Oh the joy of running through the leaves
I'm teaching my little brother the ropes at the beach. Apparently he thought you could just walk right in and swim.
My new favorite toy...gurrrrrrr
I am the fastest bulldog in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
I learned a new game and I am gettin pretty good!!!
The beach was amazing...now I'm spent
My favorite place ever.....
Look at my three new sisters...they look tasty to me...
I'm gong to miss my cousin!!!!! Go zoomies!!!!
I'm helping water the backyard but I want to eat it soooooo badly. Oh and grace is not my middle name ;)
Don't you just feel like some days life just kicks you in the face... Oh wait thats not life, that's a kitten :)
My last moments at the beach....
Ten years old and still ready to play, I hope I'm this happy when I reach a decade too
A day on the river and I just wish I could eat a duck!!!!
Flash back Friday.....oh I was soooooo cute
I love Ruff soooooo much, I can barely keep my eyes open on the way home...or is it Mamma listening to NPR that is putting me to sleep????
If you're not fast, you're last
Oh and I love birds, unfortunately they are not as fond of me ;)
I am just so pretty that I had to give myself a kiss...
What a day. Took a walk and met Biggie Smalls (doggie version), had coffee with the Storm, and saw a dancing poodle. Pretty great life if you ask me