Heart and Soul with Animals

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Heart and Soul with Animals Animal communication and energy healing services and events for people and their pets


The giant wood moth (Endoxyla cinereus) is one of the largest moth species in the world. According to the Australian Museum, adult females are about twice as large as males, can weigh up to 30 grams, and have a wingspan of up to 25 centimeters. They live in the forests of Australia and New Zealand.
Credit Goes To The Respective Owner

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In just a few hours - Understanding Your Animals: Senior CareJOin me!

In just a few hours - Understanding Your Animals: Senior Care
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Join me SWEET SUPPORT WINTER HEALING SERIES(Monthly Meetings)Great gift for friends and family who worry about their ani...

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(Monthly Meetings)

Great gift
for friends and family who worry about their animal companions

Register by December 21 (Winter Solstice) and receive
VACATION CHECKLIST - tips to care for
animal companions when you go away

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Join us and get support for the last chapters in your beloved animal companions life.

Join us and get support for the last chapters in your beloved animal companions life.

Greetings friends, Spring was ushered in for me this year with projects, and plans for for a two week trip to Colorado. ...

Greetings friends,

Spring was ushered in for me this year with projects, and plans for for a two week trip to Colorado. My Colorado intentions for attending a three-day Advanced Proficiency Healing Touch for Animals training, offering two workshop and sessions, and doing some visiting and recreating got utterly foiled. I came down with covid. It was like nothing I had ever experienced – in bed for 10 days, flew home (thank God for wheelchair assistance) and it was a few more days before I started functioning again. I’m happy to say I’m back in business with only mild reverberations. Going at a slower pace these days.

When I got home and looked out my window I was heartened by the exuberance and renewal of spring. Everywhere I looked was an abundance of green colors, blossoms bursting open and divine fragrances wafting. The birdsong an uplifting symphony. Such inspiration for healing was most welcome!

I am grateful for my projects and my service to animals and nature. After being out of commission the grace of good works takes on more meaning and uplifts heart and soul even as my body continues to mend.

No matter how many years go by, I still find myself awed and honored having the opportunity to share in the inner lives of animals and bring that to their people.

The icing on the amazing cake of a life I have, is that I am engaged in several creative endeavors, not the least of which is getting my book out. I am putting together a book proposal with the intention of publishing as soon as possible. I will keep you posted!

This summer I will be offering a Monthly Group Meetings where you will receive helpful tips, messages from animals, energy healing for your pets and peace of mind for you. More on that soon!.

I hope wherever you are, you and yours are enjoying this glorious season.

Wishing you love and peaceful living in harmony with all of Mother Nature's creatures.

Love, kindness and caring,

Register and join us in Boulder, ColoradoEarly Bird Ends tomorrow! HeartandSoulwithAnimals@gmail.com

Register and join us in Boulder, Colorado
Early Bird Ends tomorrow!
[email protected]

Warm Holiday greetings, You know how you've thought, "Ok it can't get worse than this" - and it inevitably does. Well th...

Warm Holiday greetings,

You know how you've thought, "Ok it can't get worse than this" - and it inevitably does. Well thank goodness the converse is true. It doesn't get better than this - and then it does!

Well despite the several personal mishaps of the year and the monumental ones in the collective, this year has followed the latter.

Often when I least expect it, even during not so fun experiences like recovering from two fractured foot bones - grace emerges. I barely batted an eyelash once I survived the disappointment of canceled trips. Even as my client volume diminished to not next to nothing - as if in tacit agreement everyone knew I needed healing space - I hummed along in equanimity. And then when I got back on my feet a surge of animals needed help and their people reached out to me. In this last quarter of the year, I hit the ground running and haven’t stopped, nor looked back.

During the fallow time of convalescing, I had the opportunity to work on some long-standing visions of how I can further serve animals and their people. To that end I am excited to be of further service and bring you a new offering – the Animal Wellness Session. I invite you to start the new year caring and sharing wellness with all your loved ones including your animal companions.

In addition to continued work on my book, which I'm aiming to publish in 2023, I have, after putting it off for years, gotten back to several creative art forms and am fulfilled beyond expectation. Life is better than ever.

As we wrap up 2022 and move into 2023, I bow my head in honor to those who have prevailed, which is all of us, and particularly to those fighting for their lives, for their families, for their homes, for their freedom and their right to the fulfillment of basic human needs and human rights.
Despite the never-ending cycles of the human condition, I am filled with faith that the kindness, compassion, caring, strength, hope, and heart that we offer to ourselves, each other and all of Mother Earth’s children - are like the flap of a butterfly's wing that changes the weather system, in this case to one of sustainable living on a new earth.

