Neuro Dan - Feather Dan

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  • Neuro Dan - Feather Dan

Neuro Dan - Feather Dan Hi! I am Neuro Dan. I am special needs, but I keep my chin up and will purr for anyone who will pet me. Please like my page and be my friend!

Merry Christmas everyone! Kenzie got a flying fairy toy and Binx is absolutely obsessed with it. This will be entertaini...

Merry Christmas everyone! Kenzie got a flying fairy toy and Binx is absolutely obsessed with it. This will be entertaining for hours. We hope each of you enjoyed a day filled with blessings. Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all đź’•


Hi everyone, Dad here. Considering it’s the crazy holiday season, I was shocked to discover my first order of the new book was delivered. I got that about a month faster than I expected. I’ve added autographed copies to my website. Unfortunately, Godaddy and I are not getting along and I can’t get a working link to share and make finding it easier. You can find it at under the Featured Products section on the homepage. It’s the first item listed. I only have 9 copies available right now. Talk to you all soon!


Hi everyone, Amelia here. I’m really not sure how dad stays awake to get his work done. Binx snoozes as close as he can and snores ALL DAY long. All day, every day. I nap upstairs and I can still hear him. He’s not stuffed up or anything. Mum says it’s just a side effect of his mega esophagus. He’s not napping now though. He and Tony are crazy running all over tonight. Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all.

Hi everyone, Dad here. I'm sorry if I ramble a bit. I'm having an off-neuro day (I still can't believe I'm saying that) ...

Hi everyone, Dad here. I'm sorry if I ramble a bit. I'm having an off-neuro day (I still can't believe I'm saying that) and my head is more foggy than usual.

I finished my recent project! I compiled a collection of the original Facebook posts from Neuro Dan's page covering his first year (2015). There is an author's note, then an introduction. Following that is everything that started this journey. One of the best parts of this book is that I could include ALL of the pictures we used during that first year. All of them, and IN COLOR! I even added links to YouTube so readers have a way to enjoy the videos as well.

Did you know Dan's page gained over 20,000 followers after his first year? That's a ton of people who never got to experience the story as it unfolded. People find his books all the time. That's the only real way new friends can get to know Dan. I thought it was time to make more possible.

Using hundreds of color pictures on the highest quality paper did drive up the cost. This book costs more than the others I've published. I'm sorry about that. I couldn't find a cheaper alternative that included the color photos. I am working on a more affordable version showing the pictures in black and white. It should be ready in a few days. The eBook and paperback are currently available on Amazon but have yet to be populated into the search results. To find it, you need to search under its identifying number B0CP7VZ7J5, or follow the link in this post.

It was my pleasure to put it together; it offered me some much-needed "Dan" encouragement. The title of the book is... 'The "Book" of Dan. 2015.'

It's always bothered me that if one server in a Facebook data center goes down we lose everything we ever created about Dan. All of his posts, all of his pictures, everything. This preserves those memories. I wish I could have included the post comments. Those were an integral part of Dan's story and life. Maybe I'll figure out how to do that in the future.

The "Book" of Dan. 2015

Hi everyone, Amelia here. It’s been a few days but whew we’ve been busy. The family is finally feeling better. That funk...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. It’s been a few days but whew we’ve been busy. The family is finally feeling better. That funky yucky took about two weeks to run its course. Despite that we still got to watch the Christmas tree go up. Well, I did anyway. Dad locked Binx and Tony in our play room until it was done. Maybe one day they’ll learn not to knock the ornaments down at the exact time they are being placed on the tree. Sophie decided it’s her job to put up all the ornaments that get batted off the lower branches. She’s doing great, which means there are always ornaments to get! It’s- real fun game and we’re excited Sophie is getting old enough to help us play. Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all. ❤️

Hi everyone, Amelia here.  Whew, that bug that dad got made its rounds through everyone. The kids are better now and ful...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Whew, that bug that dad got made its rounds through everyone. The kids are better now and full of energy. Mum and dad don’t share their excitement. They are on the mend but still worn down. Tony has provided the girls with plenty of entertainment. I think he gets them more exercise than a pony would. It’s almost that time of year when the house smells delicious. We can’t wait! Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Mackenzie is sick with an upset stomach and a fever, and has been since yesterday. You see who...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Mackenzie is sick with an upset stomach and a fever, and has been since yesterday. You see who has her back? Yup, Tony has made sure she gets nonstop snuggles. She loves the extra attention. She even made him a picture on her tablet. Pretty creative for a five year old. Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all. đź’–

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Dad is still working like a fiend, trying to complete his next project. I learned from Binx an...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Dad is still working like a fiend, trying to complete his next project. I learned from Binx and Leroy that if I am still, I can sit on the back of his chair and watch without getting in his way.

