Renaissance 🐻❄️ "Prince Charming's Horse" had so much fun getting back into the ring after 2 years away from showing due to COVID lockdowns. He was feeling fresh and loved the beautiful Ashley Reber Field at Milner Downs! Owned by Cobblestone Farm in Fort Langley.
#chaplineq #equitation #hunterjumper #whiteandbrightshampoo #ridinglessons
Summer Schooling 💫 We're looking forward to getting back in the show ring *hopefully* soon when restrictions let up! For now, we are enjoying the time spent at home training 💪 Lessons and Training spots available, DM for more info! #hubterjumper #ridinglessons #younghorsedevelopment #grandprix #equitation #hunterderby #showjumping #learntoride #chaplineq #equestrianlife
Happy New Year from Chaplin Equestrian! Though 2020 wasn't the year we all expected, it was full of big changes and we are so looking forward to 2021 🎉
It's not Thursday but this weather is reminding me of chilly winter days in Germany, so here's a throwback 🚀#showjumping #thiswasa120mhorse #noscopenohope #quattrobstallion #springpferd
Don't forget to clean behind your ears! 🚿
#showjumpersforsale #chaplineq #youngjumpers
Colorado getting the party started today #tgif #helicopterhorse #equestrian #showjumping
Lickety-Split let's be quick #notaturtle #runbabyrun #goodmare #showjumping #equestrian #justareminder #sometimesigoquick #sometimes #getitbella
Tuesday Topic - When Is It Appropriate To Use Performance Enhancing Boots on Sport Horses?
Recently, I've noticed a few more instances where young riders are beginning to use performance enhancing hind boots on young horses more frequently. I'm hoping to open up a friendly conversation on the topic and share some of my own feelings on the subject. These boots, also referred to as 'pinch' boots, aren't technically harmful to horses if used correctly and the rider understands the effects the boot has on a horse. So let's start with a quick tutorial on how a basic 'pinch' boot works:
A Pinch boot is defined as a hind boot that is fastened by either an elastic or velcro strap that fastens around the lower part of the cannon bone. The protective part of the boot will cover the inside, back and outside of the pastern area, leaving the front of the pastern open besides the fastening strap. These boots may have one or two straps, with the two straps potentially making the effect of the boot more severe than a single strap. Some believe that the inside of the boot needs to have a raised section to create a pressure point over the tendons of the horse to have any effect on the jumping style, but it has been proven that the front straps alone cause enough pressure on the joint when the horse lifts its hind legs to cause a reaction. So although the boots do not actually "pinch" the horse to cause harm, they do give a squeeze when the joint is flexed. Even if they are not over tightened, they are still going to cause a degree of discomfort to force the horse to react by kicking out or exaggerating their hind end.
While the use of the boots are heavily monitored at competitions by stewards, they are used for training purposes by riders at home as well. So when should it be used to be fair to the horse?
I have used a variety of performance enhancing boots and can review my experiences as they are not suitable for inexperienced horses or inexperienced riders. Due to the natu
Who's ready for the outdoor season to get started in #yyc? This warm weather is getting #chaplineq excited for the best summer shows coming up! Join the team as we head to RMSJ, Thunderbird Show Park and Spruce Meadows.
Now that winter circuits down south are wrapping up we have space for:
- Training horses
- Consignment Sales
- New Riders!
More info on our new location in Dewinton soon!
#sprucemeadows #tbird #rmsj #showjumping #hunters #jumpers #equitation #YJC #bringinthebabies
HITS Coachella 2019 is complete for our team! We had some great times in the desert and the horses were fantastic ❤
After a few busy months of new horses, horse sales and new riders, everyone is starting to gear up for the show season and I have availability for the following:
- Full Training Riders
- Consignment Sales Horses
- Full Training Horses (lightly started youngsters to 1.30m jumpers and working hunters)
Chaplin Equestrian is welcoming riders and horses of all levels to join the program to achieve their individual goals. I offer individual lessons at stables in Okotoks, Millarville, Priddis and Springbank, and Full Training for riders and horses at locations in Okotoks and Millarville. I am available to travel to you if you are interested in lessons or training but board your horse at a stable outside these areas within the Calgary area.