Tips to help you take care of your dog's health
Raising pet dogs is becoming very popular among today's youth community. But modern life keeps you busy with all sorts of things, so taking care of your dog can be a bit difficult. The article below will help you gain more experience in caring for your dog to stay healthy and active!
1. Clean living space
Accommodation is always an issue that you need to pay attention to because an unclean environment causes disease-causing germs and bacteria to affect their health. Therefore, you need to clean and tidy your dog's space every day as well as bathe them regularly to keep them healthy.
2. Ensure adequate supply of drinking water
You must always give your dog enough clean water to drink. A basic dog care tip you need to know is: do not choose a plastic water bowl, but choose a stainless steel bowl. Because steel bowls are more durable than plastic and also have less bacteria accumulation.
3. Nutrition and diet
For your dog to be healthy, nutrition and daily diet are extremely important. A reasonable diet helps improve their quality of life and prevent diseases such as obesity, stunting, bone and joint problems, cardiovascular problems, etc. Types of dog food available in stores can provide all the necessary nutrition for our furry friends.
However, you need to pay attention to their diet based on dog breed, weight, size, age, and activity level.
4. Regular health check-ups
Take your pet to the veterinarian for regular health checks, vaccinations, deworming and parasite prevention or when you notice unusual behavior or signs of illness. . Sometimes mild illnesses can go away on their own, but if your dog has more serious conditions, you should not be subjective and consult a veterinarian.
Some medicines are indispensable when taking care of your pet dog such as deworming medicine; medicine to treat scabies and fungus; medicine to treat ear infections & external parasites, prevent bugs...
5. Exercise for health
Dogs are active animals, love to run, jump, and chase. Regular exercise not only helps dogs burn calories and improve health, but also helps dogs limit destructive behavior due to lack of exercise.
You should arrange your dog's activity time accordingly, especially with limited free time, you can take them for walks and play right in your living area.
6. Huấn luyện chó
Chó ở mọi lứa tuổi, giống loài đều phải được huấn luyện từ những việc đơn giản nhưng lại rất hữu ích. Huấn luyện cho chó không chỉ là dạy thú cưng của bạn một vài thủ thuật và mệnh lệnh. Mà còn là việc học các kỹ năng quan trọng trong cuộc sống, cách giao tiếp với xã hội và hạn chế những hành vi xấu.
Các chuyên gia thú cưng luôn khuyên chúng ta nên cùng chó tham gia các lớp học huấn luyện để mối quan hệ giữa chủ và chó trở nên khăng khít hơn.
7. Dog reproductive problems
If you intend to create puppies or castrate (male dogs), sterilization can be performed. This helps reduce the risk of health disorders such as breast cancer, prostate disease, prevents aggression in male dogs, etc. However, you should consult a veterinarian to make a good choice. best.
8. Health care
- Keep the coat clean because dirty hair can cause the dog to get skin diseases. If the dog's hair is too long, you can take them to have their hair trimmed neatly. Dogs need to be bathed regularly, especially if your dog is very active.
- Daily dental care. You should brush your dog's teeth, buy them a variety of chew toys, and take your dog for a dental check-up at the vet. Additionally, for this care to be effective, check their gums and tongue regularly.
- Dog's feet are often very vulnerable, many dirt can stick to the dog's paws, so you need to keep them clean. Wash your dog's feet gently with specialized soap for pets or let them wear shoes if you notice their feet are dry or irritated.
9. Necessary items for dogs
To take comprehensive care of your dog, you should also fully equip them with essential items such as:
- Dog collar and name tag to record your phone number, in case it is lost, the likelihood of finding it will be higher.
- Supplies for fun and training activities
- Transport cage and muzzle when taking your dog out.
- Accessories for dogs: houses, fences, mesh trays, etc.
Hopefully our tips on how to care for dogs will make it easier for you to raise your pet. Dogs are loyal and affectionate animals to humans so they deserve good things from us.