Dad's symptoms have been coming back the last few days. He got pretty grumpy about it on Sunday. Mum had to talk to him so he wouldn't get bummed out. The muscles on his left side twitch and spasm a lot. Mostly in his face, left arm, and left leg. Those annoying involuntary arm and head movements are back, too, but not as severely as a couple of months ago. The weird sensation of being squeezed around his chest is more prominent, but that never entirely stops. Poor dad drops just about everything he tries to pick up. His hands are shaky again. Confusion, trouble concentrating, vision issues, clumsiness, and falling... He's obviously agitated and grumpy, but I can't blame him. Despite that nonsense, he's still plugging away at his project. Since it has to do with Feather Dan, I'll bet it helps make him happy.

Does anyone remember what they were doing on November 9, 2015? I know that was eight years ago today. Who can remember that? We can recall what Dan was doing, thanks to Dan's page! That's part of what Dad's project has been about. I'm sure he'll share more soon, but he told me it was okay to retell Dan's post from back then. Why? I don't know. Why not? I love to relive those great old photos and memories! Sleep with the angels tonight, our friends. We love you all.

Neuro Dan - Feather Dan's post from November 9, 2015.

"Hai my furriends. Do you see what Dad is doing here? I think he must be confused because he was playing tug with my Temptation treat like he's playing with a dog. I had to straighten him out right away... Sheesh, I mean, really, Iz not a dog... I got him a FEATHER, and now we'll play the right way. I love you, my friends, and sleep with the angels tonight."

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Dad has been plugging away at his new project. He will only let me share a few details. He wan...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Dad has been plugging away at his new project. He will only let me share a few details. He wants to make sure it will work before he makes any detailed announcement. At least I get to watch him work. He's found almost every video and picture of Dan he ever took (he has yet to see Mum's). The video here was one of many that were never shared. He agreed we could share some of these while he's working and even let me pick one out! Yay!! While Tony and Binx are getting their pre-zoomies nap, I selected this one. Enjoy! Oh, if anyone has trouble viewing or getting this link to work, please let me know so I can tell Dad! Sleep with the angels tonight, our friends. We love you all.


Hi everyone, Dad here. I'm working on another project and encountering "technical difficulties," also known as I can't figure this out! I'm trying to pull Dan's old videos and put them on YouTube. I don't have the phones the original videos were taken on. I will try to repost a couple of them as I work and see if I can retrieve them this way. I'm sure nobody will mind seeing a few old videos of Dan! This particular one is from March 29, 2015.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Has everyone had a chance to check out the new calendar? If not, it was posted yesterday, so i...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Has everyone had a chance to check out the new calendar? If not, it was posted yesterday, so it's in the post below this one.

I know that Binx and Tony are inseparable. Those two are the definition of "two peas in a pod." Tony has another BFF, Binx, too, and that is Mackenzie. Tony has taken on the role of her personal snuggle buddy, and Mackenzie wouldn't have it any other way.

Every morning, around 6 a.m., Dad goes upstairs to wake Mackenzie up to get ready for school (she loves kindergarten, by the way!) Dad checks on her real quick, then goes and gets her clothes ready before waking her up for some snuggles before getting her dressed and breakfast.

Tony has to be the first one to give Mackenzie her good morning snuggles. He's so dedicated to it that he sits in bed with Dad until his alarm goes off at 5. Tony helps Dad get up and escorts him through the house while he makes his coffee and gets himself together. He sits by Dad's chair, patiently waiting until 6 O'clock finally arrives, and it's time. He follows Dad upstairs, weaving between his feet in excitement the entire time, tail quivering in anticipation, until Dad finally opens Mackenzie's door. Then Tony rushes in, climbs on the bed, and, purring as loud as he can, proceeds to make sure his human BFF gets a big dose of love immediately.

It is very sweet, and she is just as loving and protective of all of "her kitties" as they are of her. Sleep with the angels tonight, our friends. We love you all.

Hi everyone, Dad here. I looked through the old projects (calendars, totes, etc.) I created a while ago on the site I us...

Hi everyone, Dad here. I looked through the old projects (calendars, totes, etc.) I created a while ago on the site I used to create the calendars. While doing so, I discovered a couple of things.

One, most of what I created, especially the calendars) are "expired" for various reasons, meaning the company raised their prices and discontinued most of what I listed because the prices were below their acceptable amount. When I price things on third-party sites, I don't make much. The point has always been to add value to Dan's friends, not make money.

