Ecollar training while hiking with Ace & Mopar!
When conditioned properly, this remote communication device acts like an invisible leash for your dog. Enabling handlers to give meaningful reminders and feedback to the dog from close or far away — whether it’s resetting to a known command or stopping them from snacking on the fresh turkey poops along the path. 😅
Ace is just starting his Ecollar training journey and is already doing a fabulous job! We’re teaching him to return to us when we beep the tone on his collar and how to turn off the resulting ecollar stimulation if he chooses to ignore the initial audial cue. He’s also getting the hang of heel positioning while walking alongside us and wearing his muzzle during outings so his family will have more confidence when practicing around others.
Mopar is further along with his Ecollar training but we still utilize this tool to fine-tune his obedience as we hold him to higher standards. We always start our hikes/outings by ensuring consistent listening skills in order to allow more freedom as we go. It’s so fun watching them explore and enjoy just being dogs living in the moment while still happily returning when called and moving together as a unit.
Good boys, Mopar & Ace! 🐾❤️🥰
Mopar’s family joined us for his mid-training session!
They learned how to fine-tune his heel position with low-level ecollar pressure. We also practiced guest arrival protocol, stopping jumping, and polite greetings. He even showed off his new kennel and treadmill skills.
Good job, Mopar! 🐾❤️🐕
Continued training with Ace & Mopar!
We have a few different things happening in this video including:
🐕 Treadmill training — a great way to build confidence, coordination, and structured exercises in a temperature controlled space.
▶️ Playtime with Ecollar training — another way to add exercise while also building impulse control, handler respect, and clear understanding of cues.
🏠 Crate conditioning — an important skill for every dog to have in case they need to be kenneled during travel/vet care or as a safe personal space for routine management at home to prevent resource guarding or separation anxiety.
👏 Prong collar training — this tool provides clear pressure on/off communication which minimizes leash tension and allows for subtle communication.
🐶 Practicing together — just because another dog is in the picture doesn’t mean we fall apart! Setting up exercises like these means more opportunities to create consistency and polite manners around others.
Good job, Mopar & Ace! 🐾❤️🙌
Intro exercises and trust building with Ace!
He’s an anxious/fearful dog that has made unsafe choices in the past around people and animals. How do we break the ice with cases like these? Instead of trying to shove treats at them or put our hands on them, we simply have them follow us using a leash. This is much less intimidating and allows curiosity and observation without overwhelming them.
During his first day of training with us we worked on leash etiquette and manners while also adding tasks and gradual challenges. Although stepping on a balance ball or climbing over step stools may seem unnecessary, exercises like these have amazing benefits! It increases confidence, trust, problem-solving skills, resilience, coordination, and teamwork. Ace is already making progress as we integrate him and establish peaceful co-existence.
Good boy, Ace! 🐾❤️😁
Confidence building and crate conditioning with Mopar!
This big boy has already been introduced to training tools and knows basic commands. He struggles with reactivity/insecurity around new people/dogs, isn’t left alone because of his separation anxiety, won’t go into his crate at how, and even broke out of a crate at the vet due to stress.
We got right to work cleaning up his leash manners while getting to know each other and started adding distractions like our dog, Grim. Instead of jumping right into crate conditioning, we had Mopar conquer easier yet increasing challenges like going over jumps and new obstacles. This prepared him and developed initial trust with his trainer, so that by the time he was guided to the crate, he went right in! From here we taught boundary respect (waiting for permission to exit) and patterned calm choices. By the time it was time for bed later that night he slept without issue. Crate conditioning is an important skill that is taught to ensure safety, prevent separation anxiety, and increase self-assurance.
Good boy, Mopar! 🐾❤️🙌
Field trip with Kona!
Instead of barking/growling at others or becoming overwhelmed and stressed, we’re using her new listening skills and handler trust to conquer challenges. Any reactivity can be quickly interrupted with the prong or ecollar while we work on patterning more polite choices and advocate for her spatial needs. We’re so happy with her progress! She’s much more self-assured as we continue to build a more positive association around strangers and previous triggers like the vet. We can focus more on having fun together while we expand her comfort zone.
Good girl, Kona! 🐾❤️🤩
“Out” command practice with Archie & Bruin!
Teaching your dog to move away from resources on cue — whether it’s a person, food, toys, space, etc. — helps prevent resource guarding. Many people get bit when trying to remove items from dogs or move them away from others or off furniture. Having them disengage and create space means we can safely access the resource without any conflict.
Good boy, Bruin & Archie! 🐾❤️😎
Bruin’s family joined us for his mid-training session!
He used to pull very hard on the leash and had even pulled his owner to the ground. It was so nice for them all to finally be able to walk him on a leash without getting dragged! They learned how to communicate with a prong collar and enforce new rules for polite manners and a calmer, happier dog. Everyone got a chance to practice creating consistency and Bruin even showed off his new treadmill skills.
Good boy, Bruin! 🐾❤️🥰
Kona’s family joined us for her mid-training session!
They learned how to use the leash and her daily kibble to pattern polite choices. Adding more structure into Kona’s daily life will help her better regulate her energy levels and prepare her for bigger challenges. She really loves working and knowing what to do! Having clear communication will continue to build their confidence as a team.
Good girl, Kona! 🐾❤️😍
Field trip with Archie & Bruin!
Preparation starts well before we enter any stores. During the ride we begin to create calmness in the car by having them hold down positions — instead of pacing, barking at others, or trying to scramble up front. Bruin is historically very anxious in the car especially when arriving somewhere new. We’re using the “double-down” technique to help him relax his mind by first relaxing his body and breathing. Allowing him to stand/pace and practically hyperventilate will only increase and prolong his stress. By having him rest his head and giving him time to steady his breathing, we can gradually bring him out of the anxiety cycle — much like breathing exercises to help stop a panic attack.
After ensuring good mindsets in the car, we practice outside before entering the store. Every step of the way we create consistent rules and predictable leadership that that can depend on. This helps dogs stay more successful in new surroundings like a busy store — building their confidence and resilience. We love seeing all of the pieces click together as we bring clarity to different areas of life.
Good boy, Bruin & Archie! 🐾❤️👏
Foundation training with Kona!
She’s very fearful of strangers, will bark/growl when approached, and recently chased someone down the road after breaking off her tie-out. We initially ignored her and walked side-by-side with her her and her owner until she was no longer reactive. After drop off, we had her follow us around using a slip lead and continued to ignore her once inside together. This gave her time to adjust to us and her new surroundings without putting pressure on her.
She was soon climbing in our laps and giving us kisses! We’re continuing to work on ice breaker exercises using her daily kibble and building an understanding for basic commands and feedback methods. This will help her choose safer choices once we inevitably need to stop/interrupt reactivity. By teaching her exactly what to do and what not to do, we can help her confidence and self-assurance grow.
Good girl, Kona! 🐾❤️😍
Ecollar proofing with Bodhi!
He’s already been taught expectations and basic commands but — being the pushy teenager that he is 😅 — will test these boundaries and blow off commands if given the opportunity. Instead of waiting for him to mess up while we’re trying to go about our normal routine, we set aside time to purposely add distractions and proof his response using feedback he finds valuable.
The tone sound 🔉 in this video was added for viewers like you to signal exactly when we are applying ecollar stim. We correct for things like jumping, reward for polite greetings, correct for breaking commands too soon, and reward for waiting for permission. Exercises like these increase handler respect while also building impulse control making for a more compliant dog. With the ability to apply precise and valuable feedback for unwanted choices we can reduce mistakes and have our rewards be more meaningful.
Good boy, Bodhi! 🐾❤️🥰