First day eating dry kibble. I'd say BRUNO approves!! 🥰
#FaceFirst #JustWaitUntilYouSeeTheAfterPhoto #Yummy #WhatGoesInMustComeOut #BiggestSweetheart
At two weeks old...
Every. Single. Time.
Every. Single. Puppy. 🤭🤣
Next week, it's completely different! How much they change in such a short period of time. 🥹
Two week photos will be posted shortly!
Beautiful Tiger Lily (2 years) keeps my sweet, gorgeous baby girl (8 months) happy and entertained! It was a match made in heaven ❤️. Who can agree with me... Boxers are the BEST family dogs!
#ILiveForThatLaugh #ProudMama #BabyMama #FurMama #BoxersAndBabies #BlessedAndGrateful #BrindleBoxer
Just when you think you're going to get the perfect puppy shot, the puppy twitches kick in 🤭🥰🥹
Just another day in Pepper's puppy paradise ❤️
A quick feeding and some quality time before tails and dew claws. Please keep these little loves and Mama Pepper in your thoughts and prayers, as this is never an easy day for them ❤️
Pepper is doing such a great job caring for her little ones. Just like any new, dedicated and wonderful mom, she is giving 100% of herself to her babies and not taking care of herself as I would like (this is expected, especially after a 4 4 legged delivery in the first week or two, and even longer after a 2 legged delivery). But don't worry, her Mama Melissa is taking care of her baby girl Pepper to make sure she gets the love and attention she needs too! ❤️😘🐾
And a major shout out to my mama. For making sure I get fed and to sleep, and especially for helping me with my beautiful daughter ❤️ #WomenMakeTheWorldGoRound
PUPDATE! Pepper is getting some subqutaneous fluids to make sure her she stays hydrated & her milk production stays on point for her little loves. The puppies didn't gain in their first weigh-in last night, but I will make sure they gain today! Oh, and my daughter must be up from her nap! 🤗🥰😍
What's for dinner? Salmon, sweet potato, carrots...oh, and a few shrimp too! Pepps cleaned her plate!
My pack and my breeding girls eat like royalty when they are here! Being a new mom deserves some perks and pampering, if I have any say so on the matter! Anything for my girls and their babies ❤️
Oh, and aren't Pepper's babies absolutely PRECIOUS?!?! 😍😍😍
She just loves HER Pepper...and all the kisses that come with! ❤️
Boxers are incredible with babies and children.
#KissesFromPepper #PuppyKissess #BabyAndBoxer #BabysBestFriend #BoxerLove #BestFriendsForever #BoxersAreFamilyToo
These boys are about to get BIGGER!! STARSKY & HUTCH loved their first taste of solids, I'm impressed they stayed clean, they devoured their wet kibble and immediately after, they each had a nice poop & nap 🤭!!
....oh, and that color!! 😍
#mysweethearts #threeweeks #boxerpuppy #love
Got to love picture day! As you can see, these little ones don't take photos as seriously as I do! 😜❤️🐾
CERSEI IS AVAILABLE! A six week old brindle female from Gemini's Game of Thrones Litter!