100% pure moroccan argan oil (KIOD) / زيت ارجان المغربي الأصلي للتجميل
Argan oil is an organic oil pressed from the seeds of the Argan tree (ArganiaSpinosa), which grows only in southwestern Morocco. It takes approximately 15 hours and 30kg of fruit to produce just 1 litre of argan oil. This lengthy process involves skilled handwork that has been passed down from generations.
Pure Argan oil from KiodArgan can be used on its own or combined with your favorite beauty products. Try adding pure, organic Argan oil to your daily beauty routine, or adding it to your favorite shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, or body lotion, and see the amazing results for yourself.
Argan oil has an incredibly high concentration of Vitamin E and essential oils (including Omega 3, 6, and 9), which combine not only to moisturize, but to actually lock in that healing effect.
Products available in stock:
-Cosmetic Argan oil (30 ml, 60 ml and 120 ml)
Our cosmetic Argan oil certified by Ecocert is cold-pressed, the only method that guarantees all the vitamin E and essential fatty acids also known as Vitamin F. The secret of Argan oil lies in its unique composition: Argan oil contains more Vitamin E in the form of highly active gamma-tocopherol than any other natural oil (73 mg/ 100 ml) – antioxidants that fight and neutralize free radicals, the main cause of cell damage and aging. Use: Argan oil is an excellent anti-wrinkle, it is also recognized for its firming properties, nutritional (hair and nails), protective (against the sun), softening (moisturizing), its action on cells can promote healing (acne. ..). Use in the morning and evening. Contains no dyes or preservatives. Suitable for all skin types.
*30 ml : 59 aed
*60 ml : 108 aed
*120 ml : 208 aed
-Argan Soap Bar (100 g)
100 grams of Kiod Argan Soap bar made with certified organic Argan oil. Excellent for body and face wash.
• Ideal for all skin types.
• Appropriate for body, hands, face, and hair.
• For a gentler treatment for face, lather soap between hands and massage into skin. -
* Certified Organic Ingredient
100% natural
*100g : 24 aed
-Black soap nourish with Moroccan Argan oil (200g)
The black soap is part of the traditional hammam ritual. It is the first treatment in oriental public bath. With a texture of butter, this natural vegetable paste based with black olives is rich in vitamin E with also moroccan argan oil.
It is obtained from a mixture of oil and crushed olives, soaked in salt and potash. In the nineteenth century it was used as a product of Dermatology and later became a real beauty tool for the body suitable for every type of skin.
It prepares the skin for exfoliation. The skin will be softer and ready for a scrub. Combined with the action of the Kessa glove will remove impurities and dead skin.
Thanks to it exfoliating and moisturizing, it softens and nourishes the skin. It does not foam but becomes creamy when you add water.
How to use Black Soap ?
After 15 minutes in your hot bath, hot shower, steam room or hammam, using only plain water, apply soap on a warm and wet body. Avoid the face and eyes. Leave on for up to 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Your skin is now softer and easier to exfoliate, get ready for a gommage with the Kessa glove.
*200g : 46 aed
-Argan Cream (50g)
This day cream with argan oil and bitter orange blossom has a non-greasy texture penetrates quickly and leaves a light scent with oriental notes. This Cream helps to prevent the early onset of wrinkles and skin aging, revitalizes the skin and leaves it pleasantly supple and firm. Use: Apply daily on face and neck, can be used as make-up base. Contains no dyes or preservatives. Suitable for all skin types.
*50g : 53 aed
-Enriching Shampoo with Argan (200 Ml)
Kiodargan Enriching Shampoo cleanses, softens and fortifies all hair types. Formulated with Moroccan Argan Oil, Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil, this powerful shampoo combats the gradual damages caused by excessive styling and oxidization and leaves your hair and scalp clean and free of build-up to breath the way nature intended. Argan Dew Enriching Shampoo locks in moisture and nutrients into each strand, giving your hair a fresh feeling and glossy shine every time.
We take pride in our products. Kiodargan Enriching Shampoo is not tested on animals and is SLS/SLES, paraben free.
*200ml : 27 aed
-Scrubbing Glove (kessa) (1 unit)
The exfoliating glove crepe or "kessa is accessory traditional hammam. It is used by Oriental women for body scrub when using the Black Soap. Its use stimulates blood circulation and leave skin soft and silky.
Why use Kessa glove?
Used in a steam room Kessa glove will not just remove the outer layer of dead skin, it will also remove pore clogging impurities and toxins from deep withinRubbing skin with Kessa glove stimulates blood circulation bringing more oxygen and nutrients to skin cells Argan oil and other skin treatments absorb intensely and easily into deeply cleaned skinWhile rubbing your skin to remove dry dead skin you will give yourself an invigorating massage. Your muscles will feel relaxed and less sore.
*different color : 21 aed
*Good prices for the big quantities.
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نصح خبراء التجميل باستخدام زيت أركان المعروف في تسمية "الزيت المعجزة"، أو "الذهب السائل"، ويستخرج من لوز شجر الأركان الذي تحتكره منطقة سوس المغربيّة ويعمر لمدة 200 سنة، وهو معروف بخواصه التجميلية والعلاجية.
ويستخدم هذا الزيت مكونا رئيسيا في مستحضرات التجميل الراقية، مرطبا ومغذيا ومرمما للبشرة والشعر والأظافر، فهو يغذي ويرمم وينعم الشعر التالف والمتعب والمتقصف ذا النهايات المتكسرة، كما أنه يعيد النضارة والحيوية للشعر والبشرة بشكل عام.
ويتم تحضير زيت أركان بطريقة العصر على البارد، وتعد هذه الطريقة المثلى للحفاظ على العناصر المغذية والفيتامينات في الزيت المعد للاستعمال التجميلي، ويمكن تمييز هذا الزيت من لونه حيث يكون لونه أصفر ذهبيا، وذا رائحة خفيفة مميزة.
إن هذا الزيت استخدم منذ القدم من قبل النساء مرطبا للبشرة الجافة ومضادا للتجاعيد ومغذيا ومرمما للشعر المتعب، وذلك لاحتوائه على الأحماض الدهنية الأساسية ،الأوميغا 6 ،الأوميغا 9، ومضادات الأكسدة، خصوصا فيتامين E.
ويعدّ أفضل وقت لاستخدام زيت الأرجان وأفضل امتصاص له يكون على بشرة نظيفة وعلى شعر نظيف تماما، خصوصا بعد الاستحمام فهو يمتص بسهولة ولا يترك أثرا وتكون الفائدة أفضل والنتائج أسرع.
ويحتوي زيت الأرجان على مكونات تجعل البشرة أكثر حيوية، حيث يتكون من زيت الأفوكادو الطبيعي الخالص المختلط مع زيت الجوجوبا والمسك، وغيرها من الزيوت الأساسية لجمال البشرة والشعرة.
:المنتوجات المتوفرة و المعروضة
زيت ارجان للعناية بالشعر، لترطيب البشرة و -لتقوية الاظافر ب 3 احجام:
مل30 : درهم 59
مل60 : درهم 108
مل120 : درهم 208
- صابون أرجان
غرام 100 : درهم 24
- كريم أرجان
غرام 50 : درهم 53
- صابون اسود بأرجان
غرام 200 : درهم 46
- شامبو بأرجان
مل 200 : درهم 27
- ليف بجودة عالية للحمام المغربي
21 درهم
للاستفرار الرجاء الاتصال بالوكيل المعتمد لشركة كيود أرجان :
* أسعار مغرية للكميات الكبيرة
السيد أمين
[email protected]
السيد يوسف
00971 52 873 2394
الامارات العربية المتحدة