When herding dogs gotta herd, you find a way. #herdingdogs #herdingbreed #corgilife
When Boots came into the family four years ago, Reecie wasn’t exactly thrilled. With lots of patience, training and time, the two learned to live peacefully. Reecie typically doesn’t like when any of the dogs rest near him, so I was thrilled to capture this rare moment. #multidoghousehold #corgifamily
Even though we did all the nail training with Reecie, he still chooses violence at the vet. Yes, he needs calming meds to get through a nail trim. I understand that it’s not ideal, but for his safety and the safety of our fantastic vets, this is what we have to do. Anyone else have to do this? #takingagoodnap #lovemycorgi
Anyone else have a chatty pup? And yes, he’s a super good helper with all things studying and homework. #homeworkhelper #chattydog #cutecorgi
Happy Valentines Day! Even if you feel like a grumpasaurus today, spread a little love and kindness. #corgivalentine #spreadthelove
Buttercup turns 10 today!!!! 🎂🎉 Can you believe it? Thank you for all of the love and support over the years. It has meant the world to our family. ❤️#ivddrecovery #ivddsurvivor #birthdaypup #birthdaycorgi
The family group chat is filled with our corgis’ funny moments. Who can relate?#headtilt #corgiheadtilts #familygroupchat
We’ve been living with furry speed bumps for 11 years. Our “tripping hazards” radar is finely tuned. I (Corgimomma) was casually filming Buttercup when I caught big brother cross the room for a blanket. This wasn’t staged! 😆#trippinghazard #livingwithdogs #multidoghousehold #sleepingcorgi
We woke up to snow this morning! Boots eventually began to zoom around in his wheels. #northcarolinasnowday #northcarolinasnow #mooresvillenc #mooresville #wheelchairdog
Top tier home security system. #guarddogs #corgiguarddog #wellprotectedhome
“Find another way to store the tree.” ~Buttercup#helpfulcorgi #takingdownthetree #takingdownchristmasdecorations
With his eyes, Reecie replied, “Ummmm, can I help you? Nothing to see here.”#funnycorgi #dognap #creativenap