Two, I can make adjustments and bring them "back to life." So I did on a couple of them. The one I think many people will enjoy the most is Dan's very first calendar. I had to change the dates to make it a 2024 calendar, but I could leave the rest of it alone.

If you missed out on Dan's first calendar, you can get it once again. If anyone is interested, I can do the same thing with the other calendars for each year. It does take time, so unless I get requests, I will save those for next year.

Anyhow, here is the link to the original calendar. You can still find everything else in my store or ask for another link.

Custom Photo Calendars for Sale A 2023 Re-rerelease of Dan's very first calendar!

The 2024 calendar is done! I dug into the ancient archives (Google Photos) and spent hours pulling out pictures that I'm...

The 2024 calendar is done! I dug into the ancient archives (Google Photos) and spent hours pulling out pictures that I'm sure never made it on Facebook. That means new, never-before-seen pictures, not just of Dan. I found hidden pictures of Leroy and Amelia, too, not to mention the more recent pictures over the last year. You don't have to purchase the calendar to enjoy it. If you follow the link, you can look at the pictures, month by month, for free.

Being sick for several months has put me behind schedule on everything I've wanted to accomplish this year. Today makes just over a week that my symptoms have backed off, and I've had more energy, less pain, and can concentrate. I'm taking advantage of it and pushing hard to do what I can. If I continue to feel better, I'll have some more special surprises later this month. Until then, here is the calendar. Enjoy!!!

Custom Photo Calendars for Sale 2024 Feather Dan and Family Calendar

Hi everyone, Amelia here. As you can see I have stuck to my diet and am what mum calls a healthy weight. I don’t underst...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. As you can see I have stuck to my diet and am what mum calls a healthy weight. I don’t understand why they torture me with this giant bag of bird seed. The seed smells like outside, yucky, but those birds sure do look yummy. Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all.

We miss Dan every single day but our love is greater and seeing his face brings us warm smiles and occasionally happy te...

We miss Dan every single day but our love is greater and seeing his face brings us warm smiles and occasionally happy tears. đź’–Feather Dan đź’– Sheriff Leroy đź’–

Hi everyone, dad here. It’s been a very long time since our last post. Sorry about that,  we’ve had a lot going on for s...

Hi everyone, dad here. It’s been a very long time since our last post. Sorry about that, we’ve had a lot going on for sure.

Amelia is still her sassy, hungry, lovable self. She doesn’t hide upstairs anymore. She goes all over this big house and loves it. Binx and Tony are even more crazy, if that’s even possible. They get evening zoomies that now resemble a mix of Indy 500, mixed martial arts, tag, and things I’m not even sure how to describe. They are very healthy and inseparable.

Sophie and Mackenzie are doing fantastic! They are getting so big. Kenzie is now in kindergarten, we can hardly believe how much she’s learning. Sophie will start preK next year. Amanda’s plugging away at her new job and doing good. I’ve been going through an unexpected health challenge. I don’t want say much until I get a diagnosis but it’s neurological and I had a amazing example in Dan to learn how to smile despite issues.

I see a lot of messages I haven’t responded to. So sorry about neglecting the page. My health challenge has made it more challenging but I hope to get posts going a bit more often now.

I am working on the next calendar. I should have it ready sometime next week. If you put your favorite pictures in the comments I’ll add as many as I can.

You guys are all amazing. We’ve missed our page too, because we miss you! Sleep with the angels tonight our friends. We love you all. 💕

Hi everyone dad here. Floyd Felines and Friends have taken on a lot of new kitties lately. Mommas, babies, and more. I’v...

Hi everyone dad here. Floyd Felines and Friends have taken on a lot of new kitties lately. Mommas, babies, and more. I’ve been holding off on posting a link to my new work until next week but when friends need help we always do what we can. Half of what I sell on eBay, my Etsy shop, or blankets mountain publishing will be donated to them from today until Monday at midnight. Below is a link to one of the paintings I have listed. There is a lot more too. Kindness rocks and paintings aplenty. I’ll get another update tonight or tomorrow. ❤️❤️🎉

I’ve extended the time for these items to benefit Floyd’s until the existing eBay auctions end.

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Acrylic Painting - Original - "Library Cats" 8x10-inch signed at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

Guys our friends really need your help at Floyd Felines And Friends. They have taken on a lot of moms and babies and are...

