leaping Wiggle Greeting (which isn't cute when it's a 50lb dog coming at your face 😬)
🧔Featuring my Fiance, Jeremy! I let him work with all of my Board & Train dogs during their last week so that I can ensure their behavior transfers when I'm not holding the leash but also to get an outside view of the dog working. When you're holding the leash, sometimes it's hard to see the whole picture. I'm forever grateful for his assistance ♡ and he enjoys all the extra dog cuddles
Anthony's focus is shaping up nicely! I'm not rushing the structure of his skills, he's a nervous boy who doesn't have any exposure beyond his home (Like many covid puppies)
You cannot punish a dog into wanting to listen to you (or care that you exist) - while positive reinforcement takes longer and appears less robotic, these skills go beyond a command. Anthony is learning humans have value, and not just bc we open treat bags. #consequencesnotpunishments #trainthedognotthecommand #wholedogtraining #theotherkindofpositivetraining #itsnotallunicornglitterandtreatbags #dogschool #puppybootcamp #traindontcomplain #dogsonlydowhatyouallowthemtodo #teachexpectations
I remember her SPECIFICALLY telling me to not quit my *real job* ... and to *not come back with a puppy* from my 1st BIG training conference.... and to *not foster puppies* because it get attached
I think it worked out pretty well
Confidence building is a life commitment for dogs who missed important socialization milestones. Now anything new that frightens Charlie gets pushed or sat on! Turn that Fear into Fun!
*I make no apologies for my baby dog voice*
*sound alert* Bowie being the best boy, getting used to his gentle leader AND working on focus ♡