This is to show how much moisture the diaper holds without a pee pad. It's like a small pool in her diaper. Sorry it's a gross post.
Throw your diapers in the dryer on high for about 20 minutes. This helps close up the pul fabric around the stitches.
She's having some issues that I'm working on.
It's not the greatest video but I hope it helps somebody with cross beak trimming. The powder I used is Styptic powder, no I didn't clip her break at the end that far on purpose, the vein inside grows out with the beak sometimes.
Velcro version adjusting video
Velcro version instructional video 2
Velcro version instructional video 1
This is showing how to make a button hole. I hope it helps
For trimming a beak that is odd but not a cross beak. I have both the uneven beak growth girl and a couple cross beaks.
For trimming a silkie face. She had already had a hair cut but she's a good model so I grabbed her. Her name is Presha.
We have a winner of the drawing! Congratulations Tiffany! Thank you Miss Scarlet for helping
It is with a heavy, devastatingly broken heart that I post that my previous little love Peanut died in her sleep last night. I've had to take spacial care of her, especially over the last couple of weeks. She was not eating, so I fed her. She wanted held all the time so I took her everywhere with me. I think her heart was failing because her feet were chilly and her little heart just wasn't circulating like it should. She died very peacefully and hadn't even stirred from where I put her to bed with her buddy Boo.
The video is the last I have of her from Aug.3. She put herself inside Big Mama's nest house.
Turns out that I did crack my sternum. I am working on diapers but it's just taking me a bit to get them done. I am very very sorry for this inconvenience. It's driving me insane... lol
Video of Ms. Clyde and Buddy's new babies.