These little peppered cories are growing fast! #corydoras #cories #catfish #bottomdweller #egglayers #spawn #fry #babies #breeder #plantedtank #fishtank #aquarium #aquatic
Kyoga flameback
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #kyoga #kyogaflameback #cichlid #cichlids #cichlidsofinstagram #fishofinstagram #caresspecies #fishroom #fishhobbyist #fishbreeder #smallbusiness #driftwood #freshwaterfishtank #freshwater #plants #nature #bestpet #bestpets #fishobsessed
Cory update 🤩
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #corydoras #corydora #corycatfish #babycory #pepperedcory #corydorasofinstagram #fishofinstagram #fishtanksofinstagram #fishbreeding #wriggler #fishroom #fishhobbyist #smallbusiness #pepperedcory #freshwaterfishtank
We just picked up 20 aspidoras poecilus. Hopefully we can get them breeding and have juveniles available by late summer! We'll keep you posted!
#corydora #corydoradinae #fish #aquatics #fishtank #plantedtank #breeder #spawn #catfish #freshwater #egglayer #eggs #aquabid #grow
Dinner time!!
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #audax #blackprince #characondonaudax #blackworm #black #worms #livefood #freshwaterfish #fishtank #spawnmop #fishbreeding #rarefish #aquarium #fishofinstagram #aquariumofinstagram #dinner #feeding #fishroom #fishfam #driftwood #spongefilter #eating #nature
We’ve been loving this tank lately. So much color and movement.😍
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #fish #fishhobby #40gallon #freshwaterfish #freshwaterfishtank #freshwateraquarium #swordtail #sankeswordtail #mixedguppy #guppies #aquaticplants #spongefilter #fishofinstagram #movement #colorfulfish #prettyfish #communitytank #aquariumsofinstagram #fishroom #fishbreeder #smallbusiness #welovefish #fishtanksforever #neverenoughfish
Dinner time! {Black veil angelfish pair}
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #angelfish #blackveil #blackveilangelfish #angel #fish #fishofinstagram #freshwaterfish #aquarium #fishtank #coolpets #coolfish #kensfish #fishfood #dinnertime #cichlidpellet #plantedtank #fishbreeder #smallbusiness #fishhobbyist #angelfishofinstagram #breedingpair #fishroom #fishroomsofinstagram
Baby bring shrimp-it’s what’s for dinner💪
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #fish #fishkeeper #fishtank #aquarium #fishofinstagram #fishtanksofinstagram #aquariumsofinstagram #plantedtank #fishroom #javafern #apistogramma #apistogrammacacatuoides #apisto #brineshrimp #livefood #freshwateraquarium #freshwaterfish #goldenpencilfish #pencilfish #fishobsessed #feedingtime #nomnom #🐟
Put the 18mo old down to take this video “more...more fishies?!” Playing with the GoPro in the outdoor tubs. Hopefully we’ll have some cool pictures and videos to share soon!
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #outdoortubs #outdoorpond #fishpond #fishtub #gopro #freshwaterfish #fishfanatic #koi #koisanke #guppies #fry #guppyfry #naturaltank #fishofinstagram #livebearers #mollys #platys #duckweed #luveplants #outside #fishhobby #outdooraquarium #morefish
Trying to worm train the pike livebearers but it’s not going well.🤷♀️
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #fish #fishtank #aquarium #fishofinstagram #fishtanksofinstagram #plantedtank #livebearer #fishroom #freshwater #freshwaterfish #40breeder #pikefish #pikelivebearer #worms #redworms #nothanks #stubborn #comeon
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #fish #fishtank #fancyguppy #guppies #guppiesofinstagram #fishofinstagram #freshwaterfishtank #spawnmop #aquabid #purple #black #aquarium #rarefish #qualityfish #spongefilter #fishroom #fishhobby #fishporn #swimming #10gallon #guppyfish
Purple dragons
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #fish #aquarium #fishkeeper #fishroom #fishofinstagram #guppies #guppiesofinstagram #aquabid #fishhobby #nature #freshwater #slowmotion #smallbusiness #purpledragon #purple #dragon #coolfish #beauty #swim #swimming #fishroom #hobbyist
Fish keeper in training🤣
#untamedaquatics #untamed #aquatics #fishkeeper #futurefishkeeper #fishtank #fishhobby #hobbyist #feedthefish #feed #feedingtime #fishroom #autofeeder #automatic #oneyearold #troublemaker #trouble #zoomed #spirulina #justlikedaddy #thatsmyboy
When you’re super excited about getting a video of your F1 (parents were wild caught) corydora metae juvenile...and your super red bristlenose pleco photo bombs🤣
#untamedaquatics #fish #fishtank #aquarium #fishkeeping #fishofinstagram #wildcaught #corydoras #corys #fry #babyfish #bristlenose #pleco #superred #barebottomtank #mulm #bristlenosepleco #spawn #nature #newlifespectrum #driftwood #photobomb #ohheythere #snails
Repost form Instagram earlier this week! If you’re not following us there, head on over and find us @untamedaquatics
It’s a family business, and we start them young!
#untamedaquatics #aquarium #fishtank #fishofinstagram #fish #fishkeeper #oneyear #12months #baby #chores #algae #babysofinstagram #herecomestrouble #trouble
#untamedaquatics #cherryshrimp #sakurafireredcherryshrimp #aquarium #fishtank #shrimp #shrimpofinstagram
#untamedaquatics #purplemoscow #guppy #fishofinstagram #boomerang #justkeepswimming