Guys our friends really need your help at Floyd Felines And Friends. They have taken on a lot of moms and babies and are great full for anything you may be able to help with, even if it is just a share.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. We had such an adventure a few nights ago! I was downstairs on mums lap getting snuggled befor...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. We had such an adventure a few nights ago! I was downstairs on mums lap getting snuggled before bedtime. Our tranquility was suddenly broken by the odd, rapid, high pitched screeching from upstairs. Dad lurched forward and asked what that noise was but he already knew. The sound got louder and louder, then something fell down the stairs. A few thumps later, and the screeching loud, panicked sounding, swaggered Tony, his head held high, clutching a screaming bat in his mouth. Binx was trotting directly behind and before I knew it, I was sailing through the air as mum charged after the boys, the blanket she’d snuggled with, now held forward as a shield. Dad jumped after mum so I figured I might as well join in the impromptu parade. I suppose it was destiny that our party would make three full laps around the first floor, including two trips under the kitchen table! Tony had no intention of surrendering his prize. His run for freedom finally came to an end in mum and dads bedroom. Mum saved the bat and set him free. Tony didn’t have a scratch on him. The girls slept through the entire episode. It was a night for the books. It also was enough for dad and he bought some electronic bat repellent that night. It showed up today so hopefully we’ll be finished with that business shortly. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi all, dad here,I could use a little help if you have time. My newest book, Splinters, Legacy Inherited, will be repres...

Hi all, dad here,

I could use a little help if you have time.

My newest book, Splinters, Legacy Inherited, will be represented at the London Book Fair in Olympia London, on April 18-20.

I’m hoping to find an international rights buyer for this series. I’m in the process of updating to reflect this goal so you may notice some changes to the site over the next couple of weeks.

So how can you help? I could use more feedback on Amazon to help tempt some of those rights buyers. I know most fans purchased autographed copies through Blankets Mountain so I lowered the price of the ebook to just $0.99.

Thank you!!!!!

Splinters. Legacy Inherited

(Oh, and for those waiting for the sequel, it’s almost to the editing phase so it’s getting close to publication).

Everyone here is doing great. I’m sorry for the lack of recent posts. I’ll talk to Amelia and see if she’s up for sharing our newest Tony adventure this evening. Love you all!

Splinters. Legacy Inherited


Hi everyone, dad here tonight. No funny stories because the kids are kookoo but look what wonderful video showed up in my FB memories. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all. ❤️

Hi everyone, Amelia here. I hope you are doing well. I haven’t been doing great keeping up with our posts. The work on t...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. I hope you are doing well. I haven’t been doing great keeping up with our posts. The work on the house is finally finished and we are so glad about that! No more loud noises, extra hyper girls, and late bedtimes. Now we are getting things back to our old routine and we’re already feeling less stressed. Dad finally figured out why Binx and Tony have been trying so hard to get up in the attic. Not only do we have at least one bat up there but dad saw a little white mouse a few days ago. Dad seems more concerned with making sure his paintings and books don’t get nibbled. Mum doesn’t care about the bat. As it turns out she thinks they’re cute! She doesn’t like the mouse though. Isn’t a bat just a mouse with wings? I don’t get it. People sure are complicated. The bat and mouse are really just two new toys of us cats catch them. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Tony said it’s been way too long since we did a post. Everyone is okay, and nothing is wrong. ...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Tony said it’s been way too long since we did a post. Everyone is okay, and nothing is wrong. There has been so much stuff going on that poor dad hasn’t even had time to get pictures of us. The plumbing is finally finished here. The ceiling and walls are put back together. All that’s left is some touch up painting. That means the contractors are almost done! They’ve been here so long now that KK thinks they’re cousins. Whew. Personally I’m excited to not have to be locked up with Binx and Tony so much! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve established pride dominance now but they like to press their luck.

Dad’s managing to get more art done. He’ll share some of the new work later. We also have some fun stuff going on with the sci-fi book. Dad will share that news soon when it’s all together. There’s more in the works too but I really wanted to let everyone know we’re all okay.

Thank you for all the messages checking on us. I may need to try to get my posts in earlier in the day. The kids are really taking a lot more time to care for in the evenings. Hopefully when the contractors are done we can get things more on our usual schedule.

Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Sorry it’s been so long since my last update. Life is just crazy busy, and we’re still trying ...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Sorry it’s been so long since my last update. Life is just crazy busy, and we’re still trying to get back into a routine. Sure is taking a while but we’ll get there. We had contractors working on plumbing here all day again. Dad says we need to be patient because updating 110 year old plumbing is messy and takes time but jeeeze! I got shut in my favorite room with the boys again…. Allll dayyyy long. I had to polydactyl bop both of them a couple of times but I survived. They are full of zoomies now. The picture is from last night. They both like to try to pile up on dads lap. Last night Tony didn’t take time to ask Binx to make, he just plopped down on top of him. Goofy boys. We hope you are all doing fantastic! Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Wow, it is cold today! We’re around-20 degrees with the wind chill. Yup, negative 20. I didn’t...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Wow, it is cold today! We’re around-20 degrees with the wind chill. Yup, negative 20. I didn’t even know the temperature could go negative. Binx doesn’t mind. He’s staying busy climbing in the Christmas tree. Tony is a bit more clumsy than normal but seems to be enjoying his zoomies. He’s sliding all over the house, racing up and down the stairs. I’m just waiting for the kids to go to bed and I’ll be snuggling up with mum. I hope all of you are ready for the weekend. I heard that Santa is coming tomorrow night! The girls are super excited but very enraptured with the snow. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. We’ve had contractors here the last few days working on replacing some of this old houses orig...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. We’ve had contractors here the last few days working on replacing some of this old houses original plumbing. That means we get shut in the guest room with the catio to keep us safe. Mum and dad forgot we were there earlier and left me shut up for 5 hours with the boys while they went and spent time with family. I sure was ready to get out when they came home. Now there is a fascinating hole in the kitchen ceiling and wall. The boys are so obsessed with that I’m sure I’ll have the rest of the house to myself for the evening. Unfortunately delivery of a couple 40-foot pipes is delayed so those holes might be there for a week or so. Just more interesting stuff to check out! Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Would you just look at this snuggle fest? I’m a bit jealous I wasn’t in that pile of love too,...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Would you just look at this snuggle fest? I’m a bit jealous I wasn’t in that pile of love too, but the boys would have insisted on roughing around and I wasn’t in the mood. Good news, that creepy doll hasn’t done anything creepy so far. I’ve got Tony in charge of monitoring it. I figured that’s the best option because if it jumps up and chases him he’ll make a racket when he runs. That will get Binx to go check it out, and me plenty of time to run away… I mean call for backup from mum and dad. We also got some of Dans blankets on our cat tree to help keep us warm and it’s working great. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We love you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. I was with dad up in the third floor attic where he’s setting up his office and business space...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. I was with dad up in the third floor attic where he’s setting up his office and business space. He went to get something ready to ship when he spotted something new. On the floor, sitting up leaned against the shelf leg, was a small, old doll. Now I’m not one to get worried, or worked up over much, but mum and dad are avid horror movie watchers so I’ve seen my fair share. I know that when a family moves into an old house and some random doll shows up in the attic, usually isn’t the start of something good. There’s no way dad didn’t see that doll when he set up his inventory and it wasn’t there yesterday. There’s no way it’s one of the girls either. I’m going to let mum and dad figure this mystery out. I may have inherited the role of sheriff when Leroy left but those duties do NOT extend to mysterious, creepy dolls, or anything of the supernatural nature. If they need help, I’m sure tweedle dee and tweedle… I mean Binx and Tony, will be able to help out just fine. If, that is, they can get them out of our Christmas tree. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Binx and Tony have been acting suspicious tonight. They’ve been following each other all over,...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. Binx and Tony have been acting suspicious tonight. They’ve been following each other all over, going from room to room, snooping everywhere. Mum and dad decided to follow them around to see what’s going on. They finally figured it out when the boys went into the dining room and fixated on one of the windows. There are two cats outside who are talking to each other. Their conversation got quite animated for a bit and one of them eventually settled under a bush outside the dining room. Binx will be up and fascinated all night. Dad saw a collar on one of those cats but not the other one. Hopefully they are both inside outside kitties, otherwise mum will have some cat shelters set up in no time. We’ll keep you posted. Sleep with the angels tonight my friends. We luvs you all.

Hi everyone, Amelia here. This year, I have been volunteered to be dad’s special assistant with holiday celebrations. Th...

Hi everyone, Amelia here. This year, I have been volunteered to be dad’s special assistant with holiday celebrations. The first thing he had me do was to help make our Neuro Dan and family 2023 calendar. I enjoyed going through the thousands of pictures this week as we selected them. It was wonderful to see so many pictures of Dan again. That got me thinking and I shared my thought with dad. This year we’ll make two calendars, one with all of us, and one just full of pictures of Feather Dan. Dad liked the idea and so that’s what we did. We also created a couple of tshirts and mugs just for the holidays. You’ll have to let me know what you think. The link to the calendar store is below.

This little shop is created in loving memory of Neuro Dan - Feather Dan, and his brother Leroy. This shop is now managed by Dan's sister, Amelia (with a little help from dad). We're working on the 2023 calendar as well as a new coffee table book. We luvs you all! "Sleep with the angels tonight my fr...



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