Gastro Elm Plus

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Gastro Elm Plus GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is a fast talking dude which I just call G. He has had problems with his gut. So I started him on GastroElm Plus a couple years ago. It helps take care of his stomach.

Really have enjoyed the product!

Malinda S

GastroElm Plus for Horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is my horse, George. He is a 25 year old Appendix. He needs GastroElm Plus because he has anxiety and is therefore Ulcer Prone. He has been getting a tablespoon twice a day for about 3+ years.

Since he has been on it, he is comfortable and has rarely had any ulcer symptoms. With him being comfortable it allows me to ride him on a regular basis and also makes me feel comfortable and confident enough to take him to occasional competitions.

- Liz C.

GastroElm Plus for Horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is my girl Lulu. She is 6 years old with chronic pancreatitis, lymphangectasia, IBD and PLE.

She has been on GastroElm Plus for 6 months. Her diarrhea has improved greatly and her liver function has also improved.

Thanks for this product, I have recommended it to several people!

Jessica R.

GastroElm Plus for Dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


Hi! I want to say GastroElm Plus was an absolute life saver for my boy. He came to me and had a very funny tummy. After putting him on GastroElm his stomach problems have completely gone away!

He’s way less picky with hay and overall a happier horse. I will forever buy this product and always use it with any horse that comes to me :)

Madyson R.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is my dog Chance. He’s a lab that we have spent thousands of dollars trying to find out what was wrong with him. He was hungry but every time he ate, he would throw it all up. He went from 75 pounds down to 41 pounds.

All the while this was going on we were at the vets and at animal hospital with different procedures biopsies and blood work. The only thing that showed up was possible pancreatitis but nothing definite. The Reglan and pain meds helped him eat some, but not gain back any weight.

Then someone told me about GastroElm Plus and I got it right away and started him on it (this was few years ago). He gained 18 pounds back and still has issues at times but we always say that GastroElm saved his life.

We use it every day and it does help him. He’s still with us so thank you for your product. It’s a God send for him and for us!

Kathy M

GastroElm Plus for Dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


GastroElm Plus keeps her eating well so my 2 yr old can look like this! Without it she has a hard time maintaining weight as she is not a good eater of either hay or feed.

Sarah L.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Harlow, a 9 yr old British Cream Golden Retriever. She was having acid reflux and nausea. The prescriptions weren’t helping, so after much research I found GastroElm Plus. Right from the start it worked!

Thank you!

Sheila & Harlow

GastroElm Plus for Dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


My blm mare had ulcers making her reactive and spooky under saddle. Since starting a regimen of GastroElm Plus she has been calm and more relaxed. Ulcers have no longer been a problem!

Kim R.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


Elvis loves his GastroElm Plus. He has been on it a few years now after he started having ulcer symptoms as well as being cinchy. Since adding GEP to his diet, I have seen big improvements in his attitude.

Thanks to GastroElm Plus I know his gut is happy and healthy now!

Miko G.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


My mare, named Rose, had her first ulcer flare up almost 2 years ago. My friend recommended GastroElm Plus. I used it as a paste to help treat her current ulcer and then have used it ever since as a top dressing. She has been doing well ever since!

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Indy. I have been using GastroElm Plus for chronic colic. He was showing signs of discomfort 2-3 times a month. Now he hasn't had any symptoms for almost 2 months! I will be keeping him on it.

Fonda G.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is our dog Ian. He gets GastroElm Plus in his homemade raw meals every day to manage his acid reflux. His current diet has helped, but GastroElm Plus definitely is providing him with additional comfort.

He tolerates it well and I am happy knowing the ingredients are natural and good for his overall health.

Thank you for making this product available.

Angel W.

GastroElm Plus for dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is my horse, Pecosa. She is about 16, and was rescued from a kill pen in Texas, coming to me via a rescue organization. Pecosa is very sweet, but has anxiety issues when under tack, which makes us think she was probably a barrel racer, or Western show horse, or cutting horse, where she was put under stress often.

