Free feeding, or leaving food out for your cat to eat whenever he chooses, is a divisive topic. Most veterinarians agree that free feeding is okay for a cat who exercises self control, but can result in obesity, diabetes, and behavioral issues in many other cats. Many animal behavioralists believe free feeding is a contributing factor to temperament issues because the cat perceives food as always being available and therefore does not associate you with the food.
This leaves open the question: Is free feeding okay for MY cat and how do I break the cycle?
Here at Raw Cat Food, we don't believe in free feeding, even for dry food, but raw food cannot be free fed. Feeding a raw diet eliminates the possibility of free feeding because of the raw food cannot sit out. You will likely find that switching to a raw diet means your cat will eat his entire portion of food as soon as it is served, simply because of the desire to eat the raw food. Some cats may prefer to wait to allow the food to come to room temperature, but they will still eat all of it once they begin eating. Breaking the habit of having a free fed cat is much easier with a biologically appropriate diet that keeps them full and satisfied. Carb-loaded, poor quality dry foods make cats initially feel bloated and full, but then leaved them hungry, starved for nutrients, and craving more food.
Schedule feeding may result in some hungry-sounding meows as mealtime approaches, but you'll see the good results in your cat as well!
For some thoughts on free feeding, watch this video:
The first thing Jackson would tell you if you asked about your cat's odd behavior? Stop free feeding! Learn how you should be using food as a tool with your ...