East Coast Corgi Rescue

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East Coast Corgi Rescue Based in Washington, D.C., ECCR locates, rescues, fosters and transports corgis in need for adoption to their forever home.

Eligible for adoption: DC, VA, MD, PA, DE, NJ. Based in Washington, D.C., ECCR locates, rescues and transports corgis in need for immediate or eventual adoption to their forever home. In some cases we help owners directly adopt to the next family, in other cases we step in when the animal is in immediate need or the owner is giving them up. We don't have a shelter, and are always in need of foster homes!

We are so happy to announce that Apple has found his forever home! Apple came to us back in June as an owner surrender. ...

We are so happy to announce that Apple has found his forever home! Apple came to us back in June as an owner surrender. His family recently went through some major life changes, and fell a little bit on hard times. They just were not able to keep him anymore or to properly care for him. So they made the difficult decision to surrender him over to us.

We got Apple into an experienced foster home and he did great there. All around he was just a great and sweet dog. He got along with all of the resident dogs and he loved to play with them. Even though he’s 11, he did not act like it and he still had a lot of youth left in him. He also got along well with the resident cat. He loved to play, but he also loved to snuggle up at the end of the day and be loved on. He was housebroken and he was able to free roam the house when left alone. He came to us with a chicken allergy, so he was on a chicken free diet, which he did really well on.

Apple went to the vet while he was with us to get updated on his vaccines, bloodwork, urinalysis, and get a physical exam. He was very well behaved for his appointment. His bloodwork came back good and his urinalysis showed a slightly elevated protein level. Considering his age, the vet was not concerned at all. The vet thought he looked amazing for his age and he was shocked that he was as old as he was, since he did not act like it. He did need a good dental cleaning though. He went back to the vet a couple weeks later for his dental cleaning. Unfortunately, he had to have seven teeth extracted. Considering his age, and the fact that he has probably never had a dental cleaning before, his teeth were not as bad as they could’ve been. He recovered at his foster home and his mouth healed up really well. He didn’t have any issues and he eats just fine now. His mouth probably feels much better now that all of those bad teeth have been removed.

Apple needed a home where he got plenty of love and play time. Even though he’s 11, he did not act like it and he was a very playful guy. He still loved to play fetch and he loved to play with other dogs. He needed a home with other dogs who he could play with, and he could be in a home with cats. He loved to be outside and he needed a home with a nice fenced in yard he could roam and play in. He just needed the perfect home full of love to live out his golden years.

We found the perfect home for Apple! He is now enjoying life out in the country and he’s loving it. He has other fur siblings too, both canine and feline, and he gets along great with everyone! He has a nice fenced in yard that he loves to run and play in. His family has absolutely fallen in love with him and they look forward to spending the rest of his golden years with him. We are so happy for Apple! Here’s a message from his new family:

“Apple is doing great in his forever home! He moved in and immediately made friends with the other dogs and even the cats! While he doesn't exactly love being brushed, he will allow it without any problems, which is a good thing, because he's leaving corgi glitter everywhere! He is very chill in the house, but when he's outside he loves to play with the younger corgi, they are great buddies. He has recovered well from his dental surgery and hasn't missed a beat. He absolutely loves all people, but especially those that will pet him. He is getting better for car rides, he only whines for a minute or so and then settles down. It's hard to believe he is 11, he acts much younger. Looking forward to many years with this fellow! We love him already.”

Congratulations to Apple and his new family! 🐾❤️

It’s been a while but we have a Baby update! Overall Baby has been doing great in her foster home. She’s been doing grea...

It’s been a while but we have a Baby update! Overall Baby has been doing great in her foster home. She’s been doing great on her prescription diet and she has not had any more gastrointestinal issues since she’s been on it. She has also lost a total of 13 lbs since she came to us back in November. She goes for daily walks, which she loves. She loves to greet everyone that she passes. She has settled in so well into her foster home and she’s getting all the love and attention that she deserves. Considering her age and the condition she came to us in, she’s doing amazing.

