Positive Rewards Dog Training/MV

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Positive Rewards Dog Training/MV Positive Rewards Dog Training offers positive reinforcement training for dogs of all ages and breeds Are you looking for training for your family dog?

Interested in 'tuning up' your competitive performance? Does your dog 'act out' when near other dogs or new people? Are you concerned about your dog's behavior? Positive Rewards private instruction for companion and competition dogs and their owners. We are here for the Reactive Dog as well! Dogs who need more space from other dogs or people are not bad dogs - they are dogs who need help learning

how to handle the world about them. At Positive Rewards owners with dogs who need more space will find support, education and most importantly access to working sessions specially designed for your dog's behavior needs. Reinforcement training works for all dogs - learn how to open up a new world of understanding between you and your dog through classes at Positive Rewards.

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I share the news of Fenway's passing. Pam & Chip's beloved BC Fenway has left us,...

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I share the news of Fenway's passing. Pam & Chip's beloved BC Fenway has left us, gaining his wings yesterday.

Fenway was an amazing dog and a true spokesman for the Border Collie breed. I first met Pam and Fenway when they came to my agility classes way back in the early years.

He and Pam were regulars at our weekly Sniffer Dog classes up to two years ago, as an elderly senior, he thoroughly enjoyed searching and was not shy about telling Pam that she was 'late' in holding up her end of the bargain

Fly high and strong Fenway - you are greatly missed.
To Pam and Chip, with deepest condolences from all your Sniffer class friends.

Here's a quick reference to dealing with heat emergencies in dogs.Overheating can happen MUCH faster than many people un...

Here's a quick reference to dealing with heat emergencies in dogs.
Overheating can happen MUCH faster than many people understand.
Pay attention to the first note:
Behavior change is the best indicator of heat-related distress- know the signs.

Another way to think about this is that you are planning on going for a jog and taking your dog along for the exercise.
Here is your apparel: a Fleece top and sweat pants, long socks, and sneakers.
If you think "Wow - I will get too hot wearing that!" Consider how your dog feels - not with all the coat hair, but the simple fact that they lack the overall abundance of sweat glands that bless the human primate and allow us to sweat and cool off quickly.

We'll be at the MV Agricultural Fairgrounds this Saturday under the trees in front with the Great Detective Dog Hunt fro...

We'll be at the MV Agricultural Fairgrounds this Saturday under the trees in front with the Great Detective Dog Hunt from ~1:30 - 2:45pm.

Bring your Canine Sleuth to work out where the treats are hidden and learn how to add sniffing for fun as an enrichment activity for your dog. (Hint! You can make a great indoor game too! )

Learn how scent games can provide mental enrichment and build confidence and resiliency in your dog.

Hope to see you there!


Don't trust that your car left running with the AC on will be ok for your dogs to remain in while you "pop" in to the store.

I just read of another incident of a vehicle automatically shutting off - luckily the person arrived before things went critical for her dog- and it was NOT an electric car.

Heat-related injuries to dogs can occur more rapidly than one might expect, underscoring the need for immediate action.A...

Heat-related injuries to dogs can occur more rapidly than one might expect, underscoring the need for immediate action.

As a dog owner, it's your responsibility to be vigilant for signs that your dog is overheating. This awareness is key to taking swift action and preventing heat-related injuries.

Panting is the most effective way for dogs to lower their body temperature...however... the efficiency of this method relies on the air humidity being low - if the air is currently running at 90%, it means that water evaporating from your dog's tongue and inner mouth tissues will be slowed as the air is already very wet.

Observe your dog's tongue color when the dog is calm and rested —it should be pinkish. The higher your dog's body temperature, the redder the tongue becomes—waiting until it is deep reddish purple is too late.
A 'cool' tongue is narrow and long
A 'hot' tongue is broad
A 'getting too warm' tongue will also be hang out the side of the mouth, rather than through the front teeth.
An "overheating hot' tongue is broad and curling up like a cup on the end

Observe your dog's panting - how open is the mouth?
Is it a narrow, open mouth? ( cooling ok)
Or does it look like you could easily reach down your dog's throat to remove a tennis ball? (critical stress attempts to cool)

Would you consider walking around in bare feet on a hot sidewalk?
A very common heat injury for dogs in hot weather is irritated/ burned pads from walking on surfaces that have been soaking up the heat. These surfaces can also take a while to cool off, so consider this when walking your dog in the 'cooler' evening hours.

