Nice interview w/ Margaret at 'Live Science', re: cats and closed doors. Interesting how FOMO (fear of missing out) is today's buzz-term, but when it comes to cats, no: it's COTS (control over the situation). Big difference! How? FOMO's looking through a human lens: we want to know what other people know, feel part of a group. Be informed, from 'cool' stuff to what's doing to the latest findings. What are We missing out on? But with cats, it's not a collective thing, it's not to get involved, but to first be aware of, then control their Own territory. It's survival. With exceptions, on their own. One of the biggest advances in studying cat behavior, I think (dusty old veteran of decades, me) is truly trying to understand from Noodles' point of view, not just ours. Even the lure of a closed door: it's curiosity, (they survive who know what to do with it), awareness of their domain, changes within it... to manage it.
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