Recently Baby’s foster has noticed that she has been acting a little off. Her anxiety has intensified and she started to pace a lot and she was chewing on her toes. She also started to have some accidents in the house when she was left alone. This behavior was very unusual for her, so we got her into the vet to get checked out and rule out any new medical issues going on. The vet did bloodwork and a urinalysis. Her bloodwork came back good, but her urinalysis tested positive for protein in her urine. The vet is concerned about possible renal issues going on. She will be going back to the vet soon for a blood pressure check. If her blood pressure if ok, they will start her on an ACE inhibitor. She will also start on an omega 3 fatty acid supplement. She was also prescribed some anxiety medication to help with any anxiety she’s experiencing. If her blood pressure is off, we will probably slowly transition her over to a prescription renal diet. Our only concern is how her body will handle being on a new food since she is very food sensitive and already has some GI issues. We are hoping for some good news and that we can get whatever is going on with Baby easily managed. Here’s a message from her foster:

“Baby and I are enjoying a pretty quiet life. I’ve had some health setbacks so our walks are shorter. She’s always nose to the ground, checking who has been around since she was last out. She’s always friendly when we meet people along the way. They ask if she’s “the queen’s dog” and she plays the part really well. She has a luxurious coat, which she happens to be “blowing” now. Every corgi owner knows that special joy. And she has discovered how good it feels to roll over onto her back and squirm around on the carpet. Living the corgi life!”

Baby is part of our Senior Sanctuary. She will live out the rest of her life in her foster home.

We are so happy to announce that Poppy has found her forever home! Poppy came to us back in May from a shelter in rural ...

We are so happy to announce that Poppy has found her forever home! Poppy came to us back in May from a shelter in rural PA. She was found as a stray by law enforcement who brought to the shelter. The shelter did her stray hold, got her updated on vaccines, and had her spayed. They felt she needed an experienced owner, and reached out to us to pull her so that she would end up in the right kind of home.

We got Poppy into a very experienced foster home and this girl was quite a handful from the start. It was clear that she never had any type of training, rules, or boundaries. She was used to running the household and she didn’t quite know how to regulate her energy. She was extremely high energy, and she would lash out toward her foster or the resident corgi if she was too pent up and didn’t know how to release it. Poppy started to show some food guarding towards the other dog in the home, so she needed to be fed separately and all bowls had to be picked up when finished. She was also leash reactive towards other dogs while on walks. She was very people friendly though, and she constantly craved attention, whether it was positive or negative.

Poppy went to the vet while she was with us to take care of the rest of her vetting needs. She had a very hard time at the vet. She did not like to be physically handled so she was not well behaved for her exam. For their own protection, the vet staff had to muzzle her in order to complete what they needed. They were able to get her booster vaccines done and get blood from her. She tested negative for heartworm, she was negative for tick borne diseases, and her f***l came back negative. Overall she was very healthy.

Poppy needed a very experienced owner who could work with her on her issues and keep her very active. She needed someone who was home often, as she was not a girl that could just sit around all day and do nothing. She needed a lot of physical and mental stimulation. She had a lot of energy, and if she couldn’t burn it off properly, she would exhibit behavioral issues and act out. She needed a home without any children or cats. If she was in a home with another dog, it needed to be a dog that was very friendly, playful, and had a similar energy level as her. Poppy would greatly benefit from group obedience classes to work on her manners, socialization, and build a bond formed with respect for her person. She needed a strong leader who could help guide her to be the best corgi she could be.

We found a wonderful family for Poppy! She is absolutely thriving as the only dog in her new home. Her family is very active and have been able to keep her very active and busy. She’s able to burn off all her corgi energy and has no issues relaxing at home with her family now. Her family also works from home and Poppy is very happy to assist in any meetings. They have also been working on her leash reactivity and she has shown a lot of improvement already. She really shows how the right home and environment can make such a difference for some dogs, and that they don’t fit in just anywhere or with just anyone. We are so happy for Poppy. Here’s a message from her new family:

“Poppy, aka Borkins aka Bob Borker, has been such a great addition to the home!! She has been a wonderful learner. With time, patience, and lots of treats, Poppy is well on her way to being a mannered girl. Her leash reactivity is now very minimal, and she is even able to walk past the neighborhood dogs peacefully. She really enjoys our morning run, greek yogurt, and lots of loving. Poppy is well received by everyone we have introduced to her. We continue to practice everyday, but with exercise and routine she is a joyful part of the family.”

