Sent to us by a city resident who witnessed this...
"This video was taken yesterday, 4/28 at 2:51 pm in Addison Circle Park. I was in the park with my dog and heard yelling. When I turned to see what was happening, I saw a group of people outside the park fence along Festival way who appeared to be fighting. As I looked closer I saw a dog being punched. I walked toward them recording them trying to process what I was seeing. They stopped and I heard someone say 5 minutes. They were in two groups, one who owned the Rottweiler and the other who was hitting the dog getting him to bite along with someone taking a video of the action. They retreated to two different vehicles. I waited to gain composure and walked out toward the street (Festival Way) to speak to them. I said, “do you mind telling me what’s happening here?” The guy approached me aggressively and started to berate me telling to mind my own business. He talked over me and it got heated. My dog was with me and there was no deescalating the situation. He kept telling me to mind my own business. I told him I lived in the community and was not ok watching a dog being punched. He told me he also lived in the community. I have never seen him or the black Rottweiler before. The guy asked me to call police. I walked away and waited to see if it would start again. If it did, I was calling 911. Sure enough both parties came together and it started again. My husband happened to be riding his bike. I had sent the video to him minutes earlier and he saw it. He was close enough and made his way to Festival Way. He rode right by them as it was happening. He came up to me and asked me to call the police and to leave.
The 911 call was frustrating. They asked every detail of what was happening. If I personally had a true emergency, I would have been dead by the time I answered all of those questions. My husband overheard me on the call and grabbed the phone. He accidentally disconnected the call.
Astro Pup Tug of War Time
Don't miss out on the chance to add this sweet boy to your family. Fill out an application today! #LAPdog #YellowLab #kidfriendly #goodestboy
Adopt the best boy here! ❤
🤎Meet Brody, one of so many strays and dumped dogs in Dallas/Fort Worth. He showed up near a neighborhood, looking into backyards after living in a greenbelt.. He was lost or likely dumped and he was sad and desperate. He ended up in one of Texas' full shelters and was scheduled to die. Neighbors rallied and one family stepped up to foster.. this changed Brody's life..😃💕🐾He will soon be available for adoption through LAPRESCUE.ORG Please share this boy is so sweet and loyal. He is only 4 years old, walks well on a leash, and crate trained. He loves being inside and longs to belong again to a loyal family and will be a wonderful companion. 🐾 [email protected]
#LAPdog #LAPrescue #goodestboy