This is a gratitude post for some very amazing people.
Thank you to Denise from Flights For Hope for helping cover the cost for 12 puppies to get from Save A Dog Network Canada to Ottawa. Katie from Save A Dog Network works tirelessly to save so many. Vimy, pictured here, is one of those lucky dogs.
There is a crisis in Northern Manitoba and dog shoots are happening. Only by the grace and goodwill of people in the communities do these dogs get a chance at life. Thank you to those of you on the front lines saving these creatures. The dogs not only have to contend with dog shoots but also starvation, freezing temps, and each other. It is a hard and often short life.
Consider a donation to these 2 wonderful organizations who are helping the vulnerable dogs of Canada's North.
If you can foster a Northern pooch, adult or puppy, we need you. Please apply online at www.sitwithme.ca/foster. Keep in mind these dogs do need dedicated homes, and while super cute puppies, they are active dogs who grow up fast. If fostering is not right for you, hosting a fundraiser or donating to us or the organizations above, all contribute to saving lives. We are always in need of puppy pads, puppy safe toys, puppy pens, and quality puppy food. Email us at [email protected] for drop-off locations ♡
Thank you to all of you who are trying to alleviate suffering in any way you can in the world ♡ You are making it a better place. Just ask Vimy ♡