Congratulations to Poppy and her new family! 🐾💕

**Update: we’ve received numerous inquiries that we are currently working through so we are no longer accepting any new ...

**Update: we’ve received numerous inquiries that we are currently working through so we are no longer accepting any new interest in him. Thank you to everyone who commented and shared to help this guy.**

Unfortunately, so far poor Calvin hasn’t had anyone interested in him. He’s been with us since March and he’s ready for his forever home. He’s a good boy and he has come so far in the short time he’s been with us. With the right family and environment, this guy will continue to thrive. If you meet all his requirements and you’re interested in Calvin, please send us a DM. We know his forever home is out there somewhere.

We have an Apple update! He recently went back to the vet for his dental cleaning. Unfortunately, he had to have seven t...

We have an Apple update! He recently went back to the vet for his dental cleaning. Unfortunately, he had to have seven teeth extracted. Considering his age, and the fact that he has probably never had a dental cleaning before, his teeth were not as bad as they could’ve been. He has been at his foster home recovering and his mouth has healed up really well. He hasn’t had any issues and he can eat just fine. His mouth probably feels much better now that all of those bad teeth have been removed.

Apple has been doing great in his foster home. He does great with the resident dogs and he’s gotten quite close with them. He loves to run and play outside with them (check out the videos in the comments). Don’t let his age fool you, he still has tons of life in him. He does not show or act his age at all. He loves to run and play and he’s still a very active guy. He’s also in great health and the vet has been so impressed by him. He’s a very sweet boy and he absolutely loves people. After a day of play, he loves to rest and spend time with his foster.

Apple would do best in a home where he would get plenty of love and play time. Even though he’s 11, he does not act like it and he’s a very playful guy. He still loves to play fetch and he loves to play with other dogs. He would do best in a home with other dogs who he can play with, and he can be in a home with cats. He loves to be outside and he would love a home with a nice fenced in yard he can roam and play in. He just needs the perfect home full of love to live out his golden years. Here’s a message from his foster:

“Apple is doing very well in his foster home. He enjoys playtime outside, weather permitting, and ideally would have a fenced in yard so he can take his time to sniff and explore. He needs to have at least one canine companion, particularly one who might enjoy a good game of tag. He wouldn't object to a friendly feline either. He loves food and hopefully a new home would provide him with the occasional fruit or veggie treat, both of which he gobbles right down. He likes toys and a good game of fetch with a ball, so his new home should have someone willing to spend time playing with him as well. He's ok if left for sometime if his people have to leave home for work. He'll just nap until you get home to play with him. Even at 11, he's got quite a bit of energy, although the summer heat does make him want to come indoors after he's done his duties. He’s a very friendly boy who enjoys human companions of all ages, from littles to seniors.”

****Our adoption applications are currently closed.**** Please do not message or email us asking how to adopt a dog from us. Our applications were open Oct. through Jan. and we received over 300 applications. We make announcements on our page when our applications are open. We have a pool of adoption applications that we’ll be choosing from. If you submitted an application during this round, your application is most likely still in process as we slowly work through all the applications. You will receive an email notifying you if your application was accepted or denied. Please check your email daily as this is our only form of communication with you. Once accepted, you will hear from our team when we have a dog that makes a match with your application. Your application will stay in our pool until a match is made. Thank you for your understanding and support.

We are so happy to announce that Buddy, now Dash, has found his forever home! Dash came to us back in May as an owner su...

We are so happy to announce that Buddy, now Dash, has found his forever home! Dash came to us back in May as an owner surrender. His family was moving and they said they were not able to take him with them. We originally thought he was the only dog in the home, but he lived with two other corgis. Unfortunately, he was the only one getting rehomed. We were told that he was a constant marker in the home and that seemed to be causing a lot of stress and tension in the family. So, they made the decision to surrender him over to us.

