Thank you Kayla for helping set up this run. I can't wait to see you all there on October 12th for the opening ceremony!
FREE! Saturday, October 12 at 10:30 a.m. start time for 5k Walk/Run for Wag's Bark Park- the NEW dog park in Montevideo, MN. The route is user friendly with several ways to cut back the distance if you or your pup would like a shorter walk/run! START & END at Wag’s Bark Park. Free will donation accepted and will be put towards expenses of Wag's Bark Park! There will be an official ribbon cutting at NOON for the park. Bring your dog and don't miss out! You do NOT have to bring a dog to come!😊
Jaxon Wagner has the goal of achieving his Eagle Scout ranking and has worked long and hard to make the Montevideo Dog Park Project happen! Come show your support and gratitude for this new space in our Montevideo Community!
First 40 people to come for the walk/run will get a little "doggy bag" for their furry friend!
Location: behind Jennie-O In Montevideo