Cat Chorus
Happy Hump Day! Hope you enjoy these kittens as much as we do 👍🏻
Cat Chorus
Happy Hump Day! Hope you enjoy this kittens as much as we do. 🐱
Could you recognize white snakeroot if it were in your pasture?
Watch this video to see how ear mites can wiggle and scratch inside of your cat or dog's ears. Can you imagine how much this little kitten wanted to itch it's ears? Let us help treat your pet if you suspect these creepy crawly creatures! #earmites #vetlife #greenvillevetclinic
Sometimes our job is so cool! What nature does. How incredible is biology! #greenvillevetclinic #giftsfromadairyfarmer #amorphusglobosus #willkeepitinajar #vetlife
Is your pet protected?!? Below is a video looking through a microscope of a microfilaria(baby heartworm) moving in between red blood cells from a blood sample of a heartworm positive dog. Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes and the adult worms only get bigger and cause more problems after migrating to the heart! Make sure your furry friend is protected! Annual heartworm tests and year round heartworm prevention are key in keeping your pet safe! Call and make your appointment to get your pet heartworm tested and placed on prevention! #protectyourpet #heartwormdiseaseisbad #heartwormpreventionisgood #greenvillevetclinic
This little boy really bonded with this newborn calf. They both enjoyed follow-the-leader!