We got Dash into an experienced foster home and he came to us very nervous and anxious. His foster went very slow with him and never forced him or pushed him to do anything. He was very attached to his foster mom immediately, and he originally seemed a lot more comfortable around women than men. They also introduced him to the resident corgi very slowly. The first week they only did interactions outside of the home, which always went well and without any issue. But inside of the home they used a lot of precaution and slow introductions as he was showing some guarding issues inside the home. He also started to guard his foster mom and spaces when he first arrived as well.

To our surprise, Dash didn’t mark once in his foster home. He was fully housebroken and he didn’t even try to mark inside. He was crate trained and he was very comfortable sleeping in his crate, but he didn’t need to be crated and he could be trusted to be left out when alone. After a few weeks he started to feel a lot more comfortable in his foster home and he was much less anxious. He was also a lot more comfortable around his foster dad, it just took a lot of positive interactions and slow introductions. He also made a lot of progress with the resident dog inside of the home and they were having a lot of good interactions. He loved being outside and his favorite thing to do was play fetch. He really made a lot of improvement in such a short amount of time.

Dash went to the vet while he was with us to get updated on his vetting needs. He came to us already on anxiety medication. The vet decided to increase his dosage a little bit to help him feel less anxious and it really helped him feel more comfortable and less stressed. His bloodwork came back positive for anaplasmosis, a tick borne disease. He was put on a course of antibiotics for it. Other than that, he got a clean bill of health.

Dash needed a home with a family who was very patient and would allow him to settle in on his time. He could live with other dogs, preferably females or very submissive males, but he needed very slow introductions. He could live with older, dog experienced kids, but he wouldn’t do well around small children. He was a little noise sensitive, so he was not well suited for city or apartment living. Dash needed a family who were home often and could give him the attention that he loved. He’d enjoy having a fenced in yard that he could run and play in, especially since he loved to play fetch. He’d also really benefit from group obedience classes to help work on his socialization and confidence. With the right family and environment, he can continue to succeed and thrive.

We found a wonderful home for Dash. His family is very corgi experienced and he gets to thrive as the only dog in the home. His family was very patient with him and allowed him to have the time to settle in and feel comfortable in his new home and people. His new family works from home so he is able to get a ton of attention, which he loves. His family is also very active and they make sure he gets plenty of exercise and play time. Now that he’s settled in, his family is looking forward to starting group obedience classes with him to help work on his socialization and build up his confidence. We are so happy for Dash! Here’s a message from his new family:

"Dash, formally known as Buddy, has been settling in great! We see him gain confidence and become more comfortable every day. He's a sweetheart with everyone he meets, and we'll be enrolling him in training classes to work on his socialization with other pups. Some of his favorite things are fetch with tennis balls, searching for treats in his snuffle mat, and chilling with us on the couch. Dash can also be very silly and it's been fun to see his personality come out. His first vet visit went well, and later on we took him for his first pup cup. He's also been enjoying staying cool in a baby pool out back, in between games of fetch of course.”

Congratulations to Dash and his new family! 🐾💚

We have a Mochi update! We recently had to move him to a new foster home due to his previous foster traveling. We decide...

We have a Mochi update! We recently had to move him to a new foster home due to his previous foster traveling. We decided to move him into a foster home with another dog so that we could dog test him living with another dog. We are so happy to report that he has been doing great! He definitely needs very slow introductions at first. He seems to handle a calmer dog better than a dog with very high, chaotic energy one. He was born during Covid, so he is definitely a pandemic dog. It does not seem like he has ever learned proper socialization skills so he’s unsure in some situations. He is working on it though and he’s figuring things out with other dogs. Him and the resident dog have been getting along well and he respects the resident dog’s space. She’s not a playful type and has not really shown any interest in him, and he respects that. He has not shown any food or resource guarding issues with the resident dog, but they are fed in separate rooms just to be safe.

Mochi loves living an active lifestyle. This guy has endless energy. He loves to play fetch and he’s becoming a pro with the frisbee. He loves to run in the yard, but he also looks forward to his morning and evening walks too. He does have some prey drive, especially with squirrels. He can also be leash reactive towards other dogs sometimes, but this has improved a lot compared to when he came to us. He’s more reactive to dogs that are high energy and barking, but he will ignore calmer, quieter dogs. He listens well to his foster and he is eager to please. He absolutely loves people and loves getting attention. He has loved everyone he has met.