Do you have one of those " Go-Go-Go" dogs? Some dogs seem to be able to self-limit themselves in hot weather. but if your dog is really into moving activities, they can easily overheat. The excitement and anticipation of participating can overshadow their
perception of "Wow. am I hot!" until they have reached a critical care stage.

Dogs most at risk of heat related injuries..the very young..the very old..medically challenged..highly active..ALL short faced breeds..overweight..heavy coated (yes- the coat does act as an insulator to protect from the extremes, but it will also act to hold temperatures in)

To help keep your dog safe in this hot weather, here is a great article from Cornell.

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors with our dogs. While many of us love soaking up the sun, we need to be mindful of making sure our canine friends do not overheat. Overheating can result in a life-threatening emergency called heatstroke, caused by prolonged exposure to hot or humid en...

Do you travel across international borders with your dogs - you might want to check into the new regulations going into ...

Do you travel across international borders with your dogs - you might want to check into the new regulations going into effect August 1, 2024 which apply to ALL dogs traveling into the United States, whether being imported from another country, OR even travelling as family pets or sport competitors.


Veterinarians scramble to understand what's needed under new rabies prevention rule


Just renewed my NACSW membership!
Since 2010 and still going strong!!

How this sport has grown!!! -
Austin, #748, was my first Nose Work dog.
Alan, #33253, is preparing for his ORT.


Read the language of what the dog is telling you.
If the answer is "Ok"

Read the language when it comes to actually touching - this is called a Consent Test.
Respond appropriately.

Dogs are not stuffed animals. They have personal space just like we do, and they aren't 'bad dogs', for not wanting to be touched.

Sometimes they just want to be companionable and hang out in your presence (this means, though they are close to you, keep you primate hands to yourself).

Want to learn more?
Contact us for how to be the best friend ever, for a dog.


it's Spring...aargh..Yesterday morning, Alan managed to find himself something, a spider/bee/?  and came inside with a C...

it's Spring...aargh..

Yesterday morning, Alan managed to find himself something, a spider/bee/? and came inside with a Chow's face.

Pronounced swelling of his muzzle, eyes almost swelled shut, and itchy - a strong reaction to ?....

Make sure you have Benadryl (the regular antihistamine type—pink caplets, NOT the gel type) on hand.
He received an appropriate dose for his weight, and I immediately called Vet Triage.

Since he was not having trouble breathing, and his gum color was good, it was prescribed to keep him on Benadryl for the next few days, continuing to monitor his condition.

The swelling was almost completely gone by nightfall, but I will be watching him carefully.

a great article!This is a topic that Alan & I have been working on- as Mr. Congeniality he would love to greet everyone ...

a great article!
This is a topic that Alan & I have been working on- as Mr. Congeniality he would love to greet everyone he sees, but he's figuring out that just looking is very profitable. Onwards for the 7 month brain :)

Elevator Behavior Imagine this scenario: you are in an elevator at a large hotel. The doors open and a stranger steps in, looks at you, squeals in delight, throws her arms around you, and says “I want to be your new best friend!” How would you react to that? Personally, I would be horrified. And

Why is my training not working? "Untrainers" come in many forms - from family members who may not realize the importance...

Why is my training not working?

"Untrainers" come in many forms - from family members who may not realize the importance of how they interact with the dog to those who say " I know dogs..." (hint: this is your cue to exit stage right with your dog before, rather than after..).

Support and advocate for your dog. Protect your learning associations. It is kinder for your dog and less frustrating for everyone.

If someone in your house is sabotaging your hard work training your dog, you need to find common ground for the sake of your dog!

I love watching Summit level teams competing - these searches are large, and complex, and highlight the years of dedicat...

I love watching Summit level teams competing - these searches are large, and complex, and highlight the years of dedication between handler and dog pairing together in the hunt. The world is full of interesting scents for dogs, and their ability to detect, follow, and isolate to source is nothing short of inspirational.

vehicle search, Seaside Trolley Museum, Kennebunkport, Me. November 5, 2023


it’s french for “no, it’s not a frickin doberman either”

meme: a bust shot of a black and tan beauceron against a plain white background. The text above the dog says,

“I am not a toy. I am not a christmas present. I will get called a Rottweiler and it will cause emotional damage.”

