My Valentine has Paws! A special little heart cake that went out yesterday. ❤️🐾#dogcake #myvalentinehaspaws #shoplocal #shopsmallindy
Hopey doing Hopey things! She’s been at it for at least 40 minutes while I’ve been trying to work. 🤪 Good Lord it’s loud!!
#dogcookies #dogsofohio #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #womanownedbusiness #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad #tall #tails #dog #talltailsdogtoys
Max is getting his Max treat from Christmas. I love how he boops it. 😍
#dogcookies #dogsofohio #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #womanownedbusiness #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad
Valentine’s Day cutters in the works. 😆🥳😍🤓
#dogsofohio #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad
Silo with his puppy from the 12 Day Advent Calendar. He’s such a gentle giant. I just love him. 😍
#dogsofohio #dogsofindy #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad #Great #Danes #greatdanesofinstagram
Sunny and Addie enjoying a Christmas Gingy. 😍
#dogsofohio #dogsofindy #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad
Shiny sparkling snowflakes for the end of the year. Fake snowflakes are the only kind I like. 😆
#dogsofohio #dogsofindy #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad #snowflakes
What’s inside the Cookies with Santa box? #christmasdogtreats #shopsmall
We’re here and ready! #dogtreats #shopsmall
You can find us at the @merrymainstreetmarket on December 14th! @downtownlafboa #dogtreats #dogmom #speedwayindiana #indysmallbusiness #shoplocalindy #dogdad #christmasmarket #discoverlafayette
We’re excited to be a vendor this weekend at Fort Wayne Village Marketplace. There is something for everyone at this market. It’s always a great time! 🎄
Remember when I said we had loads of baking to do this weekend? This is the aftermath of cutters that I’m drying and putting away. 🤓 By the way, this doesn’t touch the number of cookie cutters I have. Is it a problem? Nah, it’s a collection!
#dogsofohio #dogsofindy #dogsofnewyork #dogmom #speedwayindiana #dogtreats #indysmallbusiness #dogdad #shoplocalindy #cookie #cutter #cookiecutters #cookiecutterhoarder #cookie #cutter #add #cookiecutteraddict