Mochi needs a family who are corgi experienced and home often. He is a very active guy and he would love a family who will continue to keep him active and burn off his energy. He enjoys going on outings and spending as much time with his people as possible. He is dog friendly and can live with another friendly dog. He has been cat tested and can live with a cat. He can be with older children as long as they are dog experienced. He would greatly benefit from group obedience classes to continue to work on his socialization and manners. He’s very eager to please and he would really enjoy it. He would probably excel at dog sports as well. With the right home and environment, he can continue to succeed. Here’s a message from his new foster:

“Mochi is such a sweet little guy! He's friendly, well-behaved, and loves to be loved. He has that classic corgi energy, so he's going to need an active family that can keep up with him. Long walks, frisbee in the yard, games of fetch, and chasing squirrels are all his favorite things. We've been slowly introducing him to our resident dog and he's been working hard to win her over. He's friendly and respectful towards her, so I could see them becoming good friends once she opens up to him! I haven't encountered any issues with resource guarding at all. He's very relaxed when they receive treats together and he doesn't mind her being near his toys. I'm looking forward to spending more time with him, because he's so sweet and loving!”

****Our adoption applications are currently closed.**** Please do not message or email us asking how to adopt a dog from us. Our applications were open Oct. through Jan. and we received over 300 applications. We make announcements on our page when our applications are open. We have a pool of adoption applications that we’ll be choosing from. If you submitted an application during this round, your application is most likely still in process as we slowly work through all the applications. You will receive an email notifying you if your application was accepted or denied. Please check your email daily as this is our only form of communication with you. Once accepted, you will hear from our team when we have a dog that makes a match with your application. Your application will stay in our pool until a match is made. Thank you for your understanding and support.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to us over the last 13 days. We have been able to raise a total of $6311!!🎉W...

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to us over the last 13 days. We have been able to raise a total of $6311!!🎉

We could not have done this without all of you. This money will go directly towards the vet bills of the dogs currently in our care, along with any future dogs we take in. It’s been a super busy year so far and unfortunately it does not seem like it’s going to be slowing down anytime soon. We would not be able to continue to help these dogs and provide them the medical care that they need if it were not for all of our amazing supporters!

If you’d like to still donate, you can donate directly to us through our donate button on our website: www.eastcoastcorgirescue.org.
You can also support us by shopping from our online store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/east-coast-corgi-rescue/

Featuring: ECCR Senior Sanctuary Member Chrissy

Meet the newest guy in the rescue, Apple! Apple is an 11 year old neutered male who came to us as an owner surrender. Hi...

Meet the newest guy in the rescue, Apple! Apple is an 11 year old neutered male who came to us as an owner surrender. His family recently went through some major life changes, and fell a little bit on hard times. They just were not able to keep him anymore or to properly care for him. So they made the difficult decision to surrender him over to us.

We got Apple into an experienced foster home and he’s been doing great there. All around he’s just a great and sweet dog. He gets along with all of the resident dogs and he loves to play with them. Even though he’s 11, he does not act like it and he still has a lot of youth left in him (check out the video in the comments). He also gets along well with the resident cat. He loves to play, but he also loves to snuggle up at the end of the day and be loved on. With the heat lately, he loves napping by the AC vent to stay cool. He is housebroken and he is able to free roam the house when left alone. He came to us with a chicken allergy, so he’s on a chicken free diet and he has not had any issues.

Apple recently went to the vet to get updated on his vaccines, bloodwork, urinalysis, and have a physical exam. He was very well behaved for his appointment. His bloodwork came back good and his urinalysis showed a slightly elevated protein level. Considering his age, the vet was not concerned at all. The vet thinks he looks amazing for his age and he’s shocked that he is as old as he is, since he does not act like it. He does need a good dental cleaning though, so he will be going back to the vet in a couple weeks for that. Hopefully he won’t need any extractions. He will remain in his foster home while he heals up and recovers from his dental. Here’s a message from his foster:

“Apple is an 11 year old corgi who you would not guess is that age! He's a quiet boy, not a barker unless my dogs get really riled up. He has perfect house manners and moved in like he's been here forever. He takes treats politely and even knows sit, give me paw, and loves to play ball. He and my 6 year old corgi became fast friends and they like to play together. It's been too hot to let them outside for long, but in cooler weather, they like chasing each other around. He follows me around, but then I'll notice him missing and he's off in a quiet part of the house taking a nap. He has full run of the house and happily takes turns sitting with his head on my lap until someone else (my other two corgis) feel the need for some mom time. He loves people of all ages, but seems drawn to kids. He likes fruit and veggie snacks. Per his previous owners, he has issues with chicken, so is on Salmon kibble and scarfs it right down. He even likes my cat, who is very persnickety about which dogs she likes, but she likes him too! He really is a great little corgi senior citizen!”

****Our adoption applications are currently closed.**** Please do not message or email us asking how to adopt a dog from us. Our applications were open Oct. through Jan. and we received over 300 applications. We make announcements on our page when our applications are open. We have a pool of adoption applications that we’ll be choosing from. If you submitted an application during this round, your application is most likely still in process as we slowly work through all the applications. You will receive an email notifying you if your application was accepted or denied. Please check your email daily as this is our only form of communication with you. Once accepted, you will hear from our team when we have a dog that makes a match with your application. Your application will stay in our pool until a match is made. Thank you for your understanding and support.

We have a Calvin update! Calvin recently went to a temporary foster while his foster went on vacation. We were able to d...

We have a Calvin update! Calvin recently went to a temporary foster while his foster went on vacation. We were able to dog test him and he did much better than we expected! They did slow introductions with the resident dog, and initially kept them separated in the house. Once he settled in and didn’t show any issues with her, they were allowed to interact under supervision. He did great with her and didn’t bark at her or bother her at all. It helped that she really had no interest in him and left him alone. He was also more interested in his toys and getting belly rubs than interacting with the resident dog, who happily ignored him most of the time. They went on walks together and did great. He’s also becoming less reactive on walks and listens pretty well.

Calvin recently went back to the vet to have X-rays done of his joints, and unfortunately he just has really bad hips and elbows, which has probably been damaged further due to the excess weight he was carrying around for some time. The vet started him on some pain medicine and they recommended that he sees a sport medicine specialist in the future. He’s been doing well with him pain management and he’s still a pretty active guy and enjoys his play time.

Calvin has made a lot of progress since he first came to us. His leash reactivity has improved and he responds well to a confident and strong leader. All his reactions are based out of fear and lack of confidence. It seems like he was never properly socialized. He’s great inside of the home, he’s housebroken, he can be trusted to be left out, and he loves to play with toys. He also loves to snuggle up with you on the couch and be pet. He really is a very sweet boy. He has also lost a lot of weight since he came to us and looks so much better. He still has a way to go to get to a healthy weight, but he’s been doing great so far.

Calvin needs a quiet home with no children. He could be in a home with another dog, preferably a female dog, as long as the other dog is calm and mellow. He enjoys having someone home with him often, and he would really enjoy having a fenced in yard as he enjoys being outside. He needs someone who is experienced and a strong leader, can work on his leash reactivity, overall obedience, and socialization. He would greatly benefit from group obedience classes to help him and his new family work on these issues. He also needs someone who can work with him on visits to the vet, as he currently has a hard time with vet visits and being handled by the vet. He needs a family who will keep him physically active and maintain his healthy diet so he can continue to work towards a healthy weight. With the right family and environment, he can succeed and learn how to become a well behaved corgi. Here’s a message from his temporary foster:

“I had the pleasure of pup-sitting Calvin for a week and truly enjoyed having him around the house. He's a smart guy and very good at communicating his needs. I was told he could be reactive towards strangers on walks, but I found he was very good at following commands to settle and calm down when needed. Once I formally introduced him to my neighbors, he was happy to greet them with a big fluffy butt wiggle! Most of the time, however, he was perfectly happy to chill out at home with a toy or snuggling on the couch. He's a great big cuddle muffin!”

Sadly, we have been striking out on finding a good home for Calvin that meets his needs. If you’re interested in Calvin, and feel that your home is a good fit for him and meets all his needs, please send us a DM.



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