The text below the dog says, “think twice before getting someone a beauceron for christmas.”

A short photo journey of the rapid growth of a puppy.In your puppy's first year of life, they will go from a newborn to ...

A short photo journey of the rapid growth of a puppy.
In your puppy's first year of life, they will go from a newborn to the human equivalent of about an 18-year-old.
Be patient with them. Revise your expectations. They have a lot to accomplish in a short period of time.

photo 1 Alan on November 9,2023
photo 2 Alan on November 29,2023
photo 3 Alan on December 21,2023

Merry Christmas to one and all (yes I need an updated pic with the puppy who's attempting to stay off the Naughty List)B...

Merry Christmas to one and all (yes I need an updated pic with the puppy who's attempting to stay off the Naughty List)

Best and brightest greetings of the season to everyone :)

Look who's growing like a w**d!He continues to be a confident, thinking puppy, but I strive to set him up for the best p...

Look who's growing like a w**d!
He continues to be a confident, thinking puppy, but I strive to set him up for the best possible exposures which means understanding where to position him for calm learning moments.

The Fish Crows were a huge question mark for him - you can hear them commenting continuously in the background and they were busy across the street bouncing on the power lines and roof tops.

The vest is from my dog Hollis who passed almost 10 years ago. While it is too large for Alan, I am using it as a management tool to help inform people that we would like space, not interaction.

great reminder that behavior happens for a reason.Understand the why, to let go of the label.

great reminder that behavior happens for a reason.
Understand the why, to let go of the label.


We've come a long way since first considering the "unlabel me" concept and developing a new habit of describing observable behavior and conditions unambiguously. When the description of a "stubborn" parrot was revised to "remains on perch when I offer my hand" and an aggressive dog was further described as "growls when I reach for the food bowl" our ability to solve behavior problem situations really soared. Cheers to a new year of great work ahead and a new "unlabel me" meme. Download this and all BW art for free here: https://www.behaviorworks.org/htm/downloads_art.html
Happy holidays!

from the Cornell Vet labs about the Canine Respiratory disease

from the Cornell Vet labs about the Canine Respiratory disease

The Cornell Animal Health Diagnostics Center is available for consultation with veterinarians about suspected cases and can support veterinarians with specimen collection and transfer. Learn more about the tests performed. Latest Information on mystery canine respiratory illness 11.28.23 What is thi...


In this season of giving, hope that your dogs do not get this...
and yes, it has been reported in Massachusetts..

" Health officials have confirmed instances of the respiratory disease in canines in California, Colorado, Oregon, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. There have also been cases reported in Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, and Georgia, suggesting the illness may be spreading. "
Newsweek, November 22, 2023

Alan is 10 weeks old today! He's learning about life in the household and interactions (limited) with the Big Kids.Myles...

Alan is 10 weeks old today!
He's learning about life in the household and interactions (limited) with the Big Kids.

Myles has been very tolerant with him and has initiated some play - including holding a large Wubba for Alan to bite on (Smart boy!-deflect those teeth !) He had also given Alan the "Shrivel Up And Die Stare" this morning when Alan thought pulling the hair on Myles's Hocks was the name of the game.

Hannah is a bit more reserved with him but is equally patient with Alan's advances. She learned that running away or jumping on the couch are good strategies.

So, you want a smart, creative, thinking, and outgoing puppy?This is part of the ongoing educational world of Alan.Creat...

So, you want a smart, creative, thinking, and outgoing puppy?
This is part of the ongoing educational world of Alan.

Creative. Confident. Independent thinker and Problem solver.
All traits I want in my newest Nose Work dog :)

Why it is so important to supervise your young dogs...Also, a reminder to puppy owners - keep a ready, interchangeable a...

Why it is so important to supervise your young dogs...

Also, a reminder to puppy owners - keep a ready, interchangeable array of safe and acceptable things for your growing puppy to explore and play with - this helps build a reference library of what to do ' when I am looking for something to do.."