From our family to you and yours - two legged, four legged, winged – all your family - wishing you good health, good fortune, joy and peace. And deep contentment with the gifts that life has brought and is bringing to you in this new year.

Love, kindness and caring,

Winter Holiday SpecialNew offeringStart the new year with an- Animal Wellness Session -Body Scan and Nutritional Assessm...

Winter Holiday Special
New offering

Start the new year with an
- Animal Wellness Session -
Body Scan and Nutritional Assessment

Get information;
* You can bring to your veterinarian
* What's going on with your animal companion's body - organs, systems
* What healing modalities your animal companion resonates with
* Which individual foods and nutrients work best and which ones don't!
* Which pet food is most compatible for your animal companion's health and well being

Normally $200 Special rate $150

Take advantage of this offer and sign up by midnight, Saturday, December 31, 2022

[email protected]

Serephina's Journey Home - Part II Last time we left Serephina, she was hunkered down far back in a dark tunnel after fo...

Serephina's Journey Home - Part II

Last time we left Serephina, she was hunkered down far back in a dark tunnel after following a calling and blissfully basking in the portal of star energy.

Now terrified, all memory of bliss had disappeared as she shook with fear as racing anguish coursed through her tunnels. She curled in tight and waited. Daylight came. Her confidence was shaken she didn’t trust the sounds or sights. Best stay put.

That morning when she had not returned home Robin knew what to do. She called the Animal Lady. After they talked the Animal Lady connected with Serephina, but all she was able to discern was that Serephina was paralyzed with fear in a dark cavern with the sound of water trickling in the background. The Animal Lady knew what to do.

Most lost pet information is about dogs, so the Animal Lady knew to contact the Lost Cat Lady. With guidance and advice from the lost cat expert a plan of action came into being. Together they set out to look for Serephina. Robin asked neighbors to check their hidey hole places like basements and sheds. Armed with the proper equipment they set out traps with Serephina’s favorite foods and an unlaundered pillow case (Robin’s human smell would keep the wild animals away but attract Serephina). They checked animal shelters on a daily basis.

After a week, when there was no sign of Serephina, Robin got scared and lost hope. The Animal Lady and Lost Cat Lady encouraged her not to give up. The Lost Cat Lady said some of her clients’ cats had returned after two months and one even after 2 years!

Seraphina huddled in her temporary den for a few days. She found water and gingerly licked but she was still hungry. One afternoon a group of young adult humans came by. They were talking and shouting, one even had a big stick he was using to hit the bushes that were alarmingly close to the Serephina’s tunnel. She was on full alert now. When the humans got to the tunnel, flight mode kicked in and as soon as she saw a window of escape she ran. Car sounds drifted in and out as she carefully skulked from cover to cover until she found a big box, a den where people kept their things. There was a slight opening and step by silent step she carefully made her way in. Out of several small box caves she chose the darkest one in the corner and dug herself in.

Her mouth was dry, stomach tingly and flat. Her legs felt like brambles knifing. Oh, she was so hungry, so tired, thirsty and scared. She felt so alone. Fear her constant companion and guide now kept her awake and on alert. Then she felt the wings of love, a calming and clearing wash through her. A voice let let her know that Robin was looking for her and then she felt Robin. She remembered to have faith and finally slept, dreaming of walking in the stars with Robin. The Animal Lady was talking to her.

Soon after a human woman came into the den. She rummaged around in the opposite corner. She was calm and steady, humming a gentle tune as she searched for something. After a while she paused, sat down and said some words to herself. Despite herself Seraphina was curious and somehow comforted by the lady’s song and words. As the calmness spread Serephina most gently, most quietly squeaked a tiny little mewl. The lady observant and aware heard this tiny cry and whispered to herself, "What do we have here? A kitty?Someone must but very scared." She then started to sing another song and with that song Serephina saw pictures of the lady offering her water and food. Then the lady went away but soon returned with the very food and water .

Meanwhile Robin and the Animal Lady were very grateful to the Lost Cat Lady. Together they continued to implement the recommended strategies. The Animal Lady continued to talk with Serephina letting her know her mom was looking for her. She sent Serephina healing energy reminding her of her own magnificence.

With food, water, the lady’s singing and her invitation to love Serephina learned to trust the lady. She came out for food and water, then for petting, then she sat on the lady’s lap and finally allowed herself to be picked up and carried into the house. Once safe in the house Serephina and the lady became good friends. The lady had recently lost her mate and was lonely. Her heart still ached and she understood Seraphina’s fear and loneliness. She was happy to welcome her into her home and her life. Both Serephina and the lady were getting to know each other. Serephina felt Robin, felt her love as they visited in dreams, but she was here now and subject to her fate.

And so, the weeks went by. They were happy with each other and their hearts were opening. But Serephina missed Robin, she missed her special door where she could go out on her walkabouts, hide in the shrubbery, smell the soil, play with the insects and other animals, feel the earth on her belly, the sun on her back. Serephina missed home.


For more information on the Lost Cat Lady, Kim Freeman, go to
Tell her I sent you!

Find your missing cat with real options and services from the Lost Cat Finder. With years of experience and more than a thousand cats found, Kim Freeman provides resources and services to help you find your lost cat.

Top right clockwise: Me Lesia as a girl, Ukrainian and family artifacts including my grandfather's suit and book, me tod...

Top right clockwise: Me Lesia as a girl, Ukrainian and family artifacts including my grandfather's suit and book, me today standing proud to be Ukrainian-American, and my altar for Ukraine


Winter in the northern hemisphere is on its way out and spring is just around the corner. Here in temperate Washington, we had a cold spell after late February. Crocuses, primroses and cherry tree blossoms pushed their way out into the world. Since my friends in Maine and Colorado tell me they still have frigid temperatures and snow on the ground, I am legitimately getting this my winter newsletter to you.

I would like to share more with you about how everything slowed down for me this winter; how my husband and I made adjustments to our space and lives since we got kittens; and how these kittens have brought boundless joy into our home and hearts. But instead, I will be digressing.

What has shadowed my landscape in a much bigger way than expected are world events. The attack on Ukraine rocked my world deeply. Many of you may not know that I was raised Ukrainian by immigrant parents and grandparents. I have always given my loyalty to my home country the United States of America, but I have always felt myself to be bi-cultural.

One of the difficult aspects of growing up in a refugee ethnic community was the collective trauma field. The horrors unimaginable to me even today let alone as a child were many. My grandfather persecuted (by Russian KGB) for close to half his life including years in Siberian concentration camp; parents raised under a totalitarian dictatorship bent on destroying Ukrainian independence, culture and people (5 million estimated to have starved in the Holodomor); WWII. To see beloved kin processing such suffering was something that broke my heart, but seeing the blatant streak of homophobia, sexism, racism in the Ukrainian community hurt my soul. All these factors wove together, and to say that I was conflicted and overwhelmed is an understatement of which the outcome was that I couldn’t get away from it fast enough. I was too young to understand that every entity (nation, culture, community, individual) has its warts!

Although I distanced myself and repressed my Ukrainianess, I chose to nurture some aspect of my heritage - the love of Mother nature and Mother earth; the love of the nurturing land, the generous plants and the animals that grace our lives; this I learned from my grandparents. Life with a community of people sharing art, music, dance, poetry, laughter, intellectual dialogue, over sumptuous feasts continued to nourish me as I recreated such relationships in my own life. I learned of the healing power of nature and how art saves lives. And I learned perserverance.

As my grandparents, then parents, family and community members left this world, I not only found myself growing closer to my siblings but also to the cultural roots of my ancestors. In these last couple of months I reread my grandfather’s memoir (in Ukrainian) and was left deeply moved, in a way I had never been before, by the legacy he left. He was the kindest man I ever knew, devoted to being in service to the greater good. I wondered how could someone who lived through such wounding be the great human being that he was. I also wondered where for me as someone who identifies as an American, my Ukrainianess fit in. Within weeks of reopening this familiar musing, on the night of February 23, I couldn’t fall asleep. Unusual for me. I tossed and turned all night. Morning finally came and I got up only to find that Kyiv had been bombed. How could I have slept? My body blood, the very DNA knew that the land of her ancestors was at war. Again.

I did not expect that I would be as deeply upset as I was by the attack on Ukraine. I cry when I hear about the destruction and I cry when I hear about the generous support pouring in from around the world. Inspired by my deceased grandfather, who I now talk to daily, I have chosen to focus on the bigger picture: being grateful for my life, family and friends.

Yet I cannot deny the ring of blood to blood. I also hear my grandfather tell me to speak truth to power. Today I stand with Ukraine, land of my heritage and ancestry. I stand for all peoples, nations, societies, cultures who are oppressed, persecuted, attacked who fight for their lives, their human rights, freedom, sovereignty, independence. And there are many. First Peoples, African Americans, Tibetans, Syrians, Timor-Lestens. The list goes on. I know that fascism, totalitarianism, sexism, racism, LBGTQphobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, animal abuse and all forms of repressed shadow exist in all humans, all peoples, all nations including this my country, the land of the free.

I stand for freedom
I stand for justice,
I stand for sovereignty
I stand for independence
I stand for human rights
I stand for kindness,
I stand for compassion
I stand for respect of all life
I stand for Love
I stand for the right to Be

Peace to all Earth’s creatures.



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