How can I get clients to see my true value and bring things in on time?
You asked the question and I answered! Also, check out my new mentorship offer at 🧡
When evaluating calves with swollen joints, an arthrocentesis is a useful diagnostic test if performed aseptically. The first chute-side test we do is string the fluid between our gloved fingers. If it loses its ‘string’ and breaks, that is an indicator of sepsis - normal joint fluid will string. The second thing we do it test protein on a refractometer. Then, cytology. Note: this calf is in isolation, which is why we are suited up! Joint taps and lavage should be performed aseptically, but you don’t necessarily need to be in full PPE!
In case you've been missing out, I've been answering your questions about small ruminant parasites on my email list! I've had so many, I tackled a bunch today and decided to post here too. I will help you implement sustainable parasite control programs, attack coccidia and best utilize the drugs we have available to us in my Small Ruminant Parasite Series at
In this video I answer your questions about fecal grab samples, coccidia control, when to cull for parasites, how many eggs are too many and how to monitor parasite burden in pet herds.
Check out this video of a sucking louse! It’s winter and that means lice for many livestock. It’s always a good idea to grab some tape to grab these guys to look at under the microscopes so you know if you have biting or sucking lice.
For these guys and other derm issues, check out my Course 45 called, Ugh, Skin Stuff! at
Today’s friendly reminder about prostaglandin safety! #lutalyse #estrumate
“What shot should we give it next?”
In my Common Surgeries of Pigs module, you get all my anesthesia protocols plus videos on spays, castration, C-section, pee pocket removal and rectal prolapse repair. This module is loaded with value and can be found as Course 38 or, for an even bigger value, get my This Little Piggy Course Series, which includes my pet pig medicine and care module plus case rounds!
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If you own our Bull BSE: More than just a wiggle test module, I just posted an equipment and supply shopping list as a pdf to go with the module. It contains the full list of everything you need for bull BSEs, plus Dr. Koziol's and my recommendation for specific features to look for! It's already there waiting for you!
Choices were made. Is he free? Yes. Did he learn his lesson? Doubtful