Many of our breeds were created with an intent to help us carry, retrieve, or fetch items - in Gun dogs, this genetic trait was selected for, so expect and anticipate your Lab or Golden or other Gun dog puppy is likely to be seeking for anything to put into the mouth.
Be proactive- get involved in your puppy/dog's learning experiences to help keep them safe from themselves (puppies especially think they are indestructible!).

Adventures with Alan.What have I learned about him?* he's very confident and is rapidly developing fine control of his b...

Adventures with Alan.

What have I learned about him?
* he's very confident and is rapidly developing fine control of his balance, even in slightly challenging conditions
* he's a first-class problem-solver and dedicated to getting to the result
* he requires frequent changes to his environments due to his rapid rate of processing
* while he is confident, he responds to the world like the almost 9-week-old puppy that he is - not everything is ok, some things are weird and need more watching and thinking about.

Each day brings new things for him to learn about. At this age, my emphasis is not on building obedience, but rather on environmental resiliency, safe emotional associations with world events, confidence to explore new and novel, developing a love of learning, as well as a LOT of management as I actively and inactively manage his learning content.

Check out this morning's early learning(day 3 home) - he just learned how to navigate stairs late yesterday, and the barriers along the Pond went up earlier this morning due to his fascination with the plantings, pond net cover, and Christmas lights.
The baby-gate ramp is brand new - this was his first exploration of it in this location.

>Are you looking for a trainer? Like the Internet, there are excellent trainers out there, and there are trainers who ar...


Are you looking for a trainer? Like the Internet, there are excellent trainers out there, and there are trainers who are not the best option for you and your dog.
* What are your personal ethics in the relationship with your dog? * Are you more interested in the goal or the journey to get there?
* How important to you is it that your dog wants to joyfully engage in the training process?

The following article is a good reference when you are considering hiring a trainer.

Did you know that to become a dog trainer you need exactly ZERO credentials? Did you know that the woman who does your hair or nails has to jump through more hoops to be able to work than someone who wants to work with your dog? Did you know that there have been trainers who have caused the death of...

Meet the newest member of the Hairy Horde - Alan.He had a very busy first day at home yesterday, starting with learning ...

Meet the newest member of the Hairy Horde - Alan.

He had a very busy first day at home yesterday, starting with learning that not only could he p*e & p**p in a new location (my backyard) , but he did so quite willingly and without fuss, during a light rain shower.

Myles and Hannah are very calm but accepting- no physical interaction yet, as I let everyone get used to each other for a few days. The airlock around his containment-entertainment center was only necessary for about 20 minutes as I assessed everyone's behavior.

This is a challenging, emotional decision. Some dogs are too broken, whether from genetics, or poor learning experiences...

This is a challenging, emotional decision.

Some dogs are too broken, whether from genetics, or poor learning experiences, to have a good quality of life.
If you have never had to walk in these shoes, don't round on those who have had to make the most difficult, but kindest decision for a dog they love, but understand that is drowning in the pool of life.

All set up for my Mentoring session with a student from the Martha's Vineyard Charter School.Today we are learning about...

All set up for my Mentoring session with a student from the Martha's Vineyard Charter School.
Today we are learning about 'Tools of the Trade' including a section on what we need to think about in terms of our clothing selection (safety, flexibility, and durability!).
A HUGE thank you to the West Tisbury Fire Department for allowing us to use the conference room - it will be much appreciated as the colder weather approaches!!



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Our Story

Are you looking for training for your family dog? Interested in 'tuning up' your competitive performance? Does your dog 'act out' when near other dogs or new people? Karen Ogden is a certified professional dog trainer with over 26 years working with dogs in a variety of aspects from Search & Rescue (1992 -2008), to sports competition and currently training for conservation (Eastern Box Turtle detection). Need help with a Reactive Dog ? Dogs who need more space from other dogs or people are not bad dogs - they are dogs who need help learning how to handle the world about them. At Positive Rewards owners with dogs who need more space will find support, education and most importantly access to working sessions specially designed for your dog's behavior needs. Reinforcement training works for all dogs - learn how to open up a new world of understanding between you and your dog through training with Positive Rewards, the art & science of modern dog training.