I am posting the current kittens I have (with hesitation because I'll have to constantly monitor this post for scammers).
I place these kittens in PET homes only - there will be a spay/neuter agreement (also no declawing).
Please no children under the age of six (our local shelters require this too). Preferably people with long time cat ownership experience (not required for those with excellent references) - these are very loved kittens and their futures are decided by who I allow to adopt them! I hope you will understand.
Location is AUSTIN, TEXAS area and NO SHIPPING.
Look on my website for further information and more pictures, it is shown on a few of the photos.
Please email me at [email protected] and do not ask questions in the comments.
I do have an Adoption Application and will be happy to send it to you.
Note there will be scammers posting their own websites in the comments, this is just common on Facebook unfortunately.
Thank you!