Of course she was beautiful as all Princess kittens are, but we soon learnt that she was not going to be a lap cat or a cuddly cat or a friendly cat or an outgoing cat etc, etc. We found out that she was going to be a one person cat, her Mum's and her attitude and personality would also take after her Mum! Now we jump forward 4 years and we decide to finally try and find that lap cat and cuddly ca
t and friendly cat and outgoing cat etc, etc that we have been looking for! So we head to the RSPCA with a mission and a very personable cat fell in love with us at first sight, so we just had to adopt him, and so Mister became our snow white Prince! You may wonder how these two very different and unique cats get along and how they interact in each others lives as well as ours, and in a nutshell I say they don't get along, any interaction is brought with absolute dislike and the closest they get to getting along is when they are either FAR apart or on opposite ends of my bed at night! It will be like looking through our keyhole, you'll see and hear what we do. Oh, btw, there will probably will be some language and for that I apologise! We will try and bring you the best of the best that we as a family and cat lovers have to offer and that is usually at the cats expense! .