She cribs, and it is directly related to her eating; my farrier told me that many horses have ulcers, especially those who are asked by their people to do things that push their comfort zones. It was the farrier who suggested GastroElm Plus to me.

Pecosa has been on GastroElm for about three weeks, now, and although she still cribs (which, of course, is a habit as well as a comfort reaction) she is not as frantic at doing it, does it less, can be distracted from cribbing (which she never could be, before) and sometimes just places her teeth on wood without sucking air.

I am happy with these early results, and expect them to improve as time goes on, hoping for complete freedom from her need to crib. It makes me sad to think that this gentle soul probably has suffered gut pain for a lot of her life, and I am grateful for an herbal product that is giving her relief, and me hope.

Thank you so much!

Debbie B.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


I have been using GastroElm Plus for 2 years now. It has done wonders on our OTTB’s stomach ulcers. I tried a lot of other products but I found nothing that works like GastroElm.

I love the fact the powder can be made into a paste for show day jitters and potential stomach upsets! Would highly recommend after seeing what it does for my horses.


Karen S.

GastroElm Plus for Horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Dexter. He had Pancreatitis 3 years ago and was on a lot of Medication when by chance I came across GastroElm Plus. Dexter has been on it for 3 years now and it truly is a miracle! He is no longer on any medication and is doing so well.

I truly believe GastroElm saved my Dexters life. I will never stop giving it to him! He is happy and healthy now and we owe this to GastroElm 100%.

We are so thankful to you.

Sincerely Melody (Dexter’s Mom)

GastroElm Plus for Dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


Romeo is an Off The Track Thoroughbred that I bought straight off the track 6 years ago. He was only a 4 year old when I brought him home. His coat was not shiney and he was thin from being worked on the track. He also would not eat his feed and was girthy when saddling him. I gave him Omeprazole for 30 days but that did nothing to help his gut to feel better, so after doing some research online I found GastroElm Plus.

I liked that it was a natural alternative to compounded drugs. I knew that OTTB's often come with gut ulcers and since he was outwardly telling me his gut hurt I thought I would try it.

That was 6 years ago and he is still on GastroElm Plus. I give him 1 ounce a day and make sure he has some water mixed in with his grain so that it is a slurry rather than a powder. He looks great!

In fact, he is THICK now and does not look like a typical OTTB.

Beth B

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


I love GastroElm Plus! All four of my horses are on it. This is Rosie. She was 15 when I purchased her 3 years ago. She was born and raised on the horse farm that I rescued her from. Her body score was a 3 and had poor health. I feared if I left her there at this farm, that she would not make it through the winter in the midwest.

We brought her home on the coldest day in February! Her coat was full of dandruff and not shiney at all. I started her on GastroElm the day I brought her home, along with some excellent nutrition and all the alfalfa hay she could eat.

Fast forward to 6 months later and she looked and felt like a new horse. Her coat was beautiful and her skin healthy. GastroElm Plus helped her with any ulcers and GI issues she may have had from starving.

Thank you!

Beth B.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


My appaloosa, Jake was having issues. He would walk away from his feed and go lay down and groan in discomfort. I spent thousands trying to get him diagnosed. I suspected it might be ulcers, but had no idea of the severity. I eventually went to specialists in Oklahoma. He had one of the worse cases of ulcers that they had seen.

Nothing I have used works as fast as GastroElm Plus, especially during a flare up. Before I ride or transport him, I mix up a slurry of GastroElm and water for him. Once I rode longer than expected and by the time I got back to the barn, Jake was curling his lip in discomfort. I immediately mix up his slurry and in less than 5 minutes he is back to normal.

I will always keep it on hand. Because of GastroElm Plus, we were able to take Jake on vacation with us and participate in the Pony Express Re-ride this year carrying mail across Nebraska.

Thanks for making a great product!

Lisa H.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Luna. When we moved stables, she got stressed and soon was extra assertive when touched on her chest and girth area. I took these as telltale signs of ulcers. I started her on GastroElm Plus, initially twice a day and now once a day. She is much happier, more comfortable and relaxed.



GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is George. He is a 24 year old Appendix who loves jousting and other medieval games. We use GastroElm Plus because he has a sensitive stomach and is prone to ulcers. I've had him on it for a couple of years now and it has kept his ulcers at bay!

Elizabeth C.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is River. He started having bad colics when he was about 9. We tried changing his diet several times and tried other supplements and herbs. Nothing helped and he lost a lot of weight.

Someone told me about GastroElm Plus and we tried it. He has not had gas colic in years now and has gained his weight back!

Thorne D.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


I started GastroElm Plus after W***y had a long bout with diarrhea. I am happy to say he loves it and he has had no more issues.

Thank you!

Pauline J.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Lily. She's been on GastroElm Plus for the past two years due to ulcers. I noticed that the symptoms she displayed became minimal right after starting it.

She's doing great!

Jessica S.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


My dogs get GastroElm Plus anytime they have an upset stomach. It always helps to quickly reset them. We really appreciate your products!

Thank you,

Shauna R.

GastroElm Plus for dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is my 20 year old Standardbred that I saved from a kill pen in December 2021. He arrived at my home May 2022 after wintering with a friend in Missouri who picked him up from the kill pen in Oklahoma.

She had given him GastroElm Plus at her farm and I continue to give it to him on a daily basis here. I firmly believe that GastroElm Plus has worked to keep him healthy.

Thank you!

JoAnne G.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Spring Hollow Brighton (Morgan). He needs GastroElm Plus because in 2022, he was out of competition (Combined Driving discipline) for the whole year recovering from ulcers.

Omeprazole alone did not completely resolve them so that’s when I added GastroElm Plus to his daily feeding. Now he gets GastroElm every day and there has been no reoccurrence!

Debby D.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Mr Right (grandson of Seattle Slew)....this was him a few years ago.

As he's aged (22yrs now) he's developed anxiety especially when trailering, which led to ulcers. We treated the ulcers and I wanted to keep him on something long term to help him. I was told about your product and I loved how it was natural.

We've been using it quite awhile now and I'm happy to see my boy staying comfortable.

Thanks for a great product!

Carla S.

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


My baby girl's name is Mindy and she is roughly 14 years old (she was a rescue so we're aren't completely sure). She was diagnosed with pancreatitis in February 2023 and we were at a loss as to what to do for her to help her. She was already being fed a homemade food program, so we had to adjust this to a lower fat amount because of the pancreatitis, and completely overhaul her treats, but there really wasn't much information on what to do to protect her stomach/organs from the pancreatitis episodes that would occasionally affect her. After much research, we came across GastroElm Plus and have been giving her this ever since.

The pancreatitis has calmed down, she only gets minor flare ups every now and then, and the noises from her stomach when she does have an episode are SO much less than they used to be. It used to sound like she was being eaten from the inside!

We are so grateful for GastroElm Plus!

-Jen N.

GastroElm Plus for dogs:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


My Claire is on GastroElm Plus as it helps her stomach. She used to throw up in the early morning clear liquid,sometimes yellow. But since she started GastroElm she does not do that anymore.

I recommend it to anyone whose dog is having tummy issues. She has been on it about 2 years, now she is 10.

JoAnn R

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!


This is Salut, race name Salute America. Our equine body worker recommended GastroElm Plus as she uses it for her own OTTB. GastroElm as a maintenance dose daily has completely eliminated the need for costly, one time dose paste supplements.

Salut has a busy life as a fox hunter and he’s a “busy thinker.” Herbal solutions are my go-to choice for the two and four footeds in our family.

Can’t thank you enough for GastroElm Plus!

Elizabeth M

GastroElm Plus for horses:

GastroElm Plus has helped thousands of horses, dogs and cats with digestive issues since 2013!



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