Borzoi puppies ready for adoption and pickup and delivery

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Borzoi puppies ready for adoption and pickup and delivery purebreds borzoi
Russian borzoi

we sale our dogs
everywhere we go (MTN)

We took the girls in to the vet yesterday - clean bill of health but hefty bill of shots. And then it dawned on me that,...

We took the girls in to the vet yesterday - clean bill of health but hefty bill of shots. And then it dawned on me that, somehow, it has been 4 years since we got Ora (Covid time warp is real). My brain exploded. It has been 4 years since we got this tiny little snoot. 4 years since this hairless little creature would sleep in corkscrews all over the house (pic 2). Shapes that I often thought looked like Olympic divers (pic 3) or more recently cooked shrimp (pic 4) or even a mountain goat (pic 5).



LOGLINE: After the entire world grows a giant snoot, a young Borzoi is yeeted back in time to 1989 by a dementia addled ...

LOGLINE: After the entire world grows a giant snoot, a young Borzoi is yeeted back in time to 1989 by a dementia addled sociopathic scientist in a vainglorious attempt to find out the cause of it all, inadvertently risking the existence of the universe on the jejune judgment of a hose goat.
TAGLINE: “Time to Snoot up motherf@&kers”
CAST: will play every character, including the , scientist, love interest and even his own orange vest.
COMPS: Back to the Future 1, 2 but not 3, also Demolition Man because we are going to weave in a lot of themed malfeasance.
BUDGET: 325 million, 25 million to make the film, 300 on lint rollers and Peruvian nose candy.

‼️WARNING ‼️ this is NOT Lord Foog the 2st it is an IMPOSTER named Lord Turd the Wurst - he was given his title by the M...

‼️WARNING ‼️ this is NOT Lord Foog the 2st it is an IMPOSTER named Lord Turd the Wurst - he was given his title by the MInistry of Semi-Dastardly Deeds. The FBI and CIA both believe he is behind a string of petty crimes throughout the US (maybe even the world) including stealing cell phone chargers, turning on zoom microphones right before you fart, stubbing toes, breaking the “a” key on keyboards and might even be the sole reason you can never plug a USB in the right way the first time. If you or a loved one believe you’ve been Wurst’d please remain calm and If you see Lord Turd, do not engage him in conversation - he is a practiced hypnotist and master manipulator.

I thought we were going to lose Joy. Her health was slipping- lost faculty in her back legs like a disconnected robot. T...

I thought we were going to lose Joy. Her health was slipping- lost faculty in her back legs like a disconnected robot. They’ve been weak for years but this was rapid. BUT Joy had another life, we switched up her meds, she turned a corner. This morning she was even running around, playing with a bone. In truth, this is the rarity, and I have no idea how long it will last… I had to post about this, it’s necessary. This odd place is purposefully lifelike, honest, well beside the utter fantasies, but I eschew from “normal” style- the godless angels of influence that float all over . Vapid faces of unachievable goals peddling “shop now” for cursory fixes to fatal problems. Truth is, I fail a great deal- thousands of pages of scripts no one will ever read and hundreds of auditions I hope no one ever sees. And like most people here, I will soon be confronted by my relatives at a forced poultry slaughter - I’ll tell them the truth, it’s been sh$t, but I found a niche of friends on the internet. A cohort who understand that life is messy, raw, full of challenges- 90% of it is like Sam and Frodo eating dry lembas bread on the side of a mountain. It is not the reality lampoon of social media, motivational snake oil salespersons dangling insecurities like banners. It is the bitter sweet, your aging dog having a good day laying in the sun, you might see the bigger picture, but every moment is a blessing. All of us together, us infinitesimally unlikely creatures, clawing through the nascent phases of ascension just trying to be happy.

“Come in,” said Professor Silver. You straightened your uniform, stuffed as much shame into your shoulders as you could,...

“Come in,” said Professor Silver. You straightened your uniform, stuffed as much shame into your shoulders as you could, and walked inside. “Sit,” her voice was mellifluous but compelling- almost unnervingly so. You knew why you were there, you had no excuse, and the optics of making Damian Dorian’s underwear shrink during his Spirit Class speech was far from good. You had intended to just make them go down a couple sizes, but you messed up the spell and it took a surgery team 3 hours to cut his white from his pale inner thighs- and they still haven’t found his other testicle. So much blood and so many threw up. Luckily, he would be fine, the healers here were talented, and truth be told it was an even comeuppance for the years of ridicule. “Tell me why I shouldn’t expel you,” you open your mouth, ready to poor out drivel about how mean Damian has been, but she cut you off - “I know. I know more than you know. You believe in revenge, and it feeds you. You have Equalizer blood.” “My mother,” you said softly. Professor Silver smiled, a snarl of some kind. “The spell was perfect, you were not.” Her white paw landed on top of an envelope and she slid it over to you melodramatically- grinding on the ripples in the old wooden desk, “You’re being transferred…. Or you can be expelled.” Trapped, you feel the fear rising “where am I going?” “Somewhere… useful.” That night, by the light of a wisp candle, you opened the envelope. The writing inside was scrawled, haphazard, terrifying - it just said “The Bridge.” When you looked up you were already there. The warmth of your room replaced by cold steal, wind, and flurries of snow. You would spend the foreseeable future shoring metal for the Bridge Keeper. Making rivets. Clearing imperfections. Watching trains. Trying not to fall- you look down. The rushing waters of the river far below, grinding away at the rock bed. A good job for an Equalizer with temper.

The SLUMBER ZOIRGLE is one of the most sought after familiars second only to maybe the Golden Zoirgle (for obvious reaso...

The SLUMBER ZOIRGLE is one of the most sought after familiars second only to maybe the Golden Zoirgle (for obvious reasons 💰) However these are extremely rare creatures, since by the time you realize you are near one you are already asleep - kinda like those Silence creatures from Dr. Who but much better looking and slightly less murderous. Those lucky enough to tame one enjoy perfect slumber whenever they desire for whatever duration they need- holy crap could you imagine such a glorious thing, that’s going on my “if I ever found a goddamn genie” list. The creatures themselves live solitary lives and aside from their proclivity to make others sleep they are notorious insomniacs- sometimes staying up for months at a time on psychedelic tips, sojourns into the dream realm. To their keepers, these “journeys” are a nuisance, replete with hours of nonstop howling, spinning and bursts of laughter. To prevent such activities, owners are advised to keep their sleep zoirgles surrounded by comfortable things (i.e., fleece, cool breezes, oversized clothing, Mr. Rogers) and on a strict diet- NEVER feed them though the handbook does not specifically say nerds candy and could very well be actual nerds (the handbook itself is quite outdated tbh).

To round out my “putting socks on borzois” series, I put socks on Vladimir - I think I might have inadvertently jogged l...

To round out my “putting socks on borzois” series, I put socks on Vladimir - I think I might have inadvertently jogged loose some latent trauma, memories of a horrific jazzercise class or a Footloose marathon gone wrong. He just sat there in stunned silence, the silt of memories at the bottom of his aquarium mind stirred up in a tempest of fish p**p and stress. I imagine that song from KILL BILL was playing in his thoughts ( I found it and linked it, lol, what is this MySpace now?). The socks themselves he didn’t seem to mind. I made sure to take them off before he scrambled to his feet, lord knows what socks on tile going 100mph would have done.

I don’t understand self care. I know it’s important, but it eludes me. Meditate. Awesome, stop thinking- If you accompli...

I don’t understand self care. I know it’s important, but it eludes me. Meditate. Awesome, stop thinking- If you accomplish that 100%, you’re just dead. Hobbies are cool. I started doing Jiu-Jitsu again. I feel like someone left me in a rock tumbler trying not to die. Breath work? Yes I can breathe. Work out? 5 days, that’s just to feel normal now. Eat a cookie? Guilt. Have a drink? Hangover. Cold showers? Going on 2 years. Fasting? Once a week, again to feel normal. Cry? Now I’m wet. Draw? You’re looking at it. Read a book - this works, but then I get so inspired to write that I go nuts. Oh, so just write then! I DO but I get so into my characters I can’t stop thinking about it. I get up a billion times a night, because a fictitious murderer needs a better backstory (it’s really too trite that he was abandoned in a coal mine) or I contemplate something meaningless - do you think ants get migraines? Or it’s true you can lessen the glycemic impact of carbohydrates by freezing them. Sometimes I’ll crawl over to Celes on her bed and and gobble up her stick legs like I’m trying to get all the laundry out the dryer in one trip… and I’ll just sit there and listen to her breath (if I did this to Ora she would give me a black eye). Ahh. Peace. I’m sure Moose doesn’t understand how much this moment means (is dad gonna yeet me out the window? Am I just a bundle to you?), maybe she does. It’s weird because if you ask me if I’m happy, the answer is resoundingly yes- I realize that I’m just really hard on myself. Maybe the self care is working, but it’s just that like tentative phase. A frayed thread. Drying tar. A healing cut. I think we are all some level of this. I’m trying to cultivate being gentle, not just other people but to myself.

GLAM. We go through a lot of collars in our house. Either they’re lost to oblivion- notoriously a noodle will show up na...

GLAM. We go through a lot of collars in our house. Either they’re lost to oblivion- notoriously a noodle will show up naked and I’ll never know WTH happened - or they are SHREDDED to bits while they are playing. As sighthounds you gotta get a martingale collar - their skinny ass heads slip out of regular ones like a baby wearing large surgical gloves- The bigger question here is why was the baby performing surgery in the first place, there is absolutely no way he passed his certifications, but I guess in a pinch, aka your appendix is about to rupture, having a baby surgeon is better than no surgeon at all, but I digress. We got sent some collars from (pictured here). These are 2” thicc and 14-18” adjustable- this range was enough to fit both Leetle little Russian lady and MOOSE GALOOT. We do our best to support small businesses when getting new neck adornments- were nice enough to send us some with zero obligations but no reason not to give an honest review on a good product made by a lovely husband and wife team (they’re both lovely, in case that wasn’t clear, I’m not trying to say one is better than the other, I’m sure internally they’ve figured that out by now). Check them out.

🏡 Say hello to Athens! This handsome little man is more than just a pretty face in a cashmere coat! Athens is all things...

🏡 Say hello to Athens! This handsome little man is more than just a pretty face in a cashmere coat! Athens is all things perfect puppy. Playful but responsive, a cuddle bug with plenty of rough and tumble puppy energy, loves his meals, his toys, all people, other dogs and especially his brother Columbus. He sleeps like an angel all night and his aim is improving daily! Did I say smart? Smart! This high steppin bundle of love will change your life!



MONCH. The goats are not good at catching food in their mouths. Ora gets wayyyyy too excited- hey girl, there’s no need ...

MONCH. The goats are not good at catching food in their mouths. Ora gets wayyyyy too excited- hey girl, there’s no need to unhinge your jaw like a Python. It’s an aggressive “cast a wide net” sort of situation, but with a gaping borzoi maw I’m afraid she’ll get a finger, or raven flying overhead. Same premise as a whale suction feeding a krill patch - sometimes a kayaker becomes Jonah and I’m determined to avoid seeing the inside of a hose goat stomach. Celes watches my face as the food strikes her face, absorbing the blow without the slightest indication she felt it. Once it has flopped onto the floor, she seems surprised “for where did this gift come from, I shall consume.” Vlad, if he noticed the food hit him at all (his fur provides a static valence of protection), would not be interested in it. He is a finicky eater normally, but to be insulted by the food being yeeted at him like a carnival dunk tank would make him go on a hunger strike. I did not include pictures of Celes and Vlad on purpose, it would just be food striking borzoi faces and that could be taken the wrong way.

I think my new favorite hobby is putting socks on the noodles, it really accentuates their body shape I.e., Celes looks ...

I think my new favorite hobby is putting socks on the noodles, it really accentuates their body shape I.e., Celes looks like a giant lamb chop (especially pic 1). Their legs are so mind bogglingly skinny. Skeeeeeny. Tina got a buncha cheap knee high socks she was gonna use for her horsey riding time (actual horses) but I’ve commandeered them for this pressing analysis of hose goat anatomy. In a lot of ways, both in physical shape and in candor, borzois are like a normal dog on stilts - no one on stilts feels THAT stable or comfortable, which would explain why their overly concentrated countenance seems to be saying “I’m already barely keeping this together, so whatever you’re planning on doing make it gentle.” There is also a deliberateness to how they step, also like stilts, one patch of mud or, god-forbid, a tile floor and the whole system collapses like an AT-ST on the forest moon of Endor. BUT they can run 40mph. Whoever spec’ed these things out had zero, I meant ZERO, concern for safety- The whole body is a crumple zone. I have to admit, every time my girls are running full out (daily, maybe twice a day), I am terrified, since I cannot fathom how something that looks like it’s constructed out of 1/8th inch PVC pipe and duct table won’t obliterate at those speeds. Like just combust like a Lego model.

I wonder about the universe and what really happens in the spaces between our senses- Things we cannot notice but feel t...

I wonder about the universe and what really happens in the spaces between our senses- Things we cannot notice but feel that they are there. Maybe whole worlds of intelligent creatures are crowded around us, going about their day, their perception and mass out of phase with ours. To them, we are the poltergeists (maybe I’m more big foot), angels, devils, pixies and dragons. We try to communicate with tarot cards and mushroom circles. And when we do accidentally go there, in the paralysis of our dreams or that sweat lodge out in Big Bear, we just scream at each other. Scream at the unknown, scream at data belying our senses, scream at the creatures just going about their days.

Playing in the snow today❄️❄️❄️ We had fun and had fun. When I look back on it like this, I feel like Adonis is the most...

Playing in the snow today❄️❄️❄️

We had fun and had fun.

When I look back on it like this, I feel like Adonis is the most energetic🤣🤣🤣

It's strange that Gray isn't in this snowy landscape😞
Isn't it lying somewhere? I think so.

large dog

boy army
multi-headed pet

is probably the same

This is Adonis. As some of you may know, this child was taken into custody due to child neglect and became our child. Af...

This is Adonis.

As some of you may know, this child was taken into custody due to child neglect and became our child.

After getting a lot of information, I found out who the father was and who my siblings were from the same birth.

And today, through a chance conversation, I found out about my mom.

Val, is there a photo of a member of the Ron family adopting a pup from a retired breeding dog in August of this year?
It's kind of similar.

After exchanging it, I thought it was ✨✨✨
Finally, the mom is finally revealed ❤️❤️❤️

It's kind of amazing😊

To all the brothers and sisters of Adonis.
Mom is healthy and happy.
She was good.
I'm happy.

Let's meet parent and child at the next offline meeting 😆✌️🩷

large dog

guardian child
'm great now

привет ..мои прекрасные люди с Новым годом.  У меня есть эти щенки, которые навсегда ищут дом, чтобы поселиться.

привет ..мои прекрасные люди с Новым годом. У меня есть эти щенки, которые навсегда ищут дом, чтобы поселиться.

YOU GUYS! I absolutely LOVE this account  - run by a hilarious screenwriter and his FOUR adorable borzoi dogs. It’s rare...

YOU GUYS! I absolutely LOVE this account - run by a hilarious screenwriter and his FOUR adorable borzoi dogs. It’s rare I’m moved to make fan art, but how could I not? Follow them & always read the captions, some of the best writing — guaranteed to make you LOL. OH, p.s. the vintage border pattern pillow kit is in the shop if you need to stitch your own with different words. ❤️🥰❤️ This is a repost, so here’s a sample of his writing: “Hose Sweet Hose… needs to use that instead of another round of Live Laugh Love, or like “it’s wine o clock” or whatever other slogan they use for us to gently mask the seething pain of existence. Something to make us chuckle, just once or twice, as we slowly succumb to oxidative death- exacerbated by substance abuse and insomnia. Put a picture of a dog on it too, so it becomes a soft reminder to feed our fanged minions, you know when you come home kinda drunk and you’re like “I feel like I’m forgetting something.” And you turn around and your dog is standing there trying to look as emaciated as they can even though the vet said “well, wouldn’t hurt to forget a couple times,” or “stop with the bed cheese.” I’m so distracted. Julie from made this for us. If you’re into cross-stitch (and who the F isn’t) you need to follow her. She is as kind as she is talented. I need to get Hose Sweet Hose tattooed on my abdomen now. Wait. No I don’t, I didn’t think that through.”

🖤🥢Please Meet Chopstick!🥢🖤He is a 16 week old english bulldog/lab mix that we rescued along with his siblings. He is so ...

🖤🥢Please Meet Chopstick!🥢🖤
He is a 16 week old english bulldog/lab mix that we rescued along with his siblings. He is so excited to find his furever family❣️

🏡 Chopstick is the sweetest boy with a charismatic and spunky personality. He loves kids and other dogs. Some of his favorite thing to do- play with his sister, play tug of war and to cuddle in your arms.

🐶 Thank you to our foster Alicia, we couldn’t do it without you!

11 month old Toffee.  Our boisterous bouncy girl

11 month old Toffee. Our boisterous bouncy girl

16 CHEESES!!!! in honor of   we wanted to complete a row, so we went from 14 to 16. This is getting really really really...

16 CHEESES!!!! in honor of we wanted to complete a row, so we went from 14 to 16. This is getting really really really hard and I need everyone to know that I am not without some degree of self-reflection… that I understand the insanity of being a grown ass man, who has a young son, bills to pay, back pain, and plethora of fart jokes who is balancing string cheese, MONTHS OLD STRING CHEESE, on his dog’s head at 730am on a Sunday. I am fully aware, but I started this and we are going to see it through. I NEVER in a million years thought we would get this far. This is bonkers. You’ll notice I started letting Ora choose which cheese gets to die at the end - she took one of the most fetid ones, but seemed most excited.

Brûlée, sibling of naughty boy Pirelli, could not be more different shes a good girl who is eager to please,  such a swe...

Brûlée, sibling of naughty boy Pirelli, could not be more different shes a good girl who is eager to please, such a sweetie
I wanted ti get both these siblings out running but we skipped an opportunity when Frank was judging the weekend before last due to my concerns about the awful doggy respiratory disease going around, and also the one i was suffering from. I am hoping the treatment gets better for the pooches who are exposed the the mystery illness before it gets to us.

A few happy snaps from delivering young Ms Hildie to her new family in snowy New York,  Lumi came along for the ride and...

A few happy snaps from delivering young Ms Hildie to her new family in snowy New York, Lumi came along for the ride and they were fast friends. The introduction to all that cold white snow stuff was a shock to them both though.


Happy new year and happy

Happy new year and happy

Seven years ago... time flies... just as it has this year almost at an end thank you to everyone out there, even the hat...

Seven years ago... time flies... just as it has this year almost at an end thank you to everyone out there, even the haters taking a peak🤣 I appreciated every comment and ❤️that made me smile and added to my enjoyment as you interacted with my little account here. To those of you that have reached out and managed to acquire one of our little bundles of mischief, and given them a great forever home we are even more grateful. So it's out with the old year and in with the new. Have a great rest of the year and i know some great things are coming to us soon in the new year.

TODAY is the start of SNOOT WEEEK, in our third year doing this we will be dedicating the week to Joy - SNOOT WEEK by La...

TODAY is the start of SNOOT WEEEK, in our third year doing this we will be dedicating the week to Joy - SNOOT WEEK by Lady McMuffin the 3nd. Please tag me in any SNOOT PICS and I’ll repost it It also happens to be The Oracle’s (my son) birthday! Oh and it’s also the New Year. SO MUCH GREATEST ON ONE DAY. I can’t believe skin slug is 1, being born on the first day of Snoot Week, so auspicious. To think one year ago I was on the hospital with making a “let me do it for you” video while Locke slept. I probably should repost that. Maybe not. Who knows! The crackling chaos of snoot week has begun? Who knows what shall be done.

They could make a Pixar movie about the grasshoppers in our yard. A verdant valley of near limitless food in a desert oa...

They could make a Pixar movie about the grasshoppers in our yard. A verdant valley of near limitless food in a desert oasis. A small family of hoppers have carved out an existence living safely on the cliffs of brick. A BEAST roams the lands with a near limitless appetite for bug flesh. Generations have been lost. You cannot bargain with it. You cannot reason. It only wants the crunch of exoskeleton after an exhaustive and tormenting pursuit. One young Grasshopper, named like Hoppy or some terrible s**t, will study the dog language and try to be inclusive, inviting the Galoot to the brick… where it murders everyone in a denouement out blood. I take it back, not Pixar, more Tarantino.

WE MADE 14!!! I took a huge gamble. Spirits were very low at the Manor and I knew a stacking success could be a small li...

WE MADE 14!!! I took a huge gamble. Spirits were very low at the Manor and I knew a stacking success could be a small light in the darkness… but if we failed again, it would be even worse. Ora arrived poised and prepared, in fact, it was like she knew how much was riding on this (14 cheeses to be exact). Like a true champion, she rose with the pressure, the Jordan of Cheese stacking. We easily bested a 3 second hold, was probably more than 15. Celebration rang again through the halls of Mantis Manor. Mirth returned if only for a brief moment, as our blood cholesterol peaked during the post cheese stack feast. Thank you to everyone who voted for us to continue- comebacks are always sweeter.

I'm a little late in posting for   but better late than never! My forever love and business name muse, High Desert Aviat...

I'm a little late in posting for but better late than never! My forever love and business name muse, High Desert Aviator (Pilot) and Symar Colour of the Sun (Sunny).




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