Where has the time gone.
This year has been filled with ups & downs, & all kinds of turmoil & some big changes. We have had a lot of changes in our lives the past three years, & life has definitely been a bit of an uphill battle of the heart & mind to say the least, but we still have each other & for that we are forever grateful for.
As you can see one of the biggest changes was adding a Walkin Wheels wheelchair for me this spring. I was super sad in February, I was sort of still walking on my own, but not well & just depressed. I barely played & moved, Mom was worried it was coming up on my time as I just wasn't myself. But she made one last plea & got me in with a PT specialist in another state, & they gave us a second opinion of a cart & different therapies, & against my old vet's wishes we got the cart. It took a bit of getting used to, probably would have helped if mom put the leg holes in right🤣, as they were 90° off which made walking a bit funny. But after Walking Wheels customer service pointed that out to us I was back to running & playing like I was back go my old self. I perked right back up, & I've been my sassy self ever since🧡. I just needed to feel that freedom of running again & feel that wind on my face, but I just need to remember not to jump or I turn into a turtle, stuck on my back😅.
We had a few adventures since. We rented a cabin near north Theodore Roosevelt National Park, but on private lands, so I could be included. That was when that big solar storm hit in May, & we watched the Northern Lights dance above us as the coyotes called in the distance.
In the summer Mom took me to my favorite doggy sitters while they celebrated a friend's birthday party. It was their first time getting to watch a pup in a wheelchair, & so I got lots of story time & cuddles, & we got to show everyone how easy it is to set pups up with mobility devices, & show people how to find cheaper ones for those who cannot afford new prices.
Then my 12th birthday rolled around on July 4th, Mom & Corgdad said we are all so blessed to have each other for another year, especially after my old vet said I probably wouldn't make it to last Christmas with a DM diagnosis, but here we are still fighting it. We celebrated it by having having day time adventures to boat ramps & the scientific center of North America, then had hamburgers for supper, I got a new King Hedgie (my favorite toy), then finished the night by hiding in the basement from the exploding sky bombs while watching movies. I may have clawed mom up after one of the super big booms, but she said it was ok, because it startled her as well😅.
We haven't gone anywhere after that....
Corgdad hit a deer with his old car. The insurance people said it needed to go away, couldn't be fixed, & gave him some money for a new one, which was nice.
We finally got the furniture we ordered in May delivered in September just in time for company to arrive🤣. Literally the day before they showed up, so mom & I were scrambling a bit to get everything set up, but it was nice to have people over to herd once again.
Last week was the anniversary of the loss of my cousin Brutus & my uncle. It is always a bit of a tough time for the family, especially grandpa, so we just try to help out as much as possible. The last picture I included is from the first time I met my cousin in 2016. He was the only other dog I truly played well with, & though he could be a bit annoying at times when he was a pup & liked to grab my "chicken nugget shaped nub tail"😅, he was a very good boy.
Which brings up my reminder that it is never too late to reach out to someone, anyone if you are struggling with mental health issues. My uncle & Brutus were always together, & I mean always. Brutus was his heart dog, his brofur, his BFF. Losing my Uncle was just too much for Brutus's heart to take, & he just didn't understand. Losing both of them just a few days apart was an extremely devastating loss to our family. Please if you're struggling please call or text the mental health hotlines, call or text a friend or anyone. Please just reach out.
That pretty much brings us up to date with everything. Mom has been baking cheesecakes on the side to bring in extra money which can help cover the costs of PT & it gets mom back into one of her favorite hobbies of baking, since she doesn't do much night photography anymore. (Night photography doesn't bring in any extra income like baking can🤷♀️, so she figured she might as well do a hobby that can be useful at the moment especially in this economy.)
I know we always say we will try to be better about posting, & we mean it, just seems like life is getting crazier every day. We just kind of run out of energy & time for everything it seems like, & end up cutting out the extra stuff & just focusing everything on Radar & family. We love all if you that have been with us through the years, & thank you for always checking on the page. I logged in to see all the notifications that say people have been checking in on the page, & I appreciate those of you who come back here even though we haven't posted in ages, & I'm sorry I'm not more punctual about it. With winter coming up, we are looking at getting some skis added on to Radar's cart to allowed